2,566 research outputs found
Note on the Electron Energy Spectrum in the Inner Van Allen Belt
Electron energy spectrum in the inner van allen bel
Geomagnetically Trapped Radiation Produced by a High-Altitude Nuclear Explosion on July 9, 1962
Geomagnetically trapped radiation produced by a high altitude nuclear explosio
Detection and Implications of a Time-reversal breaking state in underdoped Cuprates
We present general symmetry considerations on how a Time-reversal breaking
state may be detected by angle-resolved photoemission using circularly
polarized photons as has been proposed earlier. Results of recent experiments
utilizing the proposal in underdoped cuprates are analysed and found to be
consistent in their symmetry and magnitude with a theory of the Copper-Oxides.
These togather with evidence for a quantum critical point and marginal
Fermi-liquid properties near optimum doping suggest that a valid microscopic
theory of the phenomena in the cuprates has been found.Comment: A statement on detecting the Anyon state is added and some typos are
Experimental determination of dipole moments for molecular ions: Improved measurements for ArH^+
An improved value for the dipole moment of ArH^+ has been obtained from new measurements of the rotational g factors of ArH^+ and ArD^+ made with tunable far‐IR laser spectroscopy. Systematic errors present in earlier measurements have been eliminated. The new result (μ=3.0±0.6 D) is slightly higher than the ab initio value of Rosmus (2.2 D) at the 2σ limits of precision
Pairing via Index theorem
This work is motivated by a specific point of view: at short distances and
high energies the undoped and underdoped cuprates resemble the -flux phase
of the t-J model. The purpose of this paper is to present a mechanism by which
pairing grows out of the doped -flux phase. According to this mechanism
pairing symmetry is determined by a parameter controlling the quantum tunneling
of gauge flux quanta. For zero tunneling the symmetry is ,
while for large tunneling it is . A zero-temperature critical
point separates these two limits
Rapidly Rotating Fermi Gases
We show that the density profile of a Fermi gas in rapidly rotating potential
will develop prominent features reflecting the underlying Landau level like
energy spectrum. Depending on the aspect ratio of the trap, these features can
be a sequence of ellipsoidal volumes or a sequence of quantized steps.Comment: 4 pages, 1 postscript fil
Topological Quantum Phase Transitions in Topological Superconductors
In this paper we show that BF topological superconductors (insulators) exibit
phase transitions between different topologically ordered phases characterized
by different ground state degeneracy on manifold with non-trivial topology.
These phase transitions are induced by the condensation (or lack of) of
topological defects. We concentrate on the (2+1)-dimensional case where the BF
model reduce to a mixed Chern-Simons term and we show that the superconducting
phase has a ground state degeneracy and not . When the symmetry is
, namely when both gauge fields are compact, this model is
not equivalent to the sum of two Chern-Simons term with opposite chirality,
even if naively diagonalizable. This is due to the fact that U(1) symmetry
requires an ultraviolet regularization that make the diagonalization
impossible. This can be clearly seen using a lattice regularization, where the
gauge fields become angular variables. Moreover we will show that the phase in
which both gauge fields are compact is not allowed dynamically.Comment: 5 pages, no figure
Spin Susceptibility and Gap Structure of the Fractional-Statistics Gas
This paper establishes and tests procedures which can determine the electron
energy gap of the high-temperature superconductors using the model
with spinon and holon quasiparticles obeying fractional statistics. A simpler
problem with similar physics, the spin susceptibility spectrum of the spin 1/2
fractional-statistics gas, is studied. Interactions with the density
oscillations of the system substantially decrease the spin gap to a value of
, much less than the mean-field value of
. The lower few Landau levels remain visible, though broadened
and shifted, in the spin susceptibility. As a check of the methods, the
single-particle Green's function of the non-interacting Bose gas viewed in the
fermionic representation, as computed by the same approximation scheme, agrees
well with the exact results. The same mechanism would reduce the gap of the
model without eliminating it.Comment: 35 pages, written in REVTeX, 16 figures available upon request from
[email protected]
Composite fermions from the algebraic point of view
Composite fermion wavefuctions have been used to describe electrons in a
strong magnetic field. We show that the polynomial part of these wavefunctions
can be obtained by applying a normal ordered product of suitably defined
annihilation and creation operators to an even power of the Vandermonde
determinant, which can been considered as a kind of a non-trivial Fermi sea. In
the case of the harmonic interaction we solve the system exactly in the lowest
Landau level. The solution makes explicit the boson-fermion correspondence
proposed recently.Comment: 11 pages 1 figur
Laboratory measurement of the pure rotational spectrum of vibrationally excited HCO^+ (v_2 = 1) by far-infrared laser sideband spectroscopy
Laboratory observations of the pure rotational spectrum of HCO^+ in its lowest excited bending state
(v_1, v^l_2 v_3)_= (0,1^1,0) are reported. Because of their severe excitation requirements, such vibrational satellites
and the high-J ground-state lines also measured here sample only hot, dense regions of matter in active molecular
cloud cores and circumstellar envelopes. As the HCO^+ abundance is tied directly to the gas fractional ionization, it is probable that the vibrationally excited formyl ion transitions will provide high-contrast
observations of shocked molecular material, rather than the more quiescent, radiatively heated gas surrounding
stellar sources detected with the few vibrationally excited neutral species observed to date
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