147 research outputs found

    Bridging Multiple Levels of Exploration: Towards a Neuroengineering-Based Approach to Physiological and Pathological Problems in Neuroscience

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    Neuroengineering is a rapidly growing discipline that takes its lymph from the increasing cross-fertilization of many areas of technology and science. For example, by means of neuroengineering, advances in diverse technologies and in cellular and molecular biology converge into powerful tools to improve our understanding and treatment of neural (dis)functions. Recently such a discipline has gone beyond the concept of a simple application of engineering principles to central nervous system (CNS) comprehension, leading to the emergence of one of the more exciting interdisciplinary research fields in modern neuroscience

    Diverse inflammatory threats modulate astrocytes Ca2+ signaling via connexin43 hemichannels in organotypic spinal slices

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    Neuroinflammation is an escalation factor shared by a vast range of central nervous system (CNS) pathologies, from neurodegenerative diseases to neuropsychiatric disorders. CNS immune status emerges by the integration of the responses of resident and not resident cells, leading to alterations in neural circuits functions. To explore spinal cord astrocyte reactivity to inflammatory threats we focused our study on the effects of local inflammation in a controlled micro-environment, the organotypic spinal slices, developed from the spinal cord of mouse embryos. These organ cultures represent a complex in vitro model where sensory-motor cytoarchitecture, synaptic properties and spinal cord resident cells, are retained in a 3D fashion and we recently exploit these cultures to model two diverse immune conditions in the CNS, involving different inflammatory networks and products. Here, we specifically focus on the tuning of calcium signaling in astrocytes by these diverse types of inflammation and we investigate the mechanisms which modulate intracellular calcium release and its spreading among astrocytes in the inflamed environment. Organotypic spinal cord slices are cultured for two or three weeks in vitro (WIV) and exposed for 6 h to a cocktail of cytokines (CKs), composed by tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α), interleukin-1 beta (IL-1 ÎČ) and granulocyte macrophage-colony stimulating factor (GM-CSF), or to lipopolysaccharide (LPS). By live calcium imaging of the ven- tral horn, we document an increase in active astrocytes and in the occurrence of spontaneous calcium oscillations displayed by these cells when exposed to each inflammatory threat. Through several pharmacological treatments, we demonstrate that intracellular calcium sources and the activation of connexin 43 (Cx43) hemichannels have a pivotal role in increasing calcium intercellular communication in both CKs and LPS conditions, while the Cx43 gap junction communication is apparently reduced by the inflammatory treatments

    Nanomaterials for stimulating nerve growth

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    Despite recent advances in supportive care for spinal cord injury (SCI), there is a great need for treatments that can improve the neurological outcome (1). After SCI, there is essentially no regrowth of axons beyond the point of the lesion, leaving intact, although nonfunctional, circuits below the site of injury. We discuss the potential for functional recovery from SCI by using nanomaterials to restore these dysfunctional circuits through a combination of artificial connections and devices to help stimulate motor and sensory recovery

    Cytokine inflammatory threat, but not LPS one, shortens GABAergic synaptic currents in the mouse spinal cord organotypic cultures

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    Background: Synaptic dysfunction, named synaptopathy, due to inflammatory status of the central nervous system (CNS) is a recognized factor potentially underlying both motor and cognitive dysfunctions in neurodegenerative diseases. To gain knowledge on the mechanistic interplay between local inflammation and synapse changes, we compared two diverse inflammatory paradigms, a cytokine cocktail (CKs; IL-1\u3b2, TNF-\u3b1, and GM-CSF) and LPS, and their ability to tune GABAergic current duration in spinal cord cultured circuits. Methods: We exploit spinal organotypic cultures, single-cell electrophysiology, immunocytochemistry, and confocal microscopy to explore synaptic currents and resident neuroglia reactivity upon CK or LPS incubation. Results: Local inflammation in slice cultures induced by CK or LPS stimulations boosts network activity; however, only CKs specifically reduced GABAergic current duration. We pharmacologically investigated the contribution of GABAAR \u3b1-subunits and suggested that a switch of GABAAR \u3b11-subunit might have induced faster GABAAR decay time, weakening the inhibitory transmission. Conclusions: Lower GABAergic current duration could contribute to providing an aberrant excitatory transmission critical for pre-motor circuit tasks and represent a specific feature of a CK cocktail able to mimic an inflammatory reaction that spreads in the CNS. Our results describe a selective mechanism that could be triggered during specific inflammatory stress

    3D Organotypic Spinal Cultures: Exploring Neuron and Neuroglia Responses Upon Prolonged Exposure to Graphene Oxide

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    Graphene-based nanomaterials are increasingly engineered as components of biosensors, interfaces or drug delivery platforms in neuro-repair strategies. In these developments, the mostly used derivative of graphene is graphene oxide (GO). To tailor the safe development of GO nanosheets, we need to model in vitro tissue responses, and in particular the reactivity of microglia, a sub-population of neuroglia that acts as the first active immune response, when challenged by GO. Here, we investigated central nervous system (CNS) tissue reactivity upon long-term exposure to GO nanosheets in 3D culture models. We used the mouse organotypic spinal cord cultures, ideally suited for studying long-term interference with cues delivered at controlled times and concentrations. In cultured spinal segments, the normal presence, distribution and maturation of anatomically distinct classes of neurons and resident neuroglial cells are preserved. Organotypic explants were developed for 2 weeks embedded in fibrin glue alone or presenting GO nanosheets at 10, 25 and 50 \u3bcg/mL. We addressed the impact of such treatments on premotor synaptic activity monitored by patch clamp recordings of ventral interneurons. We investigated by immunofluorescence and confocal microscopy the accompanying glial responses to GO exposure, focusing on resident microglia, tested in organotypic spinal slices and in isolated neuroglia cultures. Our results suggest that microglia reactivity to accumulation of GO flakes, maybe due to active phagocytosis, may trim down synaptic activity, although in the absence of an effective activation of inflammatory response and in the absence of neuronal cell death

    Thin graphene oxide nanoflakes modulate glutamatergic synapses in the amygdala cultured circuits: exploiting synaptic approaches to anxiety disorders

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    Anxiety disorders (ADs) are nervous system maladies involving changes in the amygdala synaptic circuitry, such as an upregulation of excitatory neurotransmission at glutamatergic synapses. In the field of nanotechnology, thin graphene oxide flakes with nanoscale lateral size (s-GO) have shown outstanding promise for the manipulation of excitatory neuronal transmission with high temporal and spatial precision, thus they were considered as ideal candidates for modulating amygdalar glutamatergic transmission. Here, we validated an in vitro model of amygdala circuitry as a screening tool to target synapses, towards development of future ADs treatments. After one week in vitro, dissociated amygdalar neurons reconnected forming functional networks, whose development recapitulated that of the tissue of origin. When acutely applied to these cultures, s-GO flakes induced a selective modification of excitatory activity. This type of interaction between s-GO and amygdalar neurons may form the basis for the exploitation of alternative approaches in the treatment of ADs

    Impact of Magnetite Nanowires on In Vitro Hippocampal Neural Networks

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    Nanomaterials design, synthesis, and characterization are ever-expanding approaches toward developing biodevices or neural interfaces to treat neurological diseases. The ability of nanomaterials features to tune neuronal networks’ morphology or functionality is still under study. In this work, we unveil how interfacing mammalian brain cultured neurons and iron oxide nanowires’ (NWs) orientation affect neuronal and glial densities and network activity. Iron oxide NWs were synthesized by electrodeposition, fixing the diameter to 100 nm and the length to 1 ÎŒm. Scanning electron microscopy, Raman, and contact angle measurements were performed to characterize the NWs’ morphology, chemical composition, and hydrophilicity. Hippocampal cultures were seeded on NWs devices, and after 14 days, the cell morphology was studied by immunocytochemistry and confocal microscopy. Live calcium imaging was performed to study neuronal activity. Using random nanowires (R-NWs), higher neuronal and glial cell densities were obtained compared with the control and vertical nanowires (V-NWs), while using V-NWs, more stellate glial cells were found. R-NWs produced a reduction in neuronal activity, while V-NWs increased the neuronal network activity, possibly due to a higher neuronal maturity and a lower number of GABAergic neurons, respectively. These results highlight the potential of NWs manipulations to design ad hoc regenerative interfaces

    Advances in Nano Neuroscience: From Nanomaterials to Nanotools

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    During the last decades, neuroscientists have increasingly exploited a variety of artificial, de-novo synthesized materials with controlled nano-sized features. For instance, a renewed interest in the development of prostheses or neural interfaces was driven by the availability of novel nanomaterials that enabled the fabrication of implantable bioelectronics interfaces with reduced side effects and increased integration with the target biological tissue. The peculiar physical-chemical properties of nanomaterials have also contributed to the engineering of novel imaging devices toward sophisticated experimental settings, to smart fabricated scaffolds and microelectrodes, or other tools ultimately aimed at a better understanding of neural tissue functions. In this review, we focus on nanomaterials and specifically on carbon-based nanomaterials, such as carbon nanotubes (CNTs) and graphene. While these materials raise potential safety concerns, they represent a tremendous technological opportunity for the restoration of neuronal functions. We then describe nanotools such as nanowires and nano-modified MEA for high-performance electrophysiological recording and stimulation of neuronal electrical activity. We finally focus on the fabrication of three-dimensional synthetic nanostructures, used as substrates to interface biological cells and tissues in vitro and in vivo
