39 research outputs found

    Katz trees for dryad

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    Gene trees generated from alignments that are also uploade


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    Alignment file; 1554 genes; eukaryote


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    All 1554 single gene alignments with only eukaryotic taxa. Data were concatenated and columns with > 50% missing data were removed to make the large matrices analyzed in this study


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    Table_S1.xlsx: Taxon source and code Taxa are listed by major clade, and information is given about the source of the data (e.g. OrthoMCL, Genbank, Moore Transcriptome Project). Codes used throughout the study are given. Taxa in red are in Phylobayes analysis but removed from other analyse


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    All 1554 single gene alignments with all taxa. Data were concatenated and columns with > 50% missing data in eukaryotic taxa were removed to make the large matrices analyzed in this study


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    Table_S1.xlsx: Taxon source and code Taxa are listed by major clade, and information is given about the source of the data (e.g. OrthoMCL, Genbank, Moore Transcriptome Project). Codes used throughout the study are given. Taxa in red are in Phylobayes analysis but removed from other analyse


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    Alignment file; 150 genes; eukaryotes, bacteria and archae


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    Alignment file; 1554 genes; eukaryotes, bacteria and archaea


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    Alignment file; 1554 genes minus egt genes; eukaryote


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    Table_S2.xlsx: Presence/Absence of genes x taxa Genes present by taxon. 1 = present; 0 = absent. Genes are given by OG name (OrthoMCL) and are marked with an * if a member of the 150 most even gene dataset and with a ^ if identified as a gene affected by EG