80 research outputs found

    To investigate the relation of hypertension and anthropometric measurement among elderly in Malaysia.

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    This study aimed to determine the association between anthropometric measurement and dyslipidemia and their association with hypertension among older people. A cross sectional study was done among the residents in two old folks homes (Rumah Seri Kenangan Cheras and Little Sisters of the Poor) in urban Malaysia using a pre-tested guided questionnaire. Measurements taken were the blood pressure level, height and weight measurement and lipid profile. There were 92 respondents participated in the study. The prevalence of hypertension was 51.1%. The study found significant association between anthropometric measurement and hypertension although there was no difference in waist hip ratio measurement among hypertensive and normotensive individuals. Level of total cholesterol, LDL-C and triglycerides were significantly higher among hypertensive individuals compared to normotensive individuals. The prevalence rate of hypertension among residents in this study is higher compared to the national prevalence rate among the older adults. Appropriate invention programmes should be reinforced to reduce the complications of hypertension especially among institutionalized elderly

    Supplementary health benefits of linoleic acid by improvement of vaginal cornification of ovariectomized rats

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    Purpose: This study aimed to evaluate the possible estrogenic activity of some ingredients of Nigella sativa including Linoleic acid and Gama-Linolenic acid by vaginal cornification assay. Methods: Forty ovariectomized (OVX) rats, aged 16 weeks were allotted randomly to five groups: negative control (taking 1 ml olive oil/ day); positive control (taking 0.2 mg/kg/day Conjucated Equine Estrogen-CEE); experimental groups (taking 50 mg/kg/day Linoleic acid or 10 mg/kg/day Gamma Linolenic acid or 15mg/kg/day Thymoquinone ). All of supplements administered via intragastric gavage for 21 consecutive days. To assess estrogen like activity, vaginal smear was examined daily and serum estradiol was measured at baseline, after 10 days and at the end of experiment. Results: The significant occurrence of vaginal cornification cell (p<0.05) after Linoleic acid supplementation indicated estrogenic activity of Linoleic acid which was in consistency with serum estradiol level, but this effect was not as much as CEE. Gama-Linolenic acid also exist a few cornified cell in smear which was not significantly differ from those control group. Conclusion: Linoleic acid showed the beneficial effects on OVX rats’ reproductive performance, thereby indicating its beneficial role in the treatment of the postmenopausal symptoms

    Transformasi kesihatan wanita: ke arah kesejahteraan komuniti

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    Hambatan budaya, tanggapan yang kurang tepat mengenai penyakit, kurangnya kesedaran, malu dan rendah status ekonomi merupakan akar masalah yang dihadapi oleh wanita sepanjang hidup yang memberi kesan buruk terhadap kesihatan mereka. Status dan penjagaan diri wanita semasa kanak-kanak, remaja, dewasa dan usia tua mempengaruhi proses kesihatan serta kesejahteraan hidup. Jenis pemakanan, tahap pendidikan, pengambilan ubatan, sistem kesihatan yang tersedia dan hubungan kelamin mempengaruhi wanita dalam menjalankan peranannya sepanjang usia reproduksinya. Penemuan saintifik dari universiti kepada komuniti membantu meningkatkan tahap kesihatan wanita melalui pendedahan kepada pemakanan sihat dan berkhasiat termasuklah pemakanan sunnah seperti Jintan Hitam.Selaras dengan agenda memastikan tahap kesihatan keluarga berada di tahap optimum, wanita generasi hari ini dan akan datang perlu berilmu mengenai kepentingan penjagaan kesihatan kendiri dengan mengamalkan pemakanan sihat dan berkhasiat disamping melakukan pengesanan penyakit-penyakit kronik seperti kanser, kencing manis, darah tinggi dan lain-lain. Bagi memenuhi adat budaya timur dan kepercayaan agama, penerimaan dan keberkesanan suatu teknik pengambilan sendiri sampel tisu servik bagi pengesanan awal kanser servik telah dijalankan.Pendekatan kesihatan awam merupakan salah satu alternatif penting untuk mendekatkan kepada komuniti dan populasi setempat bagi menilai dan mengenalpasti tahap kesihatan yang memenuhi keperluan pada masa kini. Sistem kesihatan seharusnya perlu mengenali dan memperhatikan masalah kesihatan wanita dalam keadaan dan keupayaan pada sesuatu tahap kehidupan yang akan mempengaruhi kualiti hidup sepanjang hayat. Pendekatan yang diterapkan adalah untuk memastikan pada setiap fasa kehidupan serta kesinambungan antara fasa kehidupan tersebut dapat ditangani dengan baik pada masa kehidupan selanjutnya. Kajian melihat bahawa kurang kesedaran, sumber dan infrastruktur terutama di kawasan luar bandar telah membawa kepada kadar kesedaran yang rendah dan dengan itu kempen pemeriksaan kesihatan masyarakat secara berkala perlu dilaksanakan. Penyebaran dan perkongsian maklumat kepada komuniti adalah medium terbaik untuk mengubah sikap, amalan gaya hidup serta meningkatkan kemahiran mereka untuk jangka masa yang panjang terhadap kesihatan pada masa hadapan. Untuk meningkatkan taraf kehidupan wanita dari setiap sudut fasa kehidupan keseluruhanya kajian telah dijalankan bagi mengurangkan risiko masalah penyakit reproduktif wanita seperti kanser serviks dan masalah berkaitan sindrom metabolik seperti obesiti, kencing manis dan lain-lain

    Incision choice in laparatomy: a comparison of two incision techniques in ovariectomy of rats

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    The choice of surgical incision in the abdomen is determined by access for surgery. It has been suggested that utilizing a transverse or oblique rather than a midline incision may influence other parameters such as duration of surgery, recovery and complication rates. However, there is a little study as to whether a particular incision confers any advantage. The aim of the study was to determine whether a dorso-lateral incision or a transverse incision confers any advantage to the rats. Ninety five 16 weeks age female Sprague-Dawley rats were divided into two groups. Ovariectomy was preceded either by a single dorso-lateral incision (in the first group, n=45) or a single transverse lateral incision (in the second group, n=50). Animals in group A (vertical incision, n= 45) had a mean weight of 259.11±20.31 and those in group B (transverse incision, n=50) weighted 254.20±20.31 g, There was significant differences in the duration of surgery in the two groups (p<0.001). Although wound healing time for group B was slightly shorter than group A (9.46±0.973 day vs 9.78±1.380 day); none of the distributions of wound length and healing percentage per day showed significant variation between these two groups. The success of a surgery procedure performed through an abdominal incision depends on careful selection of the incision site and proper closure of the wound. In comparison of these two types incision for ovariectomy of rat, the operation as conducted in group B (Transverse Incision) was technically easier, less time consuming and less wound healing duration

    Effect of Nigella sativa on reproductive system in experimental menopause rat model

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    Objective: Menopause is the condition when regular menstrual periods cease and may be accompanied by psychological and physical symptoms. The purpose of current study was to determine Nigella sativa effects on reproductive system in experimental menopause animal models. Materials and methods: A series of experiments was conducted to investigate the effects of different dosages of N. Sativa (first experiment), various extracts of N. Sativa (second experiment) and some of its ingredients (third experiment) on selected menopausal parameters of ovariectomized (OVX) rats. Forty different OVX rats were equally divided into 5 groups and administered with one of the following treatments for 21 days: conjugated equine estrogen (positive control), distilled water or olive oil (negative control), treatment groups (N. Sativa300, 600 and 1200 mg/kg in the first experiment), (300mg/kg methanol, hexane and SFE extracts of N. Sativa in the second experiment) and (linoleic acid 50 mg/kg, gamma linolenic acid 10mg/kg, and thymoquinone 15mg/kg in the third experiment). Results: The results demonstrated that N.sativa exert estrogenic effect were exhibited through uterotrophic assay and vaginal cell cornification as well as blood estrogen level. Furthermore, low dose N. Sativa, methanol extract and linoleic acid had prominent estrogenic like effects which were significantly different from those of control group (p<0.05) in different experiments. Conclusion: The finding indicated the probable beneficial role for N. sativa in the treatment of postmenopausal symptoms and possibility of using N. sativa as an alternative to hormone replacement therapy (HRT) for post menopause in human

    Investigation of lipid profiles and lipid peroxidation in patients with type 2 diabetes.

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    The aim of this study was to investigat the lipid peroxidation of plasma as a marker of oxidant-induced protein damage the effects of oxygen radicals on glycated-hemoglobin and to find out the relationship between the increase level of Malondialdehyde (MDA) on HbA1C, lipid profiles and FBS (Fasting Blood Sugar) in patients with type 2 diabetes. This randomized study included 200 individuals, 100 cases had history of diabetic for at least 3 years (file in Isfehan hospital, Diabetic Center of Medical Sciences University) and 100 cases as the control group without history of diabetes. In both groups, level of MDA, FBS, lipid profiles and HbA1C were determined in fasting blood samples. Results showed that MDA level in diabetic patients was significantly (p<0.005) higher (0.9222 ± 0.3 μmol/L) than those in the control group (0.7428 ± 0.04μmol/L). The same was also true (p<0.05) for the level of HbA1C (9.387 ± 2.4 mg/dl in diabetic patients and 7.356 ± 1.0 mg/dl in the control group) and the FBS (163.31 ± 56mg/dl in patient group and 85.740 ± 10.1 in the control group). Furthermore, the concentration of, LDL significantly was higher (p<0.05) and the HDL level were significantly lower (p<0.05) in case group as compared to control group. The increased plasma lipid peroxidation and decreased plasma HDL that we observed in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus indicated that these may predispose to the development of cardiovascular complications

    Sexual perceptions among people aged 45 years, association of reproductive health and socio-demographic factors in Klang Valley, Malaysia.

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    Objective: The objective of this research was to study the sexual perception and practices among people aged 45 years and above and the associated socio-demographic factors. Materials and methods: A cross sectional study was done on 473 middle aged and elderly people living in Klang Valley in 2005. They were married and literate. Data were collected by means of face to face interview using structured questionnaires and were analyzed using SPSS software. Logistic regression was used and p<0.05 was considered for statistical significance. Results: The mean age of the respondents was 54.36 ± 7.91 years and majority of them were in age group of 50-59yrs (41.25%) and 53.5 % were male. The ethnic distribution was 50.1% Malay, 23.3% Chinese and 26.6% Indians. Most of them (61 %) reported that they were healthy as compared to 39% who suffered at least from a major medical problem. Only 17.1% of respondents admitted that they had sexual problems and out of these 32% sought various types of treatment. There was a significant difference between satisfaction with sexual intercourse and gender, ethnicity, age, who initiated the sexual intercourse and presence of sexual problem. Conclusion: The findings indicate that older people present as wide a variety of sexual problem areas as younger individuals. Accurate information about sexuality in later life will enable professionals to better provide a desirable environment

    Effect of linoleic acid of Nigella sativa on MDA-MB-231 human breast cancer cells.

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    Background: Breast cancer is one of the main life-threatening diseases which a woman may face during her life. Several lifestyle factors such as weight gain, obesity, fat intake and decreased level of physical activity are associated with breast cancer risk. In vitro and vivo studies showed that, Linoleic acid (LA) is one of the main fatty acids composition of Nigella sativa. The objective was to investigate inhibitory and anti-cancer effects of Linoleic acid on the MDA-MB-231 human breast cancer cells. Methods: The apoptosis and cytotoxic activity assay was used in order to find toxic effects and the results were supported by flow cytometry (Cell cycle analysis). The results showed the cytotoxic effect of Linoleic acid on the breast cancer cell can be considered as an anti-cancer effect of LA. Results: According to our findings, when the concentration of lionleic acid was increased, compared with the concentrations currently being reported, it showed an anti-cancer effects. The IC50 was 84.72µl/ml. There was a significant (p<0.05) effect between the treatment groups which are more than IC 50 and the control group. Conclusion: We came to this conclusion that Linoleic acid has an inhibitory effect on human breast cancer cell lines which can be due to its two double-bandings molecular structure

    Toxicity effect of Nigella sativa on the liver function of rats.

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    Purpose: The aim of this study was to determine the toxic effect of Nigella sativa powder on the liver function which was evaluated by measuring liver enzymes and through histopathological examination of liver tissue. Methods: Twenty four male Sprague Dawley rats were allotted randomly to four groups including: control (taking normal diet); low dose (supplemented with 0.01 g/kg/day Nigella sativa); normal dose (supplemented with 0.1 g/kg/day Nigella sativa) and high dose (supplemented with 1 g/kg/day Nigella sativa). All of supplements administered in powder form mixed with rats' pellet for 28 days. To assess liver toxicity, liver enzymes measurement and histological study were done at the end of supplementation. Results: The finding revealed that there was no significant change in serum alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and aspartate aminotransferase (AST) between treatment groups. Histopathological study showed very minimal and mild changes in fatty degeneration in normal and high doses of Nigella sativa treated group. Inflammation and necrosis were absent. Conclusion: The study showed that supplementation of Nigella sativa up to the dose of 1 g/kg supplemented for a period of 28 days resulted no changes in liver enzymes level and did not cause any toxicity effect on the liver function

    Health-related quality of life among hypertensive patients compared with general population norms.

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    The 36-item short form (SF-36) health survey is the most popular generic HRQOL instrument that has been widely used to measure several population studies and variety of health conditions, including hypertension. The objectives of this study were to compare the HRQOL of hypertensive patients with that of a general population norm and analyze differences according to the presence of comorbid conditions such as diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular comorbidities. A total of 388 hypertensive patients was included in this cross-sectional study. Socio-demographic information and the presence of diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular comorbidities were recorded. HRQOL was assessed by using SF-36 instrument. General linear models were used to identify statistically significant differences in scale scores. Hypertensive patients reported lower scores in six SF-36 dimensions except bodily pain and role emotional dimension when compared with Malaysian norms. After adjusting for socio-demographic variables (age, gender, education and employment), SF-36 scores in the presence of diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular comorbidities were comparably limited and both had statistically significantly lower scores than hypertensive patients without comorbidities. Hypertension reduced HRQOL and cardiovascular comorbidities exacerbate reductions. Hence, future research of effective interventions should include ensuring desirable HRQOL as well as controlling blood pressure to prevent or reduce comorbidities of hypertension