451 research outputs found

    Technique for Developing Criteria of Parolability

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    Scientific Status of Parole Prediction

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    Scientific Status of Parole Prediction

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    Projet de hadrontherapie a Lyon - Lignes de faisceau

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    Ce rapport decrit les lignes de faisceau du projet de hadrontherapie Rhone-Alpes, depuis la region d'extraction dans le synchrotron jusqu'aux chambres d'irradiation


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    ABSTRAKPenelitian ini dilakukan disekolah SMA Negeri 4 Gorontalo dan bertujuan untuk menghasilkan perangkat pembelajaran yang berkualitas dengan menggunakan model Team Based Learning pada proses pembelajaran daring. Perangkat pembelajaran dikembangkan menggunakan model pengembangan ADDIE. Hasil penelitian terhadap perangkat menunjukan bahwa perangkat tersersebut berkualitas. Perangkat pembelajaran ini valid untuk digunakan dengan sedikit revisi Hal ini dapat dilihat berdarkan rata-rata hasil validasi dengan nilai 3,0-3,4. Efektivitas perangkat pembelajaran dapat dilihat dengan peningkatan hasil belajar siswa yang terdiri dari ranah kognitif pada pertemuan satu sampai pertemuan ketiga diperoleh N Gain iRat 0,66, 0,59, 0,51 dengan kriteria N Gain Sedang,  pada tRat diperoleh N Gain 0,7, 0,66, dan 0,61 untuk ranah sikap dengan rata-rata persentase sebesar 80,44%, serta rata-rata persentase ranah keterampilan sebesar 80,17%, dan hasil pengamatan aktivitas peserta didik selama tiga kali pertemuan yaitu sebesar 81,85% dengan kriteria sangat baik. Perangkat pembelajaran dikatakan praktis dilihat berdasarkan rata-rata hasil persentase keterlaksanaan selama tiga kali pertemuan yaitu sebesar  95%,  serta hasil angket respon guru dan peserta didik terkait perangkat pembelajaran pada proses pembelajaran daring mendapatkan respon positif. Kata kunci: hasil belajar; perangkat pembelajaran; team based learning. ABSTRACTThis research was conducted at Gorontalo State High School 4 and aims to produce quality learning tools using the Team Based Learning model in the online learning process. Learning tools are developed using the ADDIE development model. The results of research on the device showed that the device was of quality. Learning devices are said to be valid for use with a slight revision this can be seen based on the average validation result with a value of 3.0-3.4. The effectiveness of learning devices can be seen by the improvement of student learning outcomes consisting of cognitive realms at meetings one to the third meeting obtained N Gain iRat 0.66, 0.59, 0.51 with the criteria N Medium Gain, on tRat obtained N Gain 0.7, 0.66, and 0.61 for the realm of attitude with an average percentage of 80.44%, as well as an average skill realm percentage of 80.17%,  and the results of observation of student activities during three meetings, namely 81.85% with excellent criteria. The learning device is said to be practically seen based on the average results of the percentage of implementation during three meetings, which is 95%, as well as the results of teacher and student response questionnaires related to learning devices in the online learning process get a positive response. Keywords: learning outcomes; learning devices; team based learning


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    Melancholy carries different traits, and memory is one of the strongest. In poetic and artistic processes, they seem to converge through metaphors, in face of a time that expands and passes in a non-linear way. In this article we will discuss interpretive possibilities in some works of Art, about the character of anguish, melancholy, longing and memory, together with literary production by the Syrian writer Luciano de Samósata (c.125) in Dialogue of the dead. Throughout this text, we will explore dialogues that may manifest a certain physiognomy of melancholy, coupled with images of artists who have similar postures in their works.A melancolia carrega diferentes traços, sendo que a memória é um dos mais proeminentes. Em processos poéticos e artísticos, parecem confluir por meio de metáforas, perante um tempo que se dilata e transcorre de forma não linear. Neste artigo, abordaremos possibilidades interpretativas em algumas obras de arte acerca do caráter da angústia, da melancolia, da saudade e da memória, junto com a produção literária do escritor sírio de língua grega antiga Luciano de Samósata (c.125) em O diálogo dos mortos. Ao longo do texto, exploraremos os diálogos que podem manifestar certa fisionomia da melancolia, aliada a imagens de artistas que tenham em suas obras posturas similares