15 research outputs found

    Psykologinen ymmärtäminen; Psykodynaamisen metapsykologisen ja näyttämöllisen ymmärtämisen perusteet

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    Abstract The study deals with the foundations of psychological understanding grounded in methodology and the theory of interpretation. Psychology is understood as a reconstructive hermeneutic-dialectic science that explores subjective meaning giving. Reconstructive science attempts to reconstruct the deep structure that must be necessarily assumed for a certain surface structure phenomenon to be possible. In the science of psychology, the deep structure is understood in terms of events that are internal to the mind. The surface structure is understood as descriptions and expressions of experiences and as action and its social and cultural expressions. The study also examines the relation of psychological understanding to sociological understanding. The study is built on four concepts that are essential for psychological understanding. Their examination provides the four research tasks through which psychological understanding is reconstructed: 1) the concept of psychological meaning, 2) the concept of psychological understanding, 3) the method of psychological understanding and 4) the theory of interpreting psychological understanding. The background for the study is provided by the hermeneutic theory and the psychodynamic psychoanalytical theory and thinking, on the basis of which psychological understanding is reconstructed. The study defines mind, the research object of psychology, as a world of experience that is understood to be phenomenal and meaningful. Meaning is defined as a position in psychic connections, determined by psychic connections. Subjective meaning-giving is seen in relation to the individual's experience of one's own self. Psychological understanding is defined in the psychic connections of the position of the phenomenon as insight and showing. Methodologically, psychological understanding is defined as the formation of an abstract image of the internal mental event in which the phenomenon acquires a position in psychic connections. The theory of interpreting psychological understanding is understood in terms of general interpretations used to identify the phenomenon and show its psychic connections. The theory of psychological interpretation is reconstructed by means of psychoanalytical metapsychology and its scenic interpretation. Metapsychological and scenic understanding are distinguished by means of a different way of conceptualising mind and understanding. In metapsychological understanding mind is conceptualised through psychoanalytical metapsychology. Scenic understanding makes use of the analogy with a scene. Mind is understood as a scene in which experiences are presented in the form of dialogues and tales. The analogy with the scene is also used methodologically. The methodology of psychological understanding is examined through theoretical hermeneutic examinations targeted at psychoanalysis. The study also examines briefly the psychological understanding research process illuminated by a research example as well as the issues of credibility, problems and sources of error in understanding psychological research

    Ensi askelia tieteen tiellä:johdatus tiedonhakuun ja tieteelliseen kirjoittamiseen

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    Tässä opetusmonisteessa tarkastellaan tiedon hankinnan metodeja sekä erilaisissa harjoitustöissä, opinnäytteissä (tutkielmissa, lisensiaattitutkimuksissa, väitöskirjoissa) ja tutkimusraporteissa noudatettavia muodollisia seikkoja, kuten lähdeviitteiden merkitsemistä sekä tutkimuksen suunnittelua. Lopuksi tarkastellaan yliopisto-opiskelun merkitystä tieteellisen sivistyksen omaksumisessa ja kirjallisten töiden osuutta tässä prosessissa. 2. korjattu painos on saatavissa osoitteessa http://urn.fi/urn:isbn:9514272471</a

    Ensi askelia tieteen tiellä:johdatus tiedonhakuun ja tieteelliseen kirjoittamiseen

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    Tiivistelmä Tässä oppaassa tarkastellaan tiedonhaun metodeja sekä erilaisissa harjoitustissä, opinnäytteissä (tutkielmissa, lisensiaatintutkielmissa, väitöskirjoissa) ja tutkimusraporteissa noudatettavia muodollisia seikkoja, kuten lähdeviitteiden merkitsemistä ja lähdeluettelon laatimista. Lisäksi luonnehditaan erilaisia kirjallisia tuotoksia, referaattia, alustusta ja esseetä sekä erityisesti proseminaariesitelmää. Pro gradu -tutkielmien kannalta tarkastellaan yleistajuisesti tieteenfilosofisia kysymyksiä, teoreettisen ajattelun merkitystä tutkimusprosessissa sekä tutkimuksen suunnittelua. Lopuksi tarkastellaan yliopisto-opiskelun merkitystä tieteellisen sivistyksen omaksumisessa ja kirjallisten töiden osuutta tässä prosessissa

    eReflections – Ten years of educational technology studies at the University of Oulu:essays contributed by the network builders

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    Abstract This electronic publication focuses on the development of educational technology studies in the University of Oulu. The publication addresses contemporary essays contributed by the network builders, the people who were in key position when developing both the curriculum and the research unit for educational technology. The articles cover a wide range of the unit's research area. The articles deal with technological, pedagogical as well as organizational and managerial topics

    Európa minden nyelve kincs

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    Valoriser toutes les langues en Europe

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    Valuing all languages in Europe

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    Valuing all languages in Europe

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    Evolution de l'enseignement des autres langues

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    Migrant communities living in the Netherlands and their use of MT in health contexts

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    As part of a larger project on the use of MT in healthcare settings among migrant com- munities, this paper investigates if, when, how, and with what (potential) challenges migrants use MT based on a survey of 201 non-native speakers of Dutch currently liv- ing in the Netherlands. Three main findings stand out from our analysis. First, the data shows that most migrants use MT to under- stand health information in Dutch and com- municate with health professionals. How MT is used and received varies depending on the context and the L2 language level, as well as age, but not on the educational level. Sec- ond, some users face challenges of different kinds, including a lack of trust or perceived inaccuracies. Some of these challenges relate to comprehension, bringing us to our third point. We argue that more research is needed to understand the needs of migrants when it comes to translated expert-to-non-expert health communication. This questionnaire helped us identify several topics we hope to explore in the project's next phase.</p