4 research outputs found

    Common and almost common knowledge of credible assignments in a coordination game

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    We build on Van Huyck, Gillette and Battalio (1992) and examine the efficacy of credible assignments in a stag-hunt type coordination game with two Pareto-ranked equilibria, one payoff dominant and the other risk dominant. The majority of our subjects fail to coordinate to the payoff dominant outcome when no assignment is made. However, the majority of them always coordinate to the payoff dominant outcome when an assignment is made. This happens regardless of whether the assignment is “almost common knowledge†or “common knowledgeâ€.Coordination

    Pengaruh Komisaris Independen, Komite Audit, Kepemilikan Institusional Dan Kualitas Audit Terhadap Integritas Laporan Keuangan Di Perusahaan Sub Sektor Transportasi Yang Terdaftar Di BEI Tahun 2017-2019

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    One of the most important things in the financial statements of a company is the integrity of financial reports. Integrity of financial reports, especially in the transportation company sector, there are some that are not in accordance with the standard provisions of the IDX and there are also some transportation companies that do not publish annual financial reports on the IDX. This research was conducted. to analyze the effect of independent commissioners, audit committee, institutional ownership and audit quality on the integrity of financial statements. Integrity of financial statements is the dependent variable in this study, while independent commissioners, audit committee, institutional ownership and audit quality are independent variables in this study. This research is 25 transportation companies listed on the IDX in 2017-2019. In this study the sample was selected using the purposive sampling method. Data analysis was made using classical assumption tests and hypothesis testing using the linear method. double ier. The results of this research show that the independent commissioners, audit committee, institutional ownership and audit quality have no effect on the integrity of the financial statements. Keywords: Independent Commissioner, Audit Committee, Institutional Ownership, Audit Quality, Financial Report Integrit


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    Apartemen Mahasiswa Undip merupakan salah satu pilihan tempat tinggal modern dengan jenis dan tipe tertentu yang lebih terjangkau bagi mahasiswa. Pilihan hunian berupa apartemen muncul karena adanya keberagaman latar belakang ekonomi mahasiswa dan dapat digunakan sebagai investasi hunian jangka panjang. Selain itu, apartemen dinilai sebagai salah satu solusi dari permasalahan kepadatan penduduk yang cenderung terus meningkat dari tahun ke tahun pada kawasan sekitar Undip. Setiap apartemen memiliki kebutuhan ruang dan fasilitas yang berbeda tergantung penghuninya. Pada Apartemen Mahasiswa Undip ini, fasilitas yang disediakan berupa ruang-ruang yang mampu memenuhi kebutuhan mahasiswa sehari-hari dan kebutuhan yang menunjang kegiatan perkuliahan di luar dari kampus. Fasilitas hunian dan penunjang yang disediakan diharapkan mampu berjalan dengan efesien tanpa mengabaikan keamanan dan kenyamanan pengguna serta pemeliharaan bangunan yang mudah