27 research outputs found

    Media 1: Quantitative differential phase contrast imaging in an LED array microscope

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    Originally published in Optics Express on 04 May 2015 (oe-23-9-11394

    Supplement Media 1: 3D intensity and phase imaging from light field measurements in an LED array microscope

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    Originally published in Optica on 20 February 2015 (optica-2-2-104

    Raw data, phase and amplitude reconstructions, synthesized phase contrast and DIC images for various samples and magnifications: micro-lens array (4x 0.1 NA), wild-type c. elegans (10x 0.25 NA), HEK 293T cells (20× 0.4 NA), MCF7 cells (20× 0.4 NA).

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    <p>Raw data, phase and amplitude reconstructions, synthesized phase contrast and DIC images for various samples and magnifications: micro-lens array (4x 0.1 NA), wild-type c. elegans (10x 0.25 NA), HEK 293T cells (20× 0.4 NA), MCF7 cells (20× 0.4 NA).</p

    Visualization 1: 3D differential phase contrast microscopy

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    Through focus of Embryos Originally published in Biomedical Optics Express on 01 October 2016 (boe-7-10-3940

    Comparison of standard DIC and PhC images to their synthesized counterparts from cDPC.

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    <p>Ground truth DIC images were acquired using a 20x 0.75 NA objective and phase contrast images using a 20x 0.4 NA PhC objective. cDPC images were acquired using a 20x 0.4 NA objective and our filter insert.</p

    Visualization 1: Multiplexed phase-space imaging for 3D fluorescence microscopy

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    Raw acquisition data and masks used on the SLM Originally published in Optics Express on 26 June 2017 (oe-25-13-14986

    Media 2: 3D differential phase-contrast microscopy with computational illumination using an LED array

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    Originally published in Optics Letters on 01 March 2014 (ol-39-5-1326

    Experimental demonstration of motion blur reduction with cDPC vs. conventional DPC.

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    <p>Our cDPC method results in significantly reduced motion blur artifacts due to its single-shot acquisition.</p

    Single-shot color Differential Phase Contrast (cDPC) microscopy.

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    <p>a) Optical schematic of a brightfield microscope with a cDPC color filter placed at the back focal plane of the condenser in Köhler configuration. b) Installation in Nikon TE300 microscope condenser turret. c) Reconstruction: the captured color image is separated into its RGB components, which are then used to recover two unknowns (amplitude and phase) via a well-posed linear deconvolution. The sample is a micro-lens array (Fresnel Technologies 605). d) CAD model and image of fabricated cDPC insert.</p

    Single-shot quantitative phase microscopy with color-multiplexed differential phase contrast (cDPC)

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    <div><p>We present a new technique for quantitative phase and amplitude microscopy from a single color image with coded illumination. Our system consists of a commercial brightfield microscope with one hardware modification—an inexpensive 3D printed condenser insert. The method, color-multiplexed Differential Phase Contrast (cDPC), is a single-shot variant of Differential Phase Contrast (DPC), which recovers the phase of a sample from images with asymmetric illumination. We employ partially coherent illumination to achieve resolution corresponding to 2× the objective NA. Quantitative phase can then be used to synthesize DIC and phase contrast images or extract shape and density. We demonstrate amplitude and phase recovery at camera-limited frame rates (50 fps) for various <i>in vitro</i> cell samples and c. elegans in a micro-fluidic channel.</p></div