247 research outputs found

    Book review: Cold War ruins: transpacific critique of American justice and Japanese war crimes by Lisa Yoneyama

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    At a time when legalistic responses to war and conflict have become a dominant discourse in international relations, Lisa Yoneyama examines the contested legacy of the Allied justice project in occupied Japan and suggests that we need to ‘unlearn some of the most familiar terms with which we make demands for a just world’. Cold War Ruins: Transpacific Critique of American Justice and Japanese War Crimes offers an original account that will be of interest to those researching Cold War and area studies, postcolonial feminism and transitional justice theory, finds Teemu Laulainen

    Photoelectron Emission from Metal Surfaces Induced by VUV-emission of Filament Driven Hydrogen Arc Discharge Plasma

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    Photoelectron emission measurements have been performed using a filament-driven multi-cusp arc discharge volume production H^- ion source (LIISA). It has been found that photoelectron currents obtained with Al, Cu, Mo, Ta and stainless steel (SAE 304) are on the same order of magnitude. The photoelectron currents depend linearly on the discharge power. It is shown experimentally that photoelectron emission is significant only in the short wavelength range of hydrogen spectrum due to the energy dependence of the quantum efficiency. It is estimated from the measured data that the maximum photoelectron flux from plasma chamber walls is on the order of 1 A per kW of discharge power

    An Experimental Study of Waveguide Coupled Microwave Heating with Conventional Multicusp Negative Ion Source

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    Negative ion production with conventional multicusp plasma chambers utilizing 2.45 GHz microwave heating is demonstrated. The experimental results were obtained with the multicusp plasma chambers and extraction systems of the RFdriven RADIS ion source and the filament driven arc discharge ion source LIISA. A waveguide microwave coupling system, which is almost similar to the one used with the SILHI ion source, was used. The results demonstrate that at least one third of negative ion beam obtained with inductive RF-coupling (RADIS) or arc discharge (LIISA) can be achieved with 1 kW of 2.45 GHz microwave power in CW mode without any modification of the plasma chamber. The co-extracted electron to H^- ratio and the optimum pressure range were observed to be similar for both heating methods. The behaviour of the plasma implies that the energy transfer from the microwaves to the plasma electrons is mainly an off-resonance process

    Material Construction of Care Workers’ Identity

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    This article takes a critical look at the unconscious and unnoticed effects of materiality on care workers’ identity. The data was collected through nonactive role-playing using written accounts, in which the respondents described how they felt about working in fictitious ‘good’ or ‘bad’ elderly care homes. The data was analyzed with rhetorical analysis. Five different identity strategies were identified in the accounts. Strong professional identity was defended by downplaying the significance of materiality. Adjustment and passive compliance were used to adjust to physical shortcomings of the work environment. A ‘rebellion’ was described as an extreme course of action to resolve the contradiction between good care and poor facilities. At its best, the materiality of care homes, in particular homelikeness, seemed to support professional identity. These identity strategies illustrate how care workers balance between the physical realities of care homes and the requirements of the ethos of care, which are often incompatible with each other. It is crucial that managers as well as workers themselves recognize and acknowledge these connections affecting motivation and commitment to care work. Investments in better environments could be one way to improve the image and the attractiveness of the care branch and relieve the recruitment problems


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    Computer simulations of industry gross output, employment and earnings changes associated with alternative copper-nickel development scenarios are presented in this report. The direct and indirect economic effects of seven development scenarios are projected for a mining impact Study Area in St. Louis County, Minnesota.Community/Rural/Urban Development, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,


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    Existing peatland development and future uses for peat are described and evaluated in this report. Scenarios for future development of the study area peat industry are described in terms of employment, earnings, capital investment, and value of production. Forecasts of the potential impacts of peatland development on regional industry production, employment, earnings, and population are presented. These impacts are determined by using SIMLAB, an acronym for a regional socio-economic computer model developed at the University of Minnesota for quantitative analysis of the direct, indirect and induced socio-economic effects of events like peatland development.Land Economics/Use,


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    This manual is a users' guide to the Minnesota Regional Development Simulation Laboratory, called SIMLAB.Community/Rural/Urban Development,

    From OmaStadi towards MeidĂ€nStadi – research about the first year of the participatory budgeting model of the city of Helsinki and suggestions for the development

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    TĂ€mĂ€ opinnĂ€ytetyö kĂ€sittelee Helsingin kaupungin syksyllĂ€ 2018 toimeenpanemaa osallistuvan budjetoinnin mallia, OmaStadia. Tutkimusaineisto ei kata koko OmaStadin prosessia, vaan ainoastaan vaiheet, jotka toteutuivat syksyn 2018 ja kevÀÀn 2019 vĂ€lisenĂ€ aikana. Prosessin ÀÀnestys- ja toteutusvaihe kĂ€sitellÀÀn kuitenkin toteutuneen mallin kuvailussa ja tekemĂ€ssĂ€ni konseptissa. Tutkimuksessa pyritÀÀn hahmottamaan sitĂ€, miten ensimmĂ€istĂ€ kertaa toteutettu malli toteutui, miten siihen osallistuneet kaupunkilaiset sen kokivat ja minkĂ€laisia toimintakykyjĂ€ osallistuvaan budjetointiin osallistuminen edellyttÀÀ. Tutkimuksessa pyritÀÀn myös hahmottaa nykyisen mallin toimintakykyjen mahdollistumiseen liittyvĂ€t vaaranpaikat ja tarjoamaan jatkokehittĂ€miselle vaihtoehtoinen konsepti. Teoreettisena viitekehyksenĂ€ kĂ€ytetÀÀn muotoilun kentĂ€llĂ€ vielĂ€ melko vĂ€hĂ€n sovellettua toimintakykynĂ€kemystĂ€. Tutkimuksen pÀÀaineisto koostuu Helsingin kaupungin palautekyselyiden vastauksista ja tekemistĂ€ni puolistrukturoiduista osallistuja-haastatteluista. Haastatteluiden tekemisessĂ€ hyödynsin palvelumuotoilusta tuttuja palvelupolku-työpohjia ja kokemusarviointi-taulukkoja. NĂ€istĂ€ aineistosta kerĂ€sin sekĂ€ yleisiĂ€ ettĂ€ juuri toimintakykyihin liittyviĂ€ haasteita, tarpeita ja toiveita, ja kĂ€ytin löydöksiĂ€ OmaStadin jatkokehittĂ€miseen tĂ€htÀÀvĂ€n MeidĂ€nStadi-konseptin muotoilemiseen. Tutkimuksen mukaan prosessiin osallistuneet kaupunkilaiset edustavat pÀÀosin korkeasti koulutettuja, aktiivisia suomenkielisiĂ€ kaupunkilaisia, joilla on hyvĂ€t osallistumisen taidot. Naisten mÀÀrĂ€ nĂ€yttÀÀ olleen suurempi kuin miesten. Tutkimuksen aineiston pohjalta nĂ€yttÀÀ siltĂ€, ettĂ€ suurin osa ensimmĂ€isen vuoden prosessiin osallistuneista on ollut tyytyvĂ€isiĂ€ prosessin toteuttamistapaan, ja prosessiin osallistuminen on lisĂ€nnyt heidĂ€n ymmĂ€rrystÀÀn ja kiinnostustaan pÀÀtöksentekoon osallistumisesta. Tutkimuksen mukaan toteuttamistavassa on kuitenkin myös puutteita. NĂ€mĂ€ niin sanotut toimintakykyjen vaaranpaikat liittyvĂ€t esimerkiksi prosessin alkuvaiheen tiedon ymmĂ€rtĂ€misen ja suunnitteluvaiheen yhteistyön toimintakykyjen mahdollistumiseen. MeidĂ€nStadi-konsepti, joka pyrkii vastaamaan nykyisessĂ€ mallissa ilmenneisiin vaaranpaikkoihin, korostaa nimensĂ€ mukaisesti yhteisöllisyyttĂ€. Konseptin kĂ€ytĂ€nnön toimet tĂ€htÀÀvĂ€t muun muassa keskustelemisen, yhteistyön ja arvioimisen toimintakykyjen mahdollistumiseen ja kehittymiseen. Prosessissa on uusia elementtejĂ€, kuten MeidĂ€nStadi-raati, ja testaaminen on oleellinen osa kehittĂ€mistyötĂ€. Konsepti tarjoaa nykyiseen malliin pohjautuvan vaihtoehtoisen mallin, jossa mennÀÀn askeleen verran lĂ€hemmĂ€ksi osallistuvan budjetoinnin alkuperĂ€istĂ€, Porto Alegren mallia. Vaikka OmaStadissa onkin vielĂ€ kehitettĂ€vÀÀ, Helsingin kaupungille voi antaa hyvĂ€n arvosanan ensimmĂ€isen vuoden toteuttamisesta. Alueosallisuustiimi ja OmaStadi-projektiryhmĂ€ ovat tehneet valtavasti töitĂ€ toteuttaessaan ja samaan aikaisesti kehittĂ€essÀÀn tĂ€tĂ€ ensimmĂ€isen vuoden prosessia. On myös syytĂ€ pitÀÀ mielessĂ€, ettĂ€ toimivan mallin kehittĂ€minen ja toteuttaminen ovat pitkĂ€ prosessi eikĂ€ jĂ€rkevÀÀ ja kaikkia tyydyttĂ€vÀÀ osallistuvan budjetoinnin mallia rakenneta yksin saati hetkessĂ€.This thesis investigates OmaStadi (MyCity) model, a participatory budgeting model of the City of Helsinki, that started in autumn 2018. Research data is not covering the whole process, only the phases that were actualized between autumn 2018 and spring 2019. Voting and implementation phases are still covered when introducing the actualized OmaStadi process and the concept MeidĂ€nStadi (OurCity). The thesis aims to perceive understanding of how the process was executed, how did the citizens experience the process and what kind of capabilities are needed for participating participatory budgeting process. The research tries to depict the pain points of the process from the perspective of capabilities and offers an alternative concept for further development. The capability approach, which is still applied quite seldom in the design field, is the theoretical framework of this thesis. The main source material of the thesis consists of feedback answers of the citizen questionnaires made by Helsinki city and my semi-structured interviews. I utilized familiar service design tools – service journey template and experience evaluation form – to carry out the interviews. From these materials, I gathered both common and precisely capability related challenges, needs and wishes. These findings were the basis for building a new, further developed model of the OmaStadi process, the concept I call MeidĂ€nStadi (OurCity). Research shows that most of the participants represent highly educated, active, Finnish speaking citizens who have good capabilities for participation. The total of woman participants seems to be bigger than men. Data points out that most of the participants are happy how OmaStadi was implemented and they think that participation has increased their understanding and interest in decision making. Based on the research process has still some weaknesses. These capability related pain points seem to relate for example to the understanding capability and collaboration capability. MeidĂ€nStadi concept, which aims to solve the pain points that exist in the present model, highlights and tries to increase the importance of us instead of me or you. Practical solutions of the concept focus i.a. on conversation, collaboration and evaluation capabilities. The process includes some new features like MeidĂ€nStadi council and phases of testing used tools and working methods. The concept that is based on the OmaStadi model offers a version that is a bit more towards the original Porto Alegre’s participatory budgeting model. Even though there are things to develop with the OmaStadi model, the City of Helsinki has done a good job. The team of district participation (alueosallisuustiimi) and the OmaStadi project team have done an enormous amount of work when executing and developing the new model on the run. It is also fair to remember that to develop and execute a functional and reasonable participatory budgeting model that would satisfy all parties is a long process. It is not built alone either in a hurry
