7 research outputs found

    Cakalele Dance: Religious and Social Ethics in Islamic and Environmental Education

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    The Cakalele dance is widely recognized as a “war dance” deeply rooted in Maluku culture. It involves dynamic movements such as jumping, turning, stomping, and sword-slashing, reflecting its historical significance in war strategies. However, Cakalele in Banda showcases its distinctiveness. From the elaborate costumes to the formation of the dancers, and the specific dance movements, it conveys a profound connection to Islamic religiosity and ethical values prevalent within the Banda coastal community. This study used a qualitative analysis approach with a phenomenological perspective, focusing on the Cakalele dancers and their characteristics, movements, and performances in the traditional village of Namasawar, Banda Naira Sub-District. The research reveals that the traditional Cakalele dance incorporates essential Islamic educational values, including aspects of Sharia and ritual worship. In addition, it also emphasizes environmental ethics, promoting harmony between humans and the coastal and sea environment. Through this research, it becomes evident that the Cakalele dance carries a strong message regarding Islamic education, social ethics, and the preservation of the environment


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    Gejala perpecahan dan gejolak rumah tangga semakin terasa. Banyak keluarga yang dilingkupi berbagai macam problem, salah satu problem perceraian. Perceraian di Dusun Tapinalu Kecamatan Huamual Kabupaten Seram Bagian Barat semakin meningkat tiap tahunnya. Salah satu masalahnya kurang berfungsi sistem dalam keluarga dan saling meninggalkan pihak lain tanpa alasan jelas. Anak termasuk yang dirugikan dari orang tua yang bercerai. Berdasarkan hasil observasi yang peneliti lakukan rata-rata anak yang orang tuanya bercerai sering melakukan hal-hal yang tidak diinginkan oleh masyarakat seperti mencuri, melakukan pergaulan bebas dan sebagianya. Keywords: Perceraian Orang Tua, Kepribadian Anak

    Implementasi Bimbingan Dan Konseling Di SMP Negeri 14 Ambon

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    Penelitian ini di fokuskan pada pengkajian Implementasi bimbingan dan konseling di SMP Negeri 14 Ambon. Permasalahan pokok dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimana implementasi bimbingan dan konseling dilakukan oleh konselor sekolah yang bertugas sebagai pemberi layanan di sekolah. Penelitian ini menggunakan tipe penelitian Kualitatif dengan pendekatan Deskriptif. Hasil penelitian didapat dari observasi dan wawancara bersama kepala sekolah,  3 konselor sekolah dan 3 peserta didik. Adapun analisis data yang digunakan dengan merujuk pada Miles dan Huberman. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang diperoleh, proses implementasi yang dilakukan oleh konselor sekolah mengenai pelaksanaan bimbingan dan konseling kepada peserta didik telah berjalan dengan baik. Hal ini ditandai dengan terlaksananya layanan dasar, layanan responsif, layanan perencanaan individual dan dukungan sistem. Namun ada beberapa kemampuan konselor yang belum maksimal dalam menjalankan pelayanan, diantaranya bimbingan teman sebaya dan pengembangan profesionalitas. Untuk itu konselor sekolah perlu terlibat aktif dalam kegiatan pelatihan, seminar, workshop dan organisasi MGBK secara berkala guna meningkatkan kompetensi yang dimilikinya

    Strengthening character education in facing the moral crisis of students that hit the world of education

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    Strengthening character education of students must follow all subjects held in the national education system. As for the technical in taking the main subjects, while the subjects that are not the main can be studied alone, but there are still difficulties in the centralized Education system, because the number of lessons is very much, not in accordance with talents and interests, it must improve strengthening character education in accelerating subjects contained in the national curriculum. Students are burdened with heavy lessons because they have to learn all subjects in a short and solid time. The learning success factors of students are influenced by internal factors of ability, willingness, sincerity, external factors namely family, school environment, community environment.  So from that education program carried out by the government in the form of regular programs or acceleration in shaping strengthening character education of students, namely providing services especially for students who are talented and have intelligence above the average needs to be considered in their emotional development of students can be balanced. Declining learning outcomes of students because it is influenced by emotional factors, situations and conditions, tension


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    Globalisasi telah membuka pintu perjumpaan antar agama dalam satu “rumah besar”.Hal ini menghadirkan konsekwensi pelik; persinggungan antar claim of truthyang makin tak terhindarkan!Dalam kondisi demikian, pluralisme bersemai perlahan dalam relung-relung kehidupan umat beragama.Menawarkan netralitas sikap dan kesatuan pandangan bagi masa depan bersama. Namun tentu saja penerimaan kedua paham masih menjadi diskursus panjang dan berliku, bahkandiantara pemeluk agamasendiri.Bagai simalakama;menerima tawaran sekularisme dan pluralisme dapat menjebak keber-agamaan kedalam jurang nihilism, sementara berpegang teguh pada keyakinan rigid hanya akanmenjerumuskan kedalam lubang hitam absolutisme, keduanya merupakan kutub yang sama berbahaya.Tantangan globalisasi juga akan merubah ”wajah” agama-modernyang sangat jauh berbeda dengan agama-tradisional sebelumnya;dimana agama tidak lagi ‘berwibawa’, solid dalam satu kesatuan (umat), melainkan terfragmentasi kedalam individu-individu yang beragam. Ini tentu bukan pertanda agama akanterpinggirkan di ranah privat-individual, melainkan justru tampil mengemuka di ranah publik, melalui figur pribadi-pribadi yang tidak kalah saleh-nya dengan otoritas ulama-pendetaformal. Religiusitas-modern masa depan ditandai dengan tampilnya pribadi-pribadi layaknya “mullah”, imam, yang sibuk mencerdaskan keber-agamaan dirinya di ruang publik. Dan akhirnya, ruang publik (public sphere) sendiri mengalami perubahan signifikan, yang bahkan pergi jauh meninggalkan idealisme sang penggagasnya, Habermas. Masa depan pendidikan agama menemukan tantangan signifikan, otoritas kebenaran menjadi terfragmentasi kedalam pemahaman individu-individu yang sangat beragam, model pendidikan menjadi sangat terbuka dengan berbagai perbedaan, dan sangat kritis terhadap kesepahaman (permufakatan). &nbsp

    Understanding the role of counselors on teenagers promisquity with outbound techniques through natural and historical tourism: Case study at SMA Negeri 30 Banda Naira, Central Maluku

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    This paper aims to understand the role of Guidance and Counseling teachers (counselors) in overcoming promisquity among school adolescents. This paper based on the results of qualitative research, using a phenomenological perspective, especially on the narratives of everyday life with the subjects of counselors and students of SMA Negeri 30, Banda Naira, Central Maluku. Data collection techniques using interviews, descriptive-qualitative analysis observation. The results showed that the there are two causes of this promisquity – internal and external causes. Internal causes are originate from the individual itself, such as lack of understanding of religion and adolescents who have weak mental (rationality and emotionality). The external causes are originate from outside - the environment that is not conducive such as lack of parental attention, family conditions that are less harmonious (broken home), the influence of the local social environment, and the influence of social media. The counselor's effort in overcoming the promisquity of adolescents at SMA Negeri 30 Maluku Tengah was through natural and historical tourism outbound techniques, which is another form of outbound technique in the group counseling model

    Approach of self-compassion, religiosity and theory of planned behaviour in COVID 19 pandemic

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    This paper aims to determine the relationship between self-compassion and religiosity in COVID 19 pandemic. Appreciation of religion (at-tadayyun) or religiosity is an important aspect in a person’s life as it has a major influence on behaviour, practices and personality. Self-compassion is an individual’s self-perception that can help understand and persuade oneself with positive words when facing difficult times in life or when committing a transgression by not trying extreme self-criticism and admitting that all that happens is part of a good experience in life.  The hypothesis in this study states that there is a positive relationship between self-compassion, Theory of Planned Behaviour and religiosity. This shows that there is a positive and significant relationship between self-compassion, Theory of Planned Behaviour and religiosity when facing the COVID 19 pandemic. This indicates that the higher the self-compassion, the higher the religiosity when facing the COVID 19 pandemic