7,162 research outputs found

    Distance and the pattern of intra-European trade

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    Given an undirected graph G = (V, E) and subset of terminals T ⊆ V, the element-connectivity κ ′ G (u, v) of two terminals u, v ∈ T is the maximum number of u-v paths that are pairwise disjoint in both edges and non-terminals V \ T (the paths need not be disjoint in terminals). Element-connectivity is more general than edge-connectivity and less general than vertex-connectivity. Hind and Oellermann [21] gave a graph reduction step that preserves the global element-connectivity of the graph. We show that this step also preserves local connectivity, that is, all the pairwise element-connectivities of the terminals. We give two applications of this reduction step to connectivity and network design problems. • Given a graph G and disjoint terminal sets T1, T2,..., Tm, we seek a maximum number of elementdisjoint Steiner forests where each forest connects each Ti. We prove that if each Ti is k element k connected then there exist Ω( log hlog m) element-disjoint Steiner forests, where h = | i Ti|. If G is planar (or more generally, has fixed genus), we show that there exist Ω(k) Steiner forests. Our proofs are constructive, giving poly-time algorithms to find these forests; these are the first non-trivial algorithms for packing element-disjoint Steiner Forests. • We give a very short and intuitive proof of a spider-decomposition theorem of Chuzhoy and Khanna [12] in the context of the single-sink k-vertex-connectivity problem; this yields a simple and alternative analysis of an O(k log n) approximation. Our results highlight the effectiveness of the element-connectivity reduction step; we believe it will find more applications in the future

    Studies of release properties of ISOLDE targets

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    Off-line release rates of Be, Mg, S, Mn and Kr from refractory materials were studied. Mn yields were determined from a ZrO2 target and Kr yields from a SrO and ZrO2 targets. A Monte Carlo code to optimize ISOLDE targets was introduced

    A New Monte Carlo Algorithm for Protein Folding

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    We demonstrate that the recently proposed pruned-enriched Rosenbluth method (P. Grassberger, Phys. Rev. E 56 (1997) 3682) leads to extremely efficient algorithms for the folding of simple model proteins. We test them on several models for lattice heteropolymers, and compare to published Monte Carlo studies. In all cases our algorithms are faster than all previous ones, and in several cases we find new minimal energy states. In addition to ground states, our algorithms give estimates for the partition sum at finite temperatures.Comment: 4 pages, Latex incl. 3 eps-figs., submitted to Phys. Rev. Lett., revised version with changes in the tex

    Simulation of Lattice Polymers with Multi-Self-Overlap Ensemble

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    A novel family of dynamical Monte Carlo algorithms for lattice polymers is proposed. Our central idea is to simulate an extended ensemble in which the self-avoiding condition is systematically weakened. The degree of the self-overlap is controlled in a similar manner as the multicanonical ensemble. As a consequence, the ensemble --the multi-self-overlap ensemble-- contains adequate portions of self-overlapping conformations as well as higher energy ones. It is shown that the multi-self-overlap ensemble algorithm reproduce correctly the canonical averages at finite temperatures of the HP model of lattice proteins. Moreover, it outperforms massively a standard multicanonical algorithm for a difficult example of a polymer with 8-stickers. Alternative algorithm based on exchange Monte Carlo method is also discussed.Comment: 5 Pages, 4 Postscript figures, uses epsf.st

    Protein design in a lattice model of hydrophobic and polar amino acids

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    A general strategy is described for finding which amino acid sequences have native states in a desired conformation (inverse design). The approach is used to design sequences of 48 hydrophobic and polar aminoacids on three-dimensional lattice structures. Previous studies employing a sequence-space Monte-Carlo technique resulted in the successful design of one sequence in ten attempts. The present work also entails the exploration of conformations that compete significantly with the target structure for being its ground state. The design procedure is successful in all the ten cases.Comment: RevTeX, 12 pages, 1 figur

    A Solvable Model of Secondary Structure Formation in Random Hetero-Polymers

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    We propose and solve a simple model describing secondary structure formation in random hetero-polymers. It describes monomers with a combination of one-dimensional short-range interactions (representing steric forces and hydrogen bonds) and infinite range interactions (representing polarity forces). We solve our model using a combination of mean field and random field techniques, leading to phase diagrams exhibiting second-order transitions between folded, partially folded and unfolded states, including regions where folding depends on initial conditions. Our theoretical results, which are in excellent agreement with numerical simulations, lead to an appealing physical picture of the folding process: the polarity forces drive the transition to a collapsed state, the steric forces introduce monomer specificity, and the hydrogen bonds stabilise the conformation by damping the frustration-induced multiplicity of states.Comment: 24 pages, 14 figure

    High-power, single-mode operation of an InGaAsP/InP laser with a grooved transverse junction using gain stabilization

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    The high-power performance of a groove InGaAsP/InP transverse junction laser fabricated on a semi-insulating InP substrate has been investigated. Peak power of over 250 mW/facet for pulsed operation and 11 mW/facet cw are achieved with stable fundamental mode operation and narrow beam width. It is suggested that the single-mode operation is caused by a gain stabilizing mechanism related to the transverse junction injection profiles

    Critical Exponents of the Classical 3D Heisenberg Model: A Single-Cluster Monte Carlo Study

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    We have simulated the three-dimensional Heisenberg model on simple cubic lattices, using the single-cluster Monte Carlo update algorithm. The expected pronounced reduction of critical slowing down at the phase transition is verified. This allows simulations on significantly larger lattices than in previous studies and consequently a better control over systematic errors. In one set of simulations we employ the usual finite-size scaling methods to compute the critical exponents ν,α,β,γ,η\nu,\alpha,\beta,\gamma, \eta from a few measurements in the vicinity of the critical point, making extensive use of histogram reweighting and optimization techniques. In another set of simulations we report measurements of improved estimators for the spatial correlation length and the susceptibility in the high-temperature phase, obtained on lattices with up to 1003100^3 spins. This enables us to compute independent estimates of ν\nu and γ\gamma from power-law fits of their critical divergencies.Comment: 33 pages, 12 figures (not included, available on request). Preprint FUB-HEP 19/92, HLRZ 77/92, September 199

    What do We Know the Snow Darkening Effect Over Himalayan Glaciers?

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    The atmospheric absorbing aerosols such as dust, black carbon (BC), organic carbon (OC) are now well known warming factors in the atmosphere. However, when these aerosols deposit onto the snow surface, it causes darkening of snow and thereby absorbing more energy at the snow surface leading to the accelerated melting of snow. If this happens over Himalayan glacier surface, the glacier meltings are expected and may contribute the mass balance changes though the mass balance itself is more complicated issue. Glacier has mainly two parts: ablation and accumulation zones. Those are separated by the Equilibrium Line Altitude (ELA). Above and below ELA, snow accumulation and melting are dominant, respectively. The change of ELA will influence the glacier disappearance in future. In the Himalayan region, many glacier are debris covered glacier at the terminus (i.e., in the ablation zone). Debris is pieces of rock from local land and the debris covered parts are probably not affected by any deposition of the absorbing aerosols because the snow surface is already covered by debris (the debris covered parts have different mechanism of melting). Hence, the contribution of the snow darkening effect is considered to be most important "over non debris covered part" of the Himalayan glacier (i.e., over the snow or ice surface area). To discuss the whole glacier retreat, mass balance of each glacier is most important including the discussion on glacier flow, vertical compaction of glacier, melting amount, etc. The contribution of the snow darkening is mostly associated with "the snow/ice surface melting". Note that the surface melting itself is not always directly related to glacier retreats because sometimes melt water refreezes inside of the glacier. We should discuss glacier retreats in terms of not only the snow darkening but also other contributions to the mass balance

    The role of point-like topological excitations at criticality: from vortices to global monopoles

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    We determine the detailed thermodynamic behavior of vortices in the O(2) scalar model in 2D and of global monopoles in the O(3) model in 3D. We construct new numerical techniques, based on cluster decomposition algorithms, to analyze the point defect configurations. We find that these criteria produce results for the Kosterlitz-Thouless temperature in agreement with a topological transition between a polarizable insulator and a conductor, at which free topological charges appear in the system. For global monopoles we find no pair unbinding transition. Instead a transition to a dense state where pairs are no longer distinguishable occurs at T<Tc, without leading to long range disorder. We produce both extensive numerical evidence of this behavior as well as a semi-analytic treatment of the partition function for defects. General expectations for N=D>3 are drawn, based on the observed behavior.Comment: 14 pages, REVTEX, 13 eps figure
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