6 research outputs found

    An increase in erythromycin resistance in methicillin-susceptible Staphylococcus aureus from blood correlates with the use of macrolide/lincosamide/streptogramin antibiotics. EARS-Net Spain (2004–2020)

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    Staphylococcus aureus; Antibiotic resistance; MacrolidesStaphylococcus aureus; Resistència als antibiòtics; MacròlidsStaphylococcus aureus; Resistencia a los antibióticos; MacrólidosObjectives: To describe and analyse erythromycin resistance trends in blood isolates of Staphylococcus aureus (EARS-Net Spain, 2004–2020) and the association of these trends with the consumption of macrolide, lincosamide, and streptogramin B (MLSB) antibiotics. To assess molecular changes that could be involved in erythromycin resistance trends by whole genome analysis of representative isolates. Materials and methods: We collected antibiotic susceptibility data for all first-blood S. aureus isolates in patients from 47 Spanish hospitals according to EARS-Net criteria. MLSB antibiotic consumption was obtained from the Spanish Agency for Medicines and Medical Devices (2008–2020). We sequenced 137 representative isolates for core genome multilocus sequence typing, resistome and virulome analysis. Results: For the 36,612 invasive S. aureus isolates, methicillin resistance decreased from 26.4% in 2004 to 22.4% in 2020. Erythromycin resistance in methicillin-susceptible S. aureus (MSSA) increased from 13.6% in 2004 to 28.9% in 2020 (p < 0.001); however, it decreased from 68.7 to 61.8% (p < 0.0001) in methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA). Total consumption of MLSB antibiotics increased from 2.72 defined daily doses per 1,000 inhabitants per day (DID) in 2014 to 3.24 DID in 2016. By WGS, the macrolide resistance genes detected were erm (59.8%), msrA (46%), and mphC (45.2%). The erm genes were more prevalent in MSSA (44/57, 77.2%) than in MRSA (38/80, 47.5%). Most of the erm genes identified in MSSA after 2013 differed from the predominant ermC gene (17/22, 77.3%), largely because ermT was significantly associated with MSSA after 2013 (11/29, 37.9%). All 13 ermT isolates in this study, except one, belonged to ST398 and came from 10 hospitals and six Spanish provinces. Conclusion: The significant increase in erythromycin resistance in blood MSSA correlated with the consumption of the MLSB antibiotics in Spain. These preliminary data seem support the hypothesis that the human ST398 MSSA clade with ermT-mediated resistance to erythromycin may be involved in this trend.This research was supported by CIBER—Consorcio Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red (CB21/13/00095, CB21/13/00006, CB21/13/00054, CB21/13/00068, CB21/13/00084, CB21/13/00099 groups of CIBERINFEC; CB06/06/0058 group of CIBERES), Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación and Unión Europea-NextGenerationEU. This research was also supported by Personalized and precision medicine grant from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (MePRAM Project, PMP22/00092), and by the Antibiotic Resistance and Staphylococcus aureus Surveillance Programs of the National Center for Microbiology, Instituto de Salud Carlos III

    An increase in erythromycin resistance in methicillin-susceptible Staphylococcus aureus from blood correlates with the use of macrolide/lincosamide/streptogramin antibiotics. EARS-Net Spain (2004–2020)

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    Objectives: To describe and analyse erythromycin resistance trends in blood isolates of Staphylococcus aureus (EARS-Net Spain, 2004–2020) and the association of these trends with the consumption of macrolide, lincosamide, and streptogramin B (MLSB) antibiotics. To assess molecular changes that could be involved in erythromycin resistance trends by whole genome analysis of representative isolates. Materials and methods: We collected antibiotic susceptibility data for all firstblood S. aureus isolates in patients from 47 Spanish hospitals according to EARS-Net criteria. MLSB antibiotic consumption was obtained from the Spanish Agency for Medicines and Medical Devices (2008–2020). We sequenced 137 representative isolates for core genome multilocus sequence typing, resistome and virulome analysis. Results: For the 36,612 invasive S. aureus isolates, methicillin resistance decreased from 26.4% in 2004 to 22.4% in 2020. Erythromycin resistance in methicillin-susceptible S. aureus (MSSA) increased from 13.6% in 2004 to 28.9% in 2020 (p < 0.001); however, it decreased from 68.7 to 61.8% (p < 0.0001) in methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA). Total consumption of MLSB antibiotics increased from 2.72 defined daily doses per 1,000 inhabitants per day (DID) in 2014 to 3.24 DID in 2016. By WGS, the macrolide resistance genes detected were erm (59.8%), msrA (46%), and mphC (45.2%). The erm genes were more prevalent in MSSA (44/57, 77.2%) than in MRSA (38/80, 47.5%). Most of the erm genes identified in MSSA after 2013 differed from the predominant ermC gene (17/22, 77.3%), largely because ermT was significantly associated with MSSA after 2013 (11/29, 37.9%). All 13 ermT isolates in this study, except one, belonged to ST398 and came from 10 hospitals and six Spanish provinces. Conclusion: The significant increase in erythromycin resistance in blood MSSA correlated with the consumption of the MLSB antibiotics in Spain. These preliminary data seem support the hypothesis that the human ST398 MSSA clade with ermT-mediated resistance to erythromycin may be involved in this trend.This research was supported by CIBER—Consorcio Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red (CB21/13/00095, CB21/13/00006, CB21/13/00054, CB21/13/00068, CB21/13/00084, CB21/13/00099 groups of CIBERINFEC; CB06/06/0058 group of CIBERES), Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación and Unión Europea-NextGenerationEU. This research was also supported by Personalized and precision medicine grant from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (MePRAM Project, PMP22/00092), and by the Antibiotic Resistance and Staphylococcus aureus Surveillance Programs of the National Center for Microbiology, Instituto de Salud Carlos III.S

    An increase in erythromycin resistance in methicillin-susceptible Staphylococcus aureus from blood correlates with the use of macrolide/lincosamide/streptogramin antibiotics. EARS-Net Spain (2004–2020)

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    ObjectivesTo describe and analyse erythromycin resistance trends in blood isolates of Staphylococcus aureus (EARS-Net Spain, 2004–2020) and the association of these trends with the consumption of macrolide, lincosamide, and streptogramin B (MLSB) antibiotics. To assess molecular changes that could be involved in erythromycin resistance trends by whole genome analysis of representative isolates.Materials and methodsWe collected antibiotic susceptibility data for all first-blood S. aureus isolates in patients from 47 Spanish hospitals according to EARS-Net criteria. MLSB antibiotic consumption was obtained from the Spanish Agency for Medicines and Medical Devices (2008–2020). We sequenced 137 representative isolates for core genome multilocus sequence typing, resistome and virulome analysis.ResultsFor the 36,612 invasive S. aureus isolates, methicillin resistance decreased from 26.4% in 2004 to 22.4% in 2020. Erythromycin resistance in methicillin-susceptible S. aureus (MSSA) increased from 13.6% in 2004 to 28.9% in 2020 (p &lt; 0.001); however, it decreased from 68.7 to 61.8% (p &lt; 0.0001) in methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA). Total consumption of MLSB antibiotics increased from 2.72 defined daily doses per 1,000 inhabitants per day (DID) in 2014 to 3.24 DID in 2016. By WGS, the macrolide resistance genes detected were erm (59.8%), msrA (46%), and mphC (45.2%). The erm genes were more prevalent in MSSA (44/57, 77.2%) than in MRSA (38/80, 47.5%). Most of the erm genes identified in MSSA after 2013 differed from the predominant ermC gene (17/22, 77.3%), largely because ermT was significantly associated with MSSA after 2013 (11/29, 37.9%). All 13 ermT isolates in this study, except one, belonged to ST398 and came from 10 hospitals and six Spanish provinces.ConclusionThe significant increase in erythromycin resistance in blood MSSA correlated with the consumption of the MLSB antibiotics in Spain. These preliminary data seem support the hypothesis that the human ST398 MSSA clade with ermT-mediated resistance to erythromycin may be involved in this trend

    Infección por Clostridioides Difficile (ICD) adquirida en la comunidad: epidemiología, factores de riesgo y de predicción de mala evolución

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    Tesis inédita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Farmacia, leída el 05/07/2023Clostridioides difficile es una bacteria anaerobia que provoca desde colitis leve hasta colitis pseudomembranosa y enfermedad refractaria al tratamiento fulminante y fatal (1). La infección por C. difficile (ICD) es la causa más común de diarrea adquirida en el hospital en países desarrollados, afectando mayoritariamente a mayores con patología previa y se asocia al consumo de antibióticos (2).Pero en los últimos años se ha visto una epidemiología cambiante, afectando a una población tradicionalmente en bajo riesgo de padecerla, como son los pacientes comunitarios (3). La incidencia de la ICD adquirida en la comunidad (ICD-AC) está en aumento (4), desconociéndose cifras precisas sobre su incidencia en España ni su comportamiento clínico en este entorno.La secuenciación del genoma ha permitido conocer que la transmisión desde pacientes con ICD adquirida en hospital tiene menos peso del que se pensaba, existiendo otras potenciales fuentes del entorno comunitario (5). Además, la epidemiología molecular española ha demostrado ser diferente a la europea y estadounidense (6). Por todo ello, la realización de un estudio en profundidad en términos epidemiológicos, clínicos y microbiológicos de la ICD-AC es de gran relevancia...Clostridioides difficile is an anaerobic bacteria that causes from mild to moderate colitis to pseudomembranous colitis and treatment-refractory, fulminant and fatal disease (1). C. difficile infection (CDI) is the most common cause of hospital-acquired diarrhoea in developed countries. It traditionally affects mostly older people with previous pathology and is associated with antibiotic use (2).However, there has been a changing epidemiology in recent years affecting a population that in principle is at low risk of infection such as community patients (3). In recent decades, the incidence of community-acquired CDI (CA-CDI) appears to be increasing (4). Though, precise data on the incidence of CA-CDI in Spain and its clinical behaviour in this setting scarce.Advances in genome sequencing have shown that transmission through hospital contact with patients with CDI is less important than previously thought and therefore there are other potential sources in the community setting (5). Furthermore, the Spanish situation has shown to be different, in terms of ribotypes, to other countries in Europe and the USA (6). Thus, an in-depth epidemiological, clinical and microbiological studies on CA-CDI patients is of great importance...Fac. de FarmaciaTRUEunpu

    Community Emergence of Cefixime-Resistant <i>Escherichia coli</i> Belonging to ST12 with Chromosomal AmpC Hyperproduction

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    Escherichia coli isolates that are resistant to cefixime and amoxicillin/clavulanic acid, but apparently susceptible to cefuroxime, with no ESBL identified, were initially detected in Madrid from urine samples in 2019. Throughout 2020 and 2021, all cases of community UTI by E. coli from six health areas in Madrid were studied. A representative sample of 23 cases was selected for further studies. The broth microdilution method and the agar diffusion method were performed to determine the antibiotic susceptibility. WGS was carried out for phylogeny, resistome and virulome analysis. Community consumption of third-generation oral cephalosporins in Madrid (2017–2021) was analyzed. A total of 582 (1.3%) E. coli isolates had the mentioned resistance profile. The mutation at position –32 (T > A) of the AmpC promoter was found in 21 isolates. No plasmid AmpC- or ESBL-encoding genes were detected. A cluster of 20 ST12 isolates was detected by cgMLST. A 6.2% increase in the consumption of third-generation oral cephalosporins, especially cefixime, was observed in Madrid. Chromosomal AmpC-hyperproducing ST12 E. coli isolates could be implicated in the increase in community UTI cases by cefixime-resistant isolates, which correlates with an increasing trend of cefixime consumption

    Table_1_An increase in erythromycin resistance in methicillin-susceptible Staphylococcus aureus from blood correlates with the use of macrolide/lincosamide/streptogramin antibiotics. EARS-Net Spain (2004–2020).XLSX

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    ObjectivesTo describe and analyse erythromycin resistance trends in blood isolates of Staphylococcus aureus (EARS-Net Spain, 2004–2020) and the association of these trends with the consumption of macrolide, lincosamide, and streptogramin B (MLSB) antibiotics. To assess molecular changes that could be involved in erythromycin resistance trends by whole genome analysis of representative isolates.Materials and methodsWe collected antibiotic susceptibility data for all first-blood S. aureus isolates in patients from 47 Spanish hospitals according to EARS-Net criteria. MLSB antibiotic consumption was obtained from the Spanish Agency for Medicines and Medical Devices (2008–2020). We sequenced 137 representative isolates for core genome multilocus sequence typing, resistome and virulome analysis.ResultsFor the 36,612 invasive S. aureus isolates, methicillin resistance decreased from 26.4% in 2004 to 22.4% in 2020. Erythromycin resistance in methicillin-susceptible S. aureus (MSSA) increased from 13.6% in 2004 to 28.9% in 2020 (p B antibiotics increased from 2.72 defined daily doses per 1,000 inhabitants per day (DID) in 2014 to 3.24 DID in 2016. By WGS, the macrolide resistance genes detected were erm (59.8%), msrA (46%), and mphC (45.2%). The erm genes were more prevalent in MSSA (44/57, 77.2%) than in MRSA (38/80, 47.5%). Most of the erm genes identified in MSSA after 2013 differed from the predominant ermC gene (17/22, 77.3%), largely because ermT was significantly associated with MSSA after 2013 (11/29, 37.9%). All 13 ermT isolates in this study, except one, belonged to ST398 and came from 10 hospitals and six Spanish provinces.ConclusionThe significant increase in erythromycin resistance in blood MSSA correlated with the consumption of the MLSB antibiotics in Spain. These preliminary data seem support the hypothesis that the human ST398 MSSA clade with ermT-mediated resistance to erythromycin may be involved in this trend.</p