48 research outputs found
Valuasi Ekonomi Hutan Tele Di Kabupaten Samosir
Tele forest mostly used by people around the forest, but they have not been informed about important values and meaning of the forest, they generally only know how to take or make use of forest products based on their own knowledge from generation to generation, without knowing the proper way to preserve the forests and existence. Based on that, it needs an evaluation to determine the importance of forests to society, the values contained in it and how the development strategy for forest conservation Tele. To that end, research on the Economic Valuation of Forest Tele Samosir district has done in November to December 2014 This study used interviews and direct measurements in the field to determine the economic value of forests and determine the factors that influence it. Data obtained from respondents are tabulated, then used as an analysis to determine the total economic value of forests and to determine the factors that influence it. The total economic value of Tele forest is Rp 806.357.253.000 / year or Rp 11,962,692 / year / ha. Economic values contained in Tele forest is direct benefits in the form of firewood forests, orchids, andaliman and indirect forest benefits such as the value of household water, irrigation water value, the value of carbon sequestration as well as the option value and existence value. Keywords : Tele forest valuation, forest benefits, the economic value of fores
Analisis Perubahan Tutupan Lahan Kabupaten Karo
Land use and land cover is an important component in understanding the interaction of human activities with the environment. Forest management include the planning and supervision in the Karo regency forest becomes very important to do in order to prevent degradation of the forest more severe. The purpose of this study was to quantify changes in land use from 1997 to 2012 and makes predictions extensive land use in 2018 and 2024. This research methods to utilize remote sensing technology and geographic information systems (GIS) and then compare the 5 maps of land use interpretation of Landsat ETM + (1997, 2000, 2003, 2006 and 2009 ). Classification results show that the Karo Regency has 11 land cover classes. The equation obtained from the linear regressions used to predict land cover area.The results showed that widespread changes in land cover occurred in dryland farming into rice paddies. Therefore, it is necessary that proper spatial planning in Karo Regency
Perbandingan Unit Contoh Lingkaran Dan Tree Sampling Dalam Menduga Potensi Tegakan Hutan Tanaman Rakyat Pinus (Studi Kasus Desa Pondok Buluh, Kecamatan Dolok Panribuan, Kabupaten Simalungun)
Information on the potential of forest stands is necessary to know the state and the amount of natural resources contained therein. Potential stands a forest area estimates can be obtained by various methods. This study aims to estimate and compare the potential stands between sample units and determine the most efficient unit instance performed in forest crop production. This study uses systematic random sampling with a sample on circular plots and tree sampling. Circular plots used area of 0,05 ha (12,62 m diameter) and tree sampling using 6, 8 and 10 trees in the sample. The results showed the best efficiency levels obtained 6 trees sampling, and accuracy approaching sample of circular plots. Circular plots had the lowest sampling error. Sampling error is less than 5%, so the circular plots had the highest accuracy compared to other sample units. Thus, the circular plots is a sample of the recommended applied to the public plant forest
Nilai Ekonomi Dan Kontribusi Hutan Rakyat Bambu (Bambusa SP) (Studi Kasus Di Desa Telagah, Kecamatan Sei Bingai, Kabupaten Langkat) Economic Value and Contribution of People Bamboo Forest (Bambusa SP) (Case Study at Telagah Village, Sub District of Sei
Bamboo (Bambusa sp) is a forest plant that has many benefits but is not yet used by forest communities widely. This study aims to determine patterns of distribution, economic value and contribution of Bamboo. This research was using purposive sampling technique. Based on research conducted bamboo evenly to the patterns of distribution and the dominant grows at an altitude of 700-1100 mdpl, while the highest economic value of bamboo is Rp. 9.450.000/year and the lowest economic value is Rp. 810.000/year, while the highest contribution of Bamboo to people's income is 33,40% and the lowest contribution of Bamboo is 4,84
Managing Forest Conflicts: Perspectives of Indonesia's Forest Management Unit Directors
Recent expansion of the forestry and plantation sectors in Indonesia has intensified agrarian and natural resource conflicts, and created increased awareness of the social, economic and environmental impacts of these disputes. Addressing these disputes is a critical issue in advancing Indonesia's commitment to sustainable forest management. The Forest Management Units (Kesatuan Pengelolaan Hutan, or KPH), have become the pivotal structural element for managing all state forests at the local level, with responsibility for conventional forest management and policy implementation (establishing management boundaries, conducting forest inventory, and developing forest management plans), as well as the legal mandate to communicate and work with indigenous people and local communities. This paper presents the results of a national survey of all currently functioning KPH units, the first of its kind ever conducted with KPH leadership, to obtain a system-wide perspective of the KPHs' role, mandate, and capacity for serving as effective intermediaries in managing forest conflicts in Indonesia. The survey results show that the KPHs are still in a very initial stage of development, and are struggling with a complex and rapidly evolving policy and institutional framework. The most common conflicts noted by respondents included forest encroachment, tenure disputes, boundary conflicts, and illegal logging and land clearing. KPH leadership views conflict resolution as among their primary duties and functions, and underscored the importance of more proactive and collaborative approaches for addressing conflict, many seeing themselves as capable facilitators and mediators. Overall, these results juxtapose a generally constructive view by KPH leadership over their role and responsibility in addressing forest management conflicts, with an extremely challenging social, institutional, and political setting. The KPHs can certainly play an important role as local intermediaries, and in some cases, as facilitative mediators in resolving local conflicts, but only with a more concerted effort from central and provincial government authorities to provide greater consistency in policies and regulations, improved policy communication, and a sustained commitment to strengthening the capacity of individual KPHs
Meningkatkan Kapasitas Ibu dalam Melakukan Mediasi Perkembangan Kognitif Anak: Studi pada Ibu dengan Sumberdaya Terbatas di Daerah Endemik GAKI
Latar Belakang: Risiko multifaktor yang menyertai GAKI memperberat defisit perkembangan kognitif anak di daerah endemik GAKI, dan faktor yang terpenting adalah stimulasi pada anak serta kondisi pengasuhan di lingkungan rumah yang kurang. Tujuan: mendapatkan gambaran sumberdaya pengasuhan, anemia, dan stunting pada anak pra sekolah, serta dampak pelatihan pengasuhan pada keterampilan ibu melakukan mediasi perkembangan kognitif pada anak secara verbal. Metode: quasi eksperimen pre-post with control group design. Sebanyak 78 ibu dan anak usia 4-5 tahun dari kecamatan Pituruh, Purworejo mengikuti penelitian. Data inteligensi ibu dengan CFIT (Culture Fair Intelligent Test), status goiter ibu dengan palpasi. Pemeriksaan anak meliputi status gizi dengan mengukur berat dan tinggi badan, status anemia dengan mengukur kadar Haemoglobin, dan perkembangan kognitif dengan WPPSI (Weschler Primary and Preschool Scale of Intelligent). Kesiapan berperilaku diukur dengan kuesioner efikasi dan perencanaan pengasuhan, kemampuan mediasi perkembangan kognitif ibu dengan Mother Child Picture Talk Task (MCPTT). Intervensi stimulasi kognitif berbasis pengasuhan diberikan selama tiga bulan, dengan 12 kali pertemuan. Setiap pertemuan selama 60-90 menit. Hasil: Risiko rendahnya sumberdaya keluarga, baik sumberdaya ekonomi maupun pengasuhan, ditunjukkan dengan pekerjaan bapak sebagian besar petani penggarap (59%), dan ibu sebagai ibu rumahtangga (71%). Ibu dan bapak, sebagian besar berpendidikan SD ke bawah (60.3%), dengan tingkat kecerdasan ibu yang kurang (rata-rata 66,4 ± 14,5) termasuk risiko mental defektif. Sesudah intervensi, efikasi diri serta kemampuan mediasi perkembangan kognitif ibu meningkat, terutama pada level ketiga, kemampuan elaboratif (p<0.05) yang ditandai dengan kemampuan mengajukan pertanyaan terbuka, menghubungkan dengan pengalaman anak, mengembangkan materi, dan memberikan komentar positif. Kesimpulan dan Rekomendasi: risiko multifaktor hambatan perkembangan anak di daerah endemik GAKI memerlukan penanganan terpadu dan lintas sektor, serta penguatan kualitas pengasuhan keluarga. Penggunaan teori Perubahan perilaku dalam tahap pelatihan yaitu modifikasi teori Health Action Process Approach mendukung peningkatan efikasi diri ibu melakukan Perubahan perilaku. Prinsip-prinsip dan materi intervensi dapat diterapkan pada program parenting yang sudah ada, atau diujicobakan pada kader program pos PAUD berbasis komunitas, terutama di daerah dengan sumberdaya terbatas, untuk meningkatkan efikasi diri dan keterampilan kader/guru untuk mendayagunakan kearifan dan sumberdaya lokal dalam proses belajar mengajar di sekolah
Improving the lipid profile in hypercholesterolemia-induced rabbit by supplementation of germinated brown rice.
It is imperative that there be a diet designed specifically to improve lipid profile in order to impede the progress of atherosclerosis. Because rice is a staple food in Asia, it will be chosen as the diet of interest. This study sets out to discover whether consumption of different processed rice diets may result in a change of the lipid profile. The experiment was done on male New Zealand white rabbits after 10 weeks of treatment with diet containing 0.5% cholesterol. The experimental diets include white rice (WR), brown rice (BR), and germinated brown rice (GBR). Among them, rabbits fed a GBR diet demonstrated significantly lower levels of total cholesterol (TC), low-density lipoprotein (LDL), LDL/HDL, and atherogenic index (AI) and a higher level of high-density lipoprotein (HDL). Results from atherosclerotic plaque assessment further support the findings. The level of malondialdehyde (MDA), which acts as an indicator for oxidative stress, was also reduced by GBR diet. The positive change in lipid profile in the rabbits fed GBR appeared to correspond with the higher amounts of γ-oryzanol, tocopherol, and monounsaturated fatty acid (MUFA) content