396 research outputs found

    Lyapunov exponent of many-particle systems: testing the stochastic approach

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    The stochastic approach to the determination of the largest Lyapunov exponent of a many-particle system is tested in the so-called mean-field XY-Hamiltonians. In weakly chaotic regimes, the stochastic approach relates the Lyapunov exponent to a few statistical properties of the Hessian matrix of the interaction, which can be calculated as suitable thermal averages. We have verified that there is a satisfactory quantitative agreement between theory and simulations in the disordered phases of the XY models, either with attractive or repulsive interactions. Part of the success of the theory is due to the possibility of predicting the shape of the required correlation functions, because this permits the calculation of correlation times as thermal averages.Comment: 11 pages including 6 figure

    Correlating densities of centrality and activities in cities : the cases of Bologna (IT) and Barcelona (ES)

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    This paper examines the relationship between street centrality and densities of commercial and service activities in cities. The aim is to verify whether a correlation exists and whether some 'secondary' activities, i.e. those scarcely specialized oriented to the general public and ordinary daily life, are more linked to street centrality than others. The metropolitan area of Barcelona (Spain) is investigated, and results are compared with those found in a previous work on the city of Bologna (Italy). Street centrality is calibrated in a multiple centrality assessment (MCA) model composed of multiple measures such as closeness, betweenness and straightness. Kernel density estimation (KDE) is used to transform data sets of centrality and activities to one scale unit for correlation analysis between them. Results indicate that retail and service activities in both Bologna and Barcelona tend to concentrate in areas with better centralities, and that secondary activities exhibit a higher correlation

    Scaling laws for the largest Lyapunov exponent in long-range systems: A random matrix approach

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    We investigate the laws that rule the behavior of the largest Lyapunov exponent (LLE) in many particle systems with long range interactions. We consider as a representative system the so-called Hamiltonian alpha-XY model where the adjustable parameter alpha controls the range of the interactions of N ferromagnetic spins in a lattice of dimension d. In previous work the dependence of the LLE with the system size N, for sufficiently high energies, was established through numerical simulations. In the thermodynamic limit, the LLE becomes constant for alpha greater than d whereas it decays as an inverse power law of N for alpha smaller than d. A recent theoretical calculation based on Pettini's geometrization of the dynamics is consistent with these numerical results (M.-C. Firpo and S. Ruffo, cond-mat/0108158). Here we show that the scaling behavior can also be explained by a random matrix approach, in which the tangent mappings that define the Lyapunov exponents are modeled by random simplectic matrices drawn from a suitable ensemble.Comment: 5 pages, no figure

    Vulnerability and Protection of Critical Infrastructures

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    Critical infrastructure networks are a key ingredient of modern society. We discuss a general method to spot the critical components of a critical infrastructure network, i.e. the nodes and the links fundamental to the perfect functioning of the network. Such nodes, and not the most connected ones, are the targets to protect from terrorist attacks. The method, used as an improvement analysis, can also help to better shape a planned expansion of the network.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, 3 table

    Classical Infinite-Range-Interaction Heisenberg Ferromagnetic Model: Metastability and Sensitivity to Initial Conditions

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    A N-sized inertial classical Heisenberg ferromagnet, which consists in a modification of the well-known standard model, where the spins are replaced by classical rotators, is studied in the limit of infinite-range interactions. The usual canonical-ensemble mean-field solution of the inertial classical nn-vector ferromagnet (for which n=3n=3 recovers the particular Heisenberg model considered herein) is briefly reviewed, showing the well-known second-order phase transition. This Heisenberg model is studied numerically within the microcanonical ensemble, through molecular dynamics.Comment: 18 pages text, and 7 EPS figure

    Weak chaos and metastability in a symplectic system of many long-range-coupled standard maps

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    We introduce, and numerically study, a system of NN symplectically and globally coupled standard maps localized in a d=1d=1 lattice array. The global coupling is modulated through a factor r−αr^{-\alpha}, being rr the distance between maps. Thus, interactions are {\it long-range} (nonintegrable) when 0≀α≀10\leq\alpha\leq1, and {\it short-range} (integrable) when α>1\alpha>1. We verify that the largest Lyapunov exponent λM\lambda_M scales as λM∝N−Îș(α)\lambda_{M} \propto N^{-\kappa(\alpha)}, where Îș(α)\kappa(\alpha) is positive when interactions are long-range, yielding {\it weak chaos} in the thermodynamic limit N→∞N\to\infty (hence λM→0\lambda_M\to 0). In the short-range case, Îș(α)\kappa(\alpha) appears to vanish, and the behaviour corresponds to {\it strong chaos}. We show that, for certain values of the control parameters of the system, long-lasting metastable states can be present. Their duration tct_c scales as tc∝NÎČ(α)t_c \propto N^{\beta(\alpha)}, where ÎČ(α)\beta(\alpha) appears to be numerically consistent with the following behavior: ÎČ>0\beta >0 for 0≀α<10 \le \alpha < 1, and zero for α≄1\alpha\ge 1. All these results exhibit major conjectures formulated within nonextensive statistical mechanics (NSM). Moreover, they exhibit strong similarity between the present discrete-time system, and the α\alpha-XY Hamiltonian ferromagnetic model, also studied in the frame of NSM.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Network structure of multivariate time series.

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    Our understanding of a variety of phenomena in physics, biology and economics crucially depends on the analysis of multivariate time series. While a wide range tools and techniques for time series analysis already exist, the increasing availability of massive data structures calls for new approaches for multidimensional signal processing. We present here a non-parametric method to analyse multivariate time series, based on the mapping of a multidimensional time series into a multilayer network, which allows to extract information on a high dimensional dynamical system through the analysis of the structure of the associated multiplex network. The method is simple to implement, general, scalable, does not require ad hoc phase space partitioning, and is thus suitable for the analysis of large, heterogeneous and non-stationary time series. We show that simple structural descriptors of the associated multiplex networks allow to extract and quantify nontrivial properties of coupled chaotic maps, including the transition between different dynamical phases and the onset of various types of synchronization. As a concrete example we then study financial time series, showing that a multiplex network analysis can efficiently discriminate crises from periods of financial stability, where standard methods based on time-series symbolization often fail

    Enhancement of cooperation in highly clustered scale-free networks

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    We study the effect of clustering on the organization of cooperation, by analyzing the evolutionary dynamics of the Prisoner's Dilemma on scale-free networks with a tunable value of clustering. We find that a high value of the clustering coefficient produces an overall enhancement of cooperation in the network, even for a very high temptation to defect. On the other hand, high clustering homogeneizes the process of invasion of degree classes by defectors, decreasing the chances of survival of low densities of cooperator strategists in the network.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Boltzmann-Gibbs thermal equilibrium distribution for classical systems and Newton law: A computational discussion

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    We implement a general numerical calculation that allows for a direct comparison between nonlinear Hamiltonian dynamics and the Boltzmann-Gibbs canonical distribution in Gibbs Γ\Gamma-space. Using paradigmatic first-neighbor models, namely, the inertial XY ferromagnet and the Fermi-Pasta-Ulam ÎČ\beta-model, we show that at intermediate energies the Boltzmann-Gibbs equilibrium distribution is a consequence of Newton second law (F=ma{\mathbf F}=m{\mathbf a}). At higher energies we discuss partial agreement between time and ensemble averages.Comment: New title, revision of the text. EPJ latex, 4 figure

    Universal Behavior of Lyapunov Exponents in Unstable Systems

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    We calculate the Lyapunov exponents in a classical molecular dynamics framework. The system is composed of few hundreds particles interacting either through Yukawa (Nuclear) or Slater-Kirkwood (Atomic) forces. The forces are chosen to give an Equation of State that resembles the nuclear and the atomic 4He^4He Equation Of State respectively near the critical point for liquid-gas phase transition. We find the largest fluctuations for an initial "critical temperature". The largest Lyapunov exponents λ\lambda are always positive and can be very well fitted near this "critical temperature" with a functional form Î»âˆâˆŁT−TcâˆŁâˆ’Ï‰\lambda\propto |T-T_c|^{-\omega}, where the exponent ω=0.15\omega=0.15 is independent of the system and mass number. At smaller temperatures we find that λ∝T 0.4498\lambda\propto T~ ^{0.4498}, a universal behavior characteristic of an order to chaos transition.Comment: 11 pages, RevTeX, 3 figures not included available upon reques
