1,373 research outputs found

    Decision-Making for Automated Vehicles Using a Hierarchical Behavior-Based Arbitration Scheme

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    Behavior planning and decision-making are some of the biggest challenges for highly automated systems. A fully automated vehicle (AV) is confronted with numerous tactical and strategical choices. Most state-of-the-art AV platforms implement tactical and strategical behavior generation using finite state machines. However, these usually result in poor explainability, maintainability and scalability. Research in robotics has raised many architectures to mitigate these problems, most interestingly behavior-based systems and hybrid derivatives. Inspired by these approaches, we propose a hierarchical behavior-based architecture for tactical and strategical behavior generation in automated driving. It is a generalizing and scalable decision-making framework, utilizing modular behavior blocks to compose more complex behaviors in a bottom-up approach. The system is capable of combining a variety of scenario- and methodology-specific solutions, like POMDPs, RRT* or learning-based behavior, into one understandable and traceable architecture. We extend the hierarchical behavior-based arbitration concept to address scenarios where multiple behavior options are applicable but have no clear priority against each other. Then, we formulate the behavior generation stack for automated driving in urban and highway environments, incorporating parking and emergency behaviors as well. Finally, we illustrate our design in an explanatory evaluation

    Pedestrian Prediction by Planning using Deep Neural Networks

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    Accurate traffic participant prediction is the prerequisite for collision avoidance of autonomous vehicles. In this work, we predict pedestrians by emulating their own motion planning. From online observations, we infer a mixture density function for possible destinations. We use this result as the goal states of a planning stage that performs motion prediction based on common behavior patterns. The entire system is modeled as one monolithic neural network and trained via inverse reinforcement learning. Experimental validation on real world data shows the system's ability to predict both, destinations and trajectories accurately

    Real-time stereo semi-global matching for video processing using previous incremental information

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    This paper presents an incremental stereo algorithm designed to calculate a real-time disparity image. The algorithm is designed for stereo video sequences and uses previous information to reduce computation time and improve disparity image quality. It is based on the semi-global matching stereo algorithm but modified to reuse previous calculation information. Storing and reusing this information not only reduces computation time but improves accuracy in a cost filtering scheme. Some tests are presented to compare the computation time and results of the algorithm, which show that it can achieve better results in terms of quality and time than standard algorithms for some scenarios

    LIMO: Lidar-Monocular Visual Odometry

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    Higher level functionality in autonomous driving depends strongly on a precise motion estimate of the vehicle. Powerful algorithms have been developed. However, their great majority focuses on either binocular imagery or pure LIDAR measurements. The promising combination of camera and LIDAR for visual localization has mostly been unattended. In this work we fill this gap, by proposing a depth extraction algorithm from LIDAR measurements for camera feature tracks and estimating motion by robustified keyframe based Bundle Adjustment. Semantic labeling is used for outlier rejection and weighting of vegetation landmarks. The capability of this sensor combination is demonstrated on the competitive KITTI dataset, achieving a placement among the top 15. The code is released to the community.Comment: Accepted at IROS 201
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