65 research outputs found

    Secreted phospholipase A2 activity in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis and multiple sclerosis

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    BACKGROUND: There is increased interest in the contribution of the innate immune system to multiple sclerosis (MS), including the activity of acute inflammatory mediators. The purpose of this study was to test the involvement of systemic secreted phospholipase A2 (sPLA2) enzymes in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE), an MS model, and to determine if enzyme activity is elevated in MS patients. METHODS: A non-invasive urinary assay was developed in order to monitor enzymatically active sPLA2 levels in Dark Agouti rats after induction of EAE. Some Rats were treated with nonapeptide CHEC-9, an uncompetitive sPLA2 enzyme inhibitor, during the initial rise in urinary enzyme levels. Body weight and clinical EAE score were measured for 18 days post immunization (PI), after which the rats were sacrificed for H&E and myelin staining, and for ED-1 immunocytochemistry, the latter to quantify macrophages and activated microglia. The urinary sPLA2 assay was also applied to un-timed samples collected from a cross section of 44 MS patients and 14 healthy controls. RESULTS: Mean levels of enzymatically active sPLA2 in the urine increased following immunization and peaked between days 8–10 PI which was just prior to the onset of EAE symptoms. At this time, a transient attenuation of activity was detected in the urine of CHEC-9 treated rats consistent with the activity-dependent properties of the inhibitor. The peptide also reduced or abolished EAE symptoms compared to vehicle-injected controls. Histopathological changes in the spinal cords of the EAE rats correlated generally with clinical score including a significant reduction in ED-1+ cells after peptide treatment. Multiple Sclerosis patients also showed elevations in sPLA2 enzyme activity. Mean levels of sPLA2 were increased 6-fold in the urine of patients with active disease and 4-fold for patients in remission, regardless of immunomodulating therapy. CONCLUSION: The results suggest that sPLA2 enzymes, traditionally thought to be part the acute phase inflammatory response, are therapeutic targets for MS

    Using Data-Informed Instruction to Drive Education: Keeping Catholic Education a Viable and Educationally Sound Option in Challenging Times

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    This study was conducted to obtain an understanding of the perceptions that Catholic schoolteachers possessed regarding data informed instructional (DII) practices, specifically curriculum based measurement (CBM). The researchers investigated changes in teacher’s perceptions from pretest to posttest to determine the impact of the 90-minute professional development on teacher’s perceptions of DII. Results showed that Catholic schoolteachers did perceive that they lacked sufficient knowledge to effectively implement curriculum-based measures prior to the training. Significant growth was noted with regard to their perceptions of their knowledge in some areas. According to the results of the paired samples t-test, a meaningful change in educators’ perceptions of DII was observed for three of the nine pairs of questionnaire items from pre to post-test. The findings support previous research and pave the way for future research on the impact of short, one-day professional development sessions

    Click-connected 2-(hydroxyimino)aldehydes for the design of UV-responsive functional molecules

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    Click chemistry is used to functionalize simple lipophilic and water-soluble molecules, a complex PEGylated phospholipid (DSPE-PEG2000), and two benzylic substrates with the 2-(hydroxyimino)aldehyde (HIA) group. To this end, two terminal alkynes bearing the HIA moiety were synthesized and coupled to different azides through copper(I)-catalyzed azide alkyne cycloaddition (CuAAC). Norrish–Yang photoisomerization (λ= 365 nm, LED source) is successfully obtained, with no interference by the triazole linker, except when the forbidden n-π* carbonyl transition is screened by a remote substituent such as salicylaldehyde. UV-Vis spectrometry suggests a specific interaction of HIAs with Cu(II), whereas no such evidence is found with Cu(I). We thereby show that the CuAAC methodology can be used successfully to obtain HIA-based UV-responsive hydrophilic or lipophilic ligands, phospholipidic components for the construction of liposomes, and macrocycle precursors. © 2020 Wiley-VCH Gmb

    The Iddm14 gene is Tcrbv-13S1A1: Prevention of Autoimmune Diabetes in the Rat with an Allele-Specific Depleting Antibody That Recognizes the VÎČ13a T Cell Receptor Beta Chain

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    To identify new intervention strategies for autoimmune type 1 diabetes (T1D), we investigated several rat models of the disorder. We dissected the powerful Iddm14 diabetes susceptibility locus in eight T1D susceptible vs. resistant rat strains by single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) haplotyping. We identified an allele of a T cell receptor (TCR) beta chain gene, Tcrb-V13S1A1 (encoding V13ÎČa) as a candidate gene. In three separate trials, treating LEW.1WR1 rats, which are susceptible to T1D, with a depleting anti-VÎČ13 monoclonal antibody reduced diabetes frequency from 75% (N=50) to 17% (N=30, p\u3c0.001. Anti-VÎČ13 monoclonal antibody also prevented T1D in spontaneously diabetic BBDP rats. We then analyzed the phenotype of infiltrating T cells recovered from the cultured islets of LEW.1WR1 rats exposed to a diabetogenic trigger. Within 5 days, up to 22% of CD4+ T cells recovered from islets were V13ÎČ+, most of these CD25+FoxP3-. We also recovered VÎČ13 transcripts from pre-diabetic islets and observed a limited number of JÎČ variant transcripts, indicating an oligoclonal TCR response to pancreatic beta cells. These data indicate that, in susceptible rats, V13ÎČa on diabetogenic T cells is required to recognize a critical T1D autoantigen. Interestingly, the diabetogenic and non-diabetogenic alleles of VÎČ13 have non-conservative sequence differences in both CRR1 and CDR2. The data suggest that it is possible to prevent T1D in the rat with a very narrowly targeted deletional therapy. Preliminary data suggest that a specific alpha chain may preferentially pair with VÎČ13a. We are currently generating rat T cell hybridoma clones with which to analyze the interaction of putative autoantigens with a diabetogenic TCR

    AnĂĄlisis de micro y nanoplĂĄsticos como riesgo emergente para la seguridad alimentaria

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    En los Ășltimos años se ha evidenciado un incremento de la cantidad de micro y nanoplĂĄsticos en el medioambiente acuĂĄtico y terrestre, lo que tiene como consecuencia directa la presencia de estos agentes en diversos productos alimenticios como el agua de bebida embotellada, el pescado, los crustĂĄceos y moluscos, la sal y la cerveza.Los micro y nanoplĂĄsticos presentes en los alimentos pueden ocasionar efectos adversos en la salud de los consumidores, tanto a causa de su acciĂłn toxicolĂłgica “per se”, como por la ocasionada por los contaminantes ambientales que transportan.A pesar de la informaciĂłn que evidencia la presencia de estos compuestos en los productos alimenticios, la falta de mĂ©todos armonizados y la heterogeneidad de los resultados, entre otras incertidumbres, limitan actualmente la evaluaciĂłn de la exposiciĂłn y del riesgo, y consecuentemente, la adopciĂłn de medidas de gestiĂłn que mitiguen su impacto en la salud humana, animal y ambiental.El propĂłsito de este estudio es reunir y analizar la informaciĂłn disponible sobre este peligro alimentario mediante una exhaustiva revisiĂłn y anĂĄlisis de la bibliografĂ­a cientĂ­fica disponible y de la informaciĂłn suministrada por las bases de datos cientĂ­ficas y las asociaciones gubernamentales relacionadas con la Salud, el Medio Ambiente o la AlimentaciĂłn.Los resultados obtenidos ponen de manifiesto la importancia de la presencia de los micro y nanoplĂĄsticos en las cadenas alimentarias y de los riesgos potenciales para la salud por exposiciĂłn dietĂ©tica a los mismos, concluyendo en la emergencia de este peligro alimentario. Asimismo, se analizan las estrategias de gestiĂłn para su control y el alcance de la comunicaciĂłn del riesgo.<br /

    Mergers and Acquisitions in Latin America: Industrial Productivity and Corporate Governance

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    This paper examines the impact of industrial productivity on transnationals M&As from OECD countries towards Latin American countries in the period 1996 to 2010. It also analyzes the relationship between external mechanism of corporate governance and transnational M&As. For this purpose we use a gravitational model at the industry level. We find that industry productivity and higher standards of corporate governance in the country of origin promote transnational M&As activity. However, it is also found that higher levels of capital and technological productivity decreases transnational M&As activity

    Il progetto Lab2Go per la diffusione della pratica laboratoriale nelle Scuole Secondarie di II grado

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    Even if laboratory practice is essential for all scientific branches of knowledge, it is often neglected at High School, due to lack of time and/or resources. To establish a closer contact between school and experimental sciences, Sapienza UniversitĂ  di Roma and the Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN) launched the Lab2Go project, with the goal of spreading laboratory practice among students and teachers in high schools
