1,405 research outputs found

    Low temperature heat capacity of Fe_{1-x}Ga_{x} alloys with large magneostriction

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    The low temperature heat capacity C_{p} of Fe_{1-x}Ga_{x} alloys with large magnetostriction has been investigated. The data were analyzed in the standard way using electron (γT\gamma T) and phonon (βT3\beta T^{3}) contributions. The Debye temperature ΘD\Theta_{D} decreases approximately linearly with increasing Ga concentration, consistent with previous resonant ultrasound measurements and measured phonon dispersion curves. Calculations of ΘD\Theta_{D} from lattice dynamical models and from measured elastic constants C_{11}, C_{12} and C_{44} are in agreement with the measured data. The linear coefficient of electronic specific heat γ\gamma remains relatively constant as the Ga concentration increases, despite the fact that the magnetoelastic coupling increases. Band structure calculations show that this is due to the compensation of majority and minority spin states at the Fermi level.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figure

    An experimental investigation of the laminar horseshoe vortex around an emerging obstacle

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    An emerging long obstacle placed in a boundary layer developing under a free-surface generates a complex horseshoe vortex (HSV) system, which is composed of a set of vortices exhibiting a rich variety of dynamics. The present experimental study examines such flow structure and characterizes precisely, using PIV measurements, the evolution of the HSV geometrical and dynamical properties over a wide range of dimensionless parameters (Reynolds number Reh∈[750,8300]Re_h \in [750, 8300], boundary layer development ratio h/δ∈[1.25,4.25]h/\delta \in [1.25, 4.25] and obstacle aspect ratio W/h∈[0.67,2.33]W/h \in [0.67, 2.33]). The dynamical study of the HSV is based on the categorization of the HSV vortices motion into an enhanced specific bi-dimensional typology, separating a coherent (due to vortex-vortex interactions) and an irregular evolution (due to appearance of small-scale instabilities). This precise categorization is made possible thanks to the use of vortex tracking methods applied on PIV measurements, A semi-empirical model for the HSV vortices motion is then proposed to highlight some important mechanisms of the HSV dynamics, as (i) the influence of the surrounding vortices on a vortex motion and (ii) the presence of a phase shift between the motion of all vortices. The study of the HSV geometrical properties (vortex position and characteristic lengths and frequencies) evolution with the flow parameters shows that strong dependencies exist between the streamwise extension of the HSV and the obstacle width, and between the HSV vortex number and its elongation. Comparison of these data with prior studies for immersed obstacles reveals that emerging obstacles lead to greater adverse pressure gradients and down-flows in front of the obstacle

    Monitoring the Variable Interstellar Absorption toward HD 219188 with HST/STIS

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    We discuss the results of continued spectroscopic monitoring of the variable intermediate-velocity (IV) absorption at v = -38 km/s toward HD 219188. After reaching maxima in mid-2000, the column densities of both Na I and Ca II in that IV component declined by factors >= 2 by the end of 2006. Comparisons between HST/STIS echelle spectra obtained in 2001, 2003, and 2004 and HST/GHRS echelle spectra obtained in 1994--1995 indicate the following: (1) The absorption from the dominant species S II, O I, Si II, and Fe II is roughly constant in all four sets of spectra -- suggesting that the total N(H) and the (mild) depletions have not changed significantly over a period of nearly ten years. (2) The column densities of the trace species C I (both ground and excited fine-structure states) and of the excited state C II* all increased by factors of 2--5 between 1995 and 2001 -- implying increases in the hydrogen density n_H (from about 20 cm^{-3} to about 45 cm^{-3}) and in the electron density n_e (by a factor >= 3) over that 6-year period. (3) The column densities of C I and C II* -- and the corresponding inferred n_H and n_e -- then decreased slightly between 2001 and 2004. (4) The changes in C I and C II* are very similar to those seen for Na I and Ca II. The relatively low total N(H) and the modest n_H suggest that the -38 km/s cloud toward HD 219188 is not a very dense knot or filament. Partial ionization of hydrogen appears to be responsible for the enhanced abundances of Na I, C I, Ca II, and C II*. In this case, the variations in those species appear to reflect differences in density and ionization [and not N(H)] over scales of tens of AU.Comment: 33 pages, 6 figures, aastex, accepted to Ap

    Physical Conditions in Orion's Veil

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    Orion's veil consists of several layers of largely neutral gas lying between us and the main ionizing stars of the Orion nebula. It is visible in 21cm H I absorption and in optical and UV absorption lines of H I and other species. Toward the Trapezium, the veil has two remarkable properties, high magnetic field (~100 microGauss) and a surprising lack of molecular hydrogen given its total hydrogen column density. Here we compute photoionization models of the veil to establish its gas density and its distance from the Trapezium. We use a greatly improved model of the hydrogen molecule that determines level populations in ~1e5 rotational/vibrational levels and provides improved estimates of molecular hydrogen destruction via the Lyman-Werner bands. Our best fit photoionization models place the veil 1-3 pc in front of the star at a density of 1e3-1e4 cubic centimeters. Magnetic energy dominates the energy of non-thermal motions in at least one of the 21cm H I velocity components. Therefore, the veil is the first interstellar environment where magnetic dominance appears to exist. We find that the low ratio of molecular to atomic hydrogen (< 1e-4) is a consequence of high UV flux incident upon the veil due to its proximity to the Trapezium stars and the absence of small grains in the region.Comment: 45 pages, 20 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Heterodyne Spectroscopy of the 63 μ\mum O I Line in M42

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    We have used a laser heterodyne spectrometer to resolve the emission line profile of the 63 micron 3P1 - 3P2 fine-structure transition of O I at two locations in M42. Comparison of the peak antenna temperature with that of the 158 micron C II fine-structure line shows that the gas kinetic temperature in the photodissociation region near theta1C is 175 - 220 K, the density is greater than 2x10 ^5 cm-3, and the hydrogen column density is about 1.5x10 ^22 cm-2. A somewhat lower temperature and column density are found in the IRc2 region, most likely reflecting the smaller UV flux. The observed width of the O I line is 6.8 km/s (FWHM) at theta1C, which is slightly broadened over the intrinsic linewidth by optical depth effects. No significant other differences between the O I and C II line profiles are seen, which shows that the narrow emission from both neutral atomic oxygen and ionized carbon comes from the PDR. The O I data do not rule out the possibility of weak broad-velocity emission from shock-excited gas at IRc2, but the C II data show no such effect, as expected from non-ionizing shock models.Comment: 11 pages including 2 postscript figures, uses aaspp4.st

    Physical Conditoins in Orion's Veil II: A Multi-Component Study of the Line of Sight Toward the Trapezium

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    Orion's Veil is an absorbing screen that lies along the line of sight to the Orion H II region. It consists of two or more layers of gas that must lie within a few parsecs of the Trapezium cluster. Our previous work considered the Veil as a whole and found that the magnetic field dominates the energetics of the gas in at least one component. Here we use high-resolution STIS UV spectra that resolve the two velocity components in absorption and determine the conditions in each. We derive a volume hydrogen density, 21 cm spin temperature, turbulent velocity, and kinetic temperature, for each. We combine these estimates with magnetic field measurements to find that magnetic energy significantly dominates turbulent and thermal energies in one component, while the other component is close to equipartition between turbulent and magnetic energies. We observe molecular hydrogen absorption for highly excited v, J levels that are photoexcited by the stellar continuum, and detect blueshifted S III and P III. These ions must arise from ionized gas between the mostly neutral portions of the Veil and the Trapezium and shields the Veil from ionizing radiation. We find that this layer of ionized gas is also responsible for He I absorption in the Veil, which resolves a 40-year-old debate on the origin of He I absorption towards the Trapezium. Finally, we determine that the ionized and mostly atomic layers of the Veil will collide in less than 85,000 years.Comment: 43 pages, 15 figures, to be published in Ap

    Atomic Diagnostics of X-ray Irradiated Protoplanetary Disks

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    We study atomic line diagnostics of the inner regions of protoplanetary disks with our model of X-ray irradiated disk atmospheres which was previously used to predict observable levels of the NeII and NeIII fine-structure transitions at 12.81 and 15.55mum. We extend the X-ray ionization theory to sulfur and calculate the fraction of sulfur in S, S+, S2+ and sulfur molecules. For the D'Alessio generic T Tauri star disk, we find that the SI fine-structure line at 25.55mum is below the detection level of the Spitzer Infrared Spectrometer (IRS), in large part due to X-ray ionization of atomic S at the top of the atmosphere and to its incorporation into molecules close to the mid-plane. We predict that observable fluxes of the SII 6718/6732AA forbidden transitions are produced in the upper atmosphere at somewhat shallower depths and smaller radii than the neon fine-structure lines. This and other forbidden line transitions, such as the OI 6300/6363AA and the CI 9826/9852AA lines, serve as complementary diagnostics of X-ray irradiated disk atmospheres. We have also analyzed the potential role of the low-excitation fine-structure lines of CI, CII, and OI, which should be observable by SOFIA and Herschel.Comment: Accepted by Ap

    Formation of Primordial Stars in a LCDM Universe

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    We study the formation of the first generation of stars in the standard cold dark matter model, using a very high-resolution hydordynamic simulations. Our simulation achieves a dynamic range of 10^{10} in length scale. With accurate treatment of atomic and molecular physics, it allows us to study the chemo-thermal evolution of primordial gas clouds to densities up to n = 10^{16}/cc without assuming any a priori equation of state; a six orders of magnitudes improvement over previous three-dimensional calculations. All the relevant atomic and molecular cooling and heating processes, including cooling by collision-induced continuum emission, are implemented. For calculating optically thick H2 cooling at high densities, we use the Sobolev method. To examine possible gas fragmentation owing to thermal instability, we compute explicitly the growth rate of isobaric perturbations. We show that the cloud core does not fragment in either the low-density or high-density regimes. We also show that the core remains stable against gravitational deformation and fragmentation. We obtain an accurate gas mass accretion rate within a 10 Msun innermost region around the protostar. The protostar is accreting the surrounding hot gas at a rate of 0.001-0.01 Msun/yr. From these findings we conclude that primordial stars formed in early minihalos are massive. We carry out proto-stellar evolution calculations using the obtained accretion rate. The resulting mass of the first star is M_ZAMS = 60-100 Msun, with the exact mass dependent on the actual accretion rate.Comment: 27 pages, 13 embedded figures. Revised versio

    Far-Infrared detection of neutral atomic oxygen toward the Horsehead Nebula

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    We present the first detection of neutral atomic oxygen (3P_1-3P_2 fine structure line at ~63um) toward the Horsehead photodissociation region (PDR). The cloud has been mapped with the Spitzer Space Telescope at far-IR (FIR) wavelengths using MIPS in the spectral energy distribution (SED) mode. The [OI]63um line peaks at the illuminated edge of the cloud at AV~0.1-0.5 (inward the gas becomes too cold and outward the gas density drops). The luminosity carried by the [OI]63um line represents a significant fraction of the total FIR dust luminosity (I_63/I_FIR~4x10^-3). We analyze the dust continuum emission and the nonlocal OI excitation and radiative transfer in detail. The observations are reproduced with a gas density of n_H~10^4 cm^-3 and gas and dust temperatures of T_k~100 K and T_d~30 K. We conclude that the determination of the OI 3P_J level populations and emergent line intensities at such ``low'' densities is a complex non-LTE problem. FIR radiative pumping, [OI]63um subthermal emission, [OI]145um suprathermal and even maser emission can occur and decrease the resulting [OI]63/145 intensity ratio. The Herschel Space Observatory, observing from ~55 to 672um, will allow us to exploit the diagnostic power of FIR fine structure lines with unprecedented resolution and sensitivity.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ Letters (editorial corrections included
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