15 research outputs found

    Widespread nociceptive maps in the human neonatal somatosensory cortex

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    Topographic cortical maps are essential for spatial localisation of sensory stimulation and generation of appropriate task-related motor responses. Somatosensation and nociception are finely mapped and aligned in the adult somatosensory (S1) cortex, but in infancy, when pain behaviour is disorganised and poorly directed, nociceptive maps may be less refined. We compared the topographic pattern of S1 activation following noxious (clinically required heel lance) and innocuous (touch) mechanical stimulation of the same skin region in newborn infants (n=32) using multi-optode functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS). Within S1 cortex, touch and lance of the heel elicit localised, partially overlapping increases in oxygenated haemoglobin concentration (D[HbO]), but while touch activation was restricted to the heel area, lance activation extended into cortical hand regions. The data reveals a widespread cortical nociceptive map in infant S1, consistent with their poorly directed pain behaviour

    Quantification of neonatal procedural pain severity: a platform for estimating total pain burden in individual infants

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    There is increasing evidence that long-term outcomes for infants born prematurely are adversely affected by repeated exposure to noxious procedures. These interventions vary widely, for example, in the extent of damage caused and duration. NICU (neonatal intensive care unit) procedures are therefore likely to each contribute differently to the overall pain burden of individual neonates, ultimately having a different impact on their development. In order for researchers to quantify the procedural pain burden experienced by infants on NICU, we aimed to estimate the pain severity of common NICU procedures using published pain scores. We extracted pain scores over the first minute (pain reactivity) from the literature, using 59 randomized controlled trials for 15 different procedures. Hierarchical cluster analysis of average pain scores resulted in five discrete severity groups; mild (n=1), mild to moderate (n=3), moderate (n=7), severe (n=3) and very severe (n=1). The estimate of the severity of individual procedures provided new insight into infant pain reactivity which is not always directly related to the invasiveness and duration of a procedure; thus both heel lance and skin tape removal are moderately painful procedures. This estimate of procedural pain severity, based on pain reactivity scores, provides a novel platform for retrospective quantification of an individual neonate's pain burden due to NICU procedures. The addition of measures that reflect the recovery from each procedure, such as brain activity and behavioural regulation, would further improve estimates of the pain burden of neonatal intensive care

    A developmental shift in habituation to pain in human neonates

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    Habituation to recurrent non-threatening or unavoidable noxious stimuli is an important aspect of adaptation to pain. Neonates, especially if preterm, are exposed to repeated noxious procedures during their clinical care. They can mount strong behavioral, autonomic, spinal, and cortical responses to a single noxious stimulus; however, it is not known whether the developing nervous system can adapt to the recurrence of these inputs. Here, we used electroencephalography to investigate changes in cortical microstates (representing the complex sequential processing of noxious inputs) following two consecutive clinically required heel lances in term and preterm infants. We show that stimulus repetition dampens the engagement of initial microstates and associated behavioral and autonomic responses in term infants, while preterm infants do not show signs of habituation. Nevertheless, both groups engage different longer-latency cortical microstates to each lance, which is likely to reflect changes in higher-level stimulus processing with repeated stimulation. These data suggest that while both age groups are capable of encoding contextual differences in pain, the preterm brain does not regulate the initial cortical, behavioral, and autonomic responses to repeated noxious stimuli. Habituation mechanisms to pain are already in place at term age but mature over the equivalent of the last trimester of gestation and are not fully functional in preterm neonates

    The emergence of hierarchical somatosensory processing in late prematurity

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    <div><b>Abstract</b></div><div><br></div><div>The somatosensory system has a hierarchical organization. Information processing increases in complexity from the contralateral primary sensory cortex to bilateral association cortices and this is represented by a sequence of somatosensory event related potentials of increasing latencies, recorded in scalp EEGs. The mammalian somatosensory system is known to mature over the early postnatal period in a rostro-caudal progression, but little is known about the development of hierarchical information processing in the human infant brain. To investigate the normal human development of the somatosensory hierarchy, we recorded event related potentials evoked by mechanical stimulation of hands and feet in 34 infants between 34 and 42 weeks corrected age, with median postnatal age of 3 days. We show that the shortest latency potential was evoked from both hands and feet at all ages with a stable contralateral somatotopic distribution. However, the longer latency responses matured with age, gradually emerging for the foot and, although always present, showing a shift from contralateral to bilateral hemispheric activation for the hand. These results demonstrate the rostro-caudal development of human somatosensory hierarchy and suggest that development of the higher tiers of this hierarchy are complete only just before normal birth, when bilateral integration becomes possible.</div

    EEG, behavioural and physiological recordings following a painful procedure in human neonates

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    Abstract We present a dataset of cortical, behavioural, and physiological responses following a single, clinically required noxious stimulus in a neonatal sample. Cortical activity was recorded from 112 neonates (29–47 weeks gestational age at study) using a 20-channel electroencephalogram (EEG), which was time-locked to a heel lance. This data is linked to pain-related behaviour (facial expression), physiology (heart rate, oxygenation) and a composite clinical score (Premature Infant Pain Profile, PIPP). The dataset includes responses to non-noxious sham and auditory controls. The infants’ relevant medical and pain history was collected up to the day of the study and recorded in an extensive database of variables including clinical condition at birth, diagnoses, medications, previous painful procedures, injuries, and selected maternal information. This dataset can be used to investigate the cortical, physiological, and behavioural pain-related processing in human infants and to evaluate the impact of medical conditions and experiences upon the infant response to noxious stimuli. Furthermore, it provides information on the formation of individual pain phenotypes