209 research outputs found

    Nuove prospettive di ricerca in materia di atti persecutori: il fenomeno del cyberstalking

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    Electronic stalking is a frequent phenomenon worthy of scientific and social interest, closely related to the constant and exponential progress of technology. These types of conducts are defined by literature as cyberstalking, and even if it has no one universally agreed upon definition, it is considered as the use of the internet, email, or other electronic devices to stalk another person. Today, it seems to be a serious problem that will become more complex and dangerous as more people take advantage of the Internet and other telecommunications technologies. An easier and faster access to cyberspace also means a greater risk of incorrect use or misuse of the medium, in order to attack or intrude into the lives of others, taking advantage of anonymity and of the absence of limitations present in a real context.Even if empirical works on cyberstalking are still few, the existing data gives evidence of its quantitative importance and of a lack of awareness. The Report published by the US Attorney General in 1999, estimated the presence in the country of about 475.000 victims of cyberstalking each year, while police reported the presence in 20% of cases of reported harassment forms of abuse through Internet and technological means in general. In a perspective of prevention and intervention, investigating and implementing the existing research on the phenomenon seem essential, taking into account that such harassment are rarely limited to the virtual world, being able to produce effects often similar if not more severe than those produced by offline stalking.Le molestie telematiche rappresentano un fenomeno frequente e degno di interesse scientifico e sociale, strettamente correlato al costante ed esponenziale progredire della tecnologia. Queste tipologie di condotte sono definite dalla letteratura cyberstalking, intendendo con questo termine, pur in assenza di una definizione univoca, l’utilizzo di internet, email o di altri dispositivi elettronici per molestare un’altra persona. Si tratta di una problematica rilevante, destinata a diventare sempre più complessa e pericolosa con l’aumento inarrestabile dell’utilizzo di Internet e delle tecnologie informatiche da parte di fasce sempre più ampie di popolazione. Un più facile e veloce accesso al cyberspazio comporta anche un maggior rischio di utilizzo erroneo o di abusi del mezzo, al fine di aggredire o intromettersi nella vita di altre persone, approfittando dell’anonimato e dell’assenza dei limiti presenti in un contesto reale.Sul piano della prevalenza, seppur numericamente limitati, gli studi empirici esistenti dimostrano una non trascurabile incidenza del fenomeno e una prevalente mancanza di consapevolezza da parte della popolazione generale. Il Report pubblicato dall’Attorney General statunitense nel 1999, stimava la presenza nel paese di circa 475.000 vittime di cyberstalking all’anno, mentre la Polizia riferiva la presenza nel 20% dei casi di molestie rilevati di forme di abuso via Internet e mezzi tecnologici in genere In un’ottica, quindi, di prevenzione e di intervento sembra indispensabile approfondire e implementare la ricerca sul fenomeno, tenuto conto del fatto che raramente queste molestie restano limitate al mondo virtuale, essendo in grado di produrre effetti reali talvolta analoghi se non più gravi rispetto a quelli dello stalking offline

    Available Technologies and Commercial Devices to Harvest Energy by Human Trampling in Smart Flooring Systems: a Review

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    Technological innovation has increased the global demand for electrical power and energy. Accordingly, energy harvesting has become a research area of primary interest for the scientific community and companies because it constitutes a sustainable way to collect energy from various sources. In particular, kinetic energy generated from human walking or vehicle movements on smart energy floors represents a promising research topic. This paper aims to analyze the state-of-art of smart energy harvesting floors to determine the best solution to feed a lighting system and charging columns. In particular, the fundamentals of the main harvesting mechanisms applicable in this field (i.e., piezoelectric, electromagnetic, triboelectric, and relative hybrids) are discussed. Moreover, an overview of scientific works related to energy harvesting floors is presented, focusing on the architectures of the developed tiles, the transduction mechanism, and the output performances. Finally, a survey of the commercial energy harvesting floors proposed by companies and startups is reported. From the carried-out analysis, we concluded that the piezoelectric transduction mechanism represents the optimal solution for designing smart energy floors, given their compactness, high efficiency, and absence of moving parts

    A randomized blinded retrospective study: the combined use of micro-needling technique, low-level laser therapy and autologous non-activated platelet-rich plasma improves hair re-growth in patients with androgenic alopecia

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    Introduction Mini-invasive therapies based on autologous non-activated Platelet-Rich Plasma (ANA-PRP), Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLL-T), and Micro-Needling Technique (MN-T) used in combining for hair re-growth need to be standardized. Objectives The work aims to showin vivooutcomes resulted from retrospective case-series study in which ANA-PRP + MN-T + LLL-T were used in combined in patients affected by Androgenic alopecia. Methods 23 patients were treated, of which 13 males were classified in stage I-V by the Norwood-Hamilton scale, and 10 females were classified in stage I-III by the Ludwig scale. Assessment of hair re-growth was evaluated with photography, physician's and patient's global assessment scale, and standardized phototrichograms during a follow-up: T0 - baseline, T1 - 12 weeks, T2 - 23 weeks, T3 - 44 weeks, T4 - 58 weeks. Results Interesting outcomes represented by a hair density increase of 81 +/- 5 hairs/cm(2)and 57 +/- 7 hairs/cm(2)respectively at T1 and T2 compared with baseline (173 +/- 5 hairs/cm(2)at T1 and 149 +/- 9 hairs/cm(2)at T2 versus 92 +/- 2 hairs/cm(2)at baseline) were observed using computerized trichograms. Expert Opinion The main limitation in the autologous regenerative therapies and biotechnologies in hair-regrowth is the extreme variability of PRP products used, in the absence of standardized protocols and widely shared. Appropriate PRP preparations have to be pick after carefully thinking about their bio-molecular specifications and intended indications for use in patients. This approach will aid in matching the optimal PRP product to specific patient factors, leading to improved outcomes and the elucidation of the cost-effectiveness of this treatment. The combined use of biotechnologies as the association of PRP with micro-needling and low-level laser therapy may improve the results in terms of hair count and hair density compared with those obtained by alone PRP. All the procedures must be performed in the full respect of international and local rules. Conclusions The effect of the combined use of MN-T, LLL-T, and ANA-PRP has been demonstrated

    Stalking e mass media

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    Unanimously the international research recognizes the fundamental role of the media in the affirmation of the phenomenon of stalking in the U.S.A., beginning from its same labelling. Star-stalking cases, accomplice the notoriety of the victims, has represented a starting point of the media interest that next has allowed to discover the prevalence of these conducts among the general population. The progressive social visibility of the phenomenon, promoted through the media, has produced the recognition of the stalking as a criminal problem, pushing the common law countries legislators to the creation of specific anti-stalking legislation. The research intends to investigate the role of the Italian media in the process of social and juridical affirmation of stalking, ended with the approval of the DL 23 February 2009 n.11 and the consequent introduction of the article 612-bis c.p. “Atti persecutori”. The relationship between stalking and media in Italy, the relevance and the importance of the progressive change of social visibility, considering the particular way of working of the media, has been investigated through the collection and the analysis of the articles published since 1992 to November 2009 on Corriere della Sera, main national diffusion daily paper, and on Quotidiano.net, that brings the news of different local journalistic headings (Resto del Carlino, La Nazione, Il Giorno). The 506 selected articles, 293 published on Corriere della Sera (57,9%) e 213 on Quotidiano.net (42,1%), have globally been submitted to a first level of analysis based on the context of the article, the typology of content, the ability of recognition and the language used to define the behaviors. The second level of analysis has involved only news articles, studied through valutative analysis grids about victims, stalkers, typology of relationship, star-stalking cases and presence of violent behaviors. The typology of article mostly diffused on newspapers results to be the chronicle, that represents the 84,6% of the total. Popular and/or scientific ones represent the 7,7% of the total as medium value of the period, but their diffusion results constant only starting from 2001. The political news are the 5,7% of the total and they are recognisable starting from 2006. The use of the term stalking appears constantly among the media from 2002 with a progressive increasement in the next years (44% in 2007; 52,1% in 2008; 94% in 2009), representing by now the defining term of the phenomenon. Among 449 victims, found from 1992 to 2009, 372 (82,9%) are women. Among 440 stalker, found from 1992 to 2009, 84,3% are men and only 15,7% women. More than half of the stalkers was an ex-partner of the victim (51,2%). The stalker results to be an acquaintance in 24,3% of the cases and a perfect stranger in 24,5%. On 428 chronicle articles selected since 1992 to 2009, more than the half (51,4%) describes stories of stalking connotated by violent behaviors: physical injuries, assaults (also sexual), tempted and consumed homicides.La ricerca internazionale concordemente riconosce il ruolo determinante dei media nel percorso di affermazione del fenomeno dello stalking in U.S.A., a partire dal suo stesso “etichettamento”. I casi di star-stalking, complice la notorietà delle vittime, hanno rappresentato un iniziale polarizzatore mediatico che ha successivamente permesso la riconoscibilità delle condotte di molestie a danno della popolazione comune. La progressiva visibilità sociale del fenomeno, promossa per via mediale, ha poi determinato il riconoscimento dello stalking quale problematica di rilevanza penale, spingendo il legislatore anglosassone all’emanazione di apposite leggi anti-stalking. Alla luce di queste considerazioni, lo studio qui presentato intende indagare il ruolo dei media italiani nel processo di affermazione sociale e giuridica dello stalking, culminato con l’approvazione del DL 23 febbraio 2009 n.11 e la conseguente introduzione dell’art. 612-bis c.p. “Atti persecutori”. Alla luce di queste considerazioni, lo studio qui presentato intende indagare il ruolo dei media italiani nel processo di affermazione sociale e giuridica dello stalking, culminato con l’approvazione del DL 23 febbraio 2009 n.11 e la conseguente introduzione dell’art. 612-bis c.p. “Atti persecutori”. Il rapporto tra stalking e mass media in Italia, l’entità e l’importanza del progressivo mutamento della sua osservabilità sociale, anche, e soprattutto, alla luce del peculiare funzionamento dei media è stato indagato mediante la raccolta e l’analisi degli articoli pubblicati dal gennaio 1992 all’aprile 2009 sul Corriere della Sera, principale quotidiano a diffusione nazionale, e su Quotidiano.net, che riporta le notizie di diverse testate giornalistiche a diffusione locale (Resto del Carlino, La Nazione, Il Giorno). I 506 articoli selezionati, 293 pubblicati sul Corriere della Sera (pari al 57,9%) e 213 su Quotidiano.net (pari al 42,1%), sono stati globalmente sottoposti a un primo livello di analisi basato sul contesto dell’articolo, ovvero la tipologia di contenuto, la capacità di riconoscimento e il linguaggio utilizzato per la definizione delle condotte. Il secondo livello di analisi ha coinvolto i soli articoli di cronaca, sottoposti a griglie valutative riguardanti le vittime, gli stalker, la tipologia di relazione intercorrente tra gli stessi, i casi di star-stalking e la ricorrenza di condotte violente. La tipologia di articolo maggiormente diffusa sui quotidiani risulta essere la cronaca, che rappresenta l’84,6% del totale.Gli articoli di tipo divulgativo e/o scientifico rappresentano il 7,7% del totale quale media del periodo, ma la loro diffusione sui quotidiani risulta costante solo a partire dal 2001. Le notizie di tipo politico rappresentano il 5,7% del totale e sono rintracciabili solo a partire dal 2006. L’uso del termine stalking da parte dei media risulta costante a partire dal 2002 con un aumento progressivo negli anni successivi (44% nel 2007; 52,1% nel 2008; 94% nel 2009) tanto da rappresentare, ormai, il termine di riferimento del fenomeno. Su 449 vittime individuate dal 1992 al 2009, ben 372 (pari all’82,9%) sono donne. Su 440 stalker individuati tra il 1992 e il 2009 l’84,3% sono uomini e solo il 15,7% donne. Più della metà degli stalker era un ex-partner della vittima (51,2%). Lo stalker risulta essere un conoscente della vittima nel 24,3% dei casi e un perfetto sconosciuto nel 24,5%. Su 428 articoli di cronaca selezionati dal 1992 al 2009, più della metà (51,4%) riportano vicende di stalking marcatamente connotate da condotte violente: percosse, lesioni personali, aggressioni (anche sessuali), omicidi tentati e consumati

    Systematic Review: Allogenic Use of Stromal Vascular Fraction (SVF) and Decellularized Extracellular Matrices (ECM) as Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products (ATMP) in Tissue Regeneration

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    Stromal vascular fraction (SVF) containing adipose stem cells (ASCs) has been used for many years in regenerative plastic surgery for autologous applications, without any focus on their potential allogenic role. Allogenic SVF transplants could be based on the possibility to use decellularized extracellular matrix (ECM) as a scaffold from a donor then re-cellularized by ASCs of the recipient, in order to develop the advanced therapy medicinal products (ATMP) in fully personalized clinical approaches. A systematic review of this field has been realized in accordance with the Preferred Reporting for Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses-Protocols (PRISMA-P) guidelines. Multistep research of the PubMed, Embase, MEDLINE, Pre-MEDLINE, PsycINFO, CINAHL, Clinicaltrials.gov, Scopus database, and Cochrane databases has been conducted to identify articles and investigations on human allogenic ASCs transplant for clinical use. Of the 341 articles identified, 313 were initially assessed for eligibility on the basis of the abstract. Of these, only 29 met all the predetermined criteria for inclusion according to the PICOS (patients, intervention, comparator, outcomes, and study design) approach, and 19 have been included in quantitative synthesis (meta-analysis). Ninety-one percent of the studies previously screened (284 papers) were focused on the in vitro results and pre-clinical experiments. The allogenic use regarded the treatment of perianal fistulas, diabetic foot ulcers, knee osteoarthritis, acute respiratory distress syndrome, refractory rheumatoid arthritis, pediatrics disease, fecal incontinence, ischemic heart disease, autoimmune encephalomyelitis, lateral epicondylitis, and soft tissue defects. The information analyzed suggested the safety and efficacy of allogenic ASCs and ECM transplants without major side effects

    An update on intimate partner violence and mental health

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    INTRODUCTIONː Intimate partner violence (IPV) is a problem worldwide and a human rights issue. The present paper summarizes recent literature on the relationship between IPV and mental health, exploring risk factors for psychiatric patients to be victims and/or perpetrators of violent behavior in intimate relationships. EVIDENCE ACQUISITION: A search of PubMed, PsychINFO and Cochrane Library databases was performed, looking for papers concerning IPV and psychiatry published between 2011 and 2016. Papers were retrieved and reviewed according to PRISMA statement guidelines. Only research papers with sample sizes >50 adult subjects were included, leading to a first selection of 1486 records. Titles and abstracts were independently screened by three pairs of researchers, following predefined criteria agreed by the authors, yielding 93 articles for review. EVIDENCE SYNTHESIS: Mental disorders, especially posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and depression, are associated with risk for perpetrating IPV. Confounding factors of this association are substance use/dependence, childhood adversity, previous IPV perpetration. Psychiatric patients are at high risk of becoming victims of IPV, but specific risk factors for victimization in this population have been poorly investigated. Rates of PTSD, depression, anxiety and substance use disorders are higher among IPV victims than in the general population. Interpersonal variables and social factors play a key role both in the onset and in the recovery from mental disorders in the aftermath of IPV. CONCLUSIONS: Individuals suffering from a mental disorder are prone to be both victims and perpetrators of IPV. Further research efforts are needed to elucidate the risk factors for victimization, in order to devise effective risk management strategies

    The Development of a Screening Tool for Childcare Professionals to Detect and Refer Infant and Toddler Maltreatment and Trauma: A Tale of Four Countries

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    Abstract: Child maltreatment is considered a pressing social question, compromising the present and future mental and physical health of one in four children in Europe. While children younger than three years of age are especially vulnerable, few screening instruments are available for the detection of risk in this age group. The purpose of this research was to develop a screening tool for childcare professionals working in public and private daycare settings to support them in the early identification and referral of infants and toddlers exposed to emotional and physical abuse and neglect by primary caregivers, to be used in different settings across four European countries: Belgium, Italy, Latvia, and Hungary. Method: A stratified process was used to create the screening tool: We started by using Living lab methodology to co-create the screening tool with its final users, which was followed by testing the tool with a total of 120 childcare professionals from the four participating countries. Results: During the Living Lab phase, a screening tool with three layers was developed. The initial layer includes five “red flags” that signal particular concern and require immediate action. The second layer is a quick screener with twelve items focused on four areas: neglect of basic needs, delays in development, unusual behaviors, and interaction with caregivers. The third layer is an in-depth questionnaire that aids in formalizing a thorough observation of twenty-five items within the same four areas as the quick screener. After a one-day training session, 120 childcare professionals caring for children aged 0–3 from four countries assessed the screening tool and their overall training experience. Childcare professionals reported great satisfaction with the three-layered structure, which made the tool versatile, and agreed on its content, which was considered helpful in the daycare setting for the regular evaluation of the behavior of children and their primary caregivers, thus improving the early observation of change from the normal behavior of the infant or toddler. Conclusion: The three-layered screening tool was reported as feasible, practical, and with great content validity by childcare professionals working in four European countries