1,653 research outputs found

    Doubles and Negatives are Positive (in Self-Assembly)

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    In the abstract Tile Assembly Model (aTAM), the phenomenon of cooperation occurs when the attachment of a new tile to a growing assembly requires it to bind to more than one tile already in the assembly. Often referred to as ``temperature-2'' systems, those which employ cooperation are known to be quite powerful (i.e. they are computationally universal and can build an enormous variety of shapes and structures). Conversely, aTAM systems which do not enforce cooperative behavior, a.k.a. ``temperature-1'' systems, are conjectured to be relatively very weak, likely to be unable to perform complex computations or algorithmically direct the process of self-assembly. Nonetheless, a variety of models based on slight modifications to the aTAM have been developed in which temperature-1 systems are in fact capable of Turing universal computation through a restricted notion of cooperation. Despite that power, though, several of those models have previously been proven to be unable to perform or simulate the stronger form of cooperation exhibited by temperature-2 aTAM systems. In this paper, we first prove that another model in which temperature-1 systems are computationally universal, namely the restricted glue TAM (rgTAM) in which tiles are allowed to have edges which exhibit repulsive forces, is also unable to simulate the strongly cooperative behavior of the temperature-2 aTAM. We then show that by combining the properties of two such models, the Dupled Tile Assembly Model (DTAM) and the rgTAM into the DrgTAM, we derive a model which is actually more powerful at temperature-1 than the aTAM at temperature-2. Specifically, the DrgTAM, at temperature-1, can simulate any aTAM system of any temperature, and it also contains systems which cannot be simulated by any system in the aTAM

    The Power of Duples (in Self-Assembly): It's Not So Hip To Be Square

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    In this paper we define the Dupled abstract Tile Assembly Model (DaTAM), which is a slight extension to the abstract Tile Assembly Model (aTAM) that allows for not only the standard square tiles, but also "duple" tiles which are rectangles pre-formed by the joining of two square tiles. We show that the addition of duples allows for powerful behaviors of self-assembling systems at temperature 1, meaning systems which exclude the requirement of cooperative binding by tiles (i.e., the requirement that a tile must be able to bind to at least 2 tiles in an existing assembly if it is to attach). Cooperative binding is conjectured to be required in the standard aTAM for Turing universal computation and the efficient self-assembly of shapes, but we show that in the DaTAM these behaviors can in fact be exhibited at temperature 1. We then show that the DaTAM doesn't provide asymptotic improvements over the aTAM in its ability to efficiently build thin rectangles. Finally, we present a series of results which prove that the temperature-2 aTAM and temperature-1 DaTAM have mutually exclusive powers. That is, each is able to self-assemble shapes that the other can't, and each has systems which cannot be simulated by the other. Beyond being of purely theoretical interest, these results have practical motivation as duples have already proven to be useful in laboratory implementations of DNA-based tiles

    Ozone vertical profile changes over South Pole

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    Important changes in the ozone vertical profile over South Pole, Antarctica have occurred both during the recent period of measurements, 1986-1991, and since an earlier set of soundings was carried out from 1967-1971. From the onset of the 'ozone hole' over Antarctica in the early 1980s, there has been a tendency for years with lower spring ozone amounts to alternate with years with somewhat higher (although still depleted) ozone amounts. Beginning in 1989 there have been three consecutive years of strong depletion although the timing of the breakdown of the vortex has varied from year to year. Comparison of the vertical profiles between the two periods of study reveals the dramatic decreases in the ozone amounts in the stratosphere between 15-21 km during the spring. In addition, it appears that summer values are also now much lower in this altitude region

    Collective patterns arising out of spatio-temporal chaos

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    We present a simple mathematical model in which a time averaged pattern emerges out of spatio-temporal chaos as a result of the collective action of chaotic fluctuations. Our evolution equation possesses spatial translational symmetry under a periodic boundary condition. Thus the spatial inhomogeneity of the statistical state arises through a spontaneous symmetry breaking. The transition from a state of homogeneous spatio-temporal chaos to one exhibiting spatial order is explained by introducing a collective viscosity which relates the averaged pattern with a correlation of the fluctuations.Comment: 11 pages (Revtex) + 5 figures (postscript

    Boolean Chaos

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    We observe deterministic chaos in a simple network of electronic logic gates that are not regulated by a clocking signal. The resulting power spectrum is ultra-wide-band, extending from dc to beyond 2 GHz. The observed behavior is reproduced qualitatively using an autonomously updating Boolean model with signal propagation times that depend on the recent history of the gates and filtering of pulses of short duration, whose presence is confirmed experimentally. Electronic Boolean chaos may find application as an ultra-wide-band source of radio wavesComment: 10 pages and 4 figur

    Morphological variation in Leptodactylus lutzi (Anura, Leptodactylidae) with description of its advertisement call and notes on its courtship behavior

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    Prior to this study, Leptodactylus lutzi was known only from three localities in west-central Guyana. We refer here to a series of 60 additional specimens of L. lutzi collected in Kaieteur National Park, Mount Ayanganna, Mount Wokomung and the Merume Mountains in the Pakaraima Mountains region, substantially extending the known distribution of the species. We provide a revised diagnosis and an expanded description of L. lutzi discussing the extent of color-pattern variation in the species. Additionally, we describe its advertisement call and provide data on its reproductive biology

    Reflections on Tiles (in Self-Assembly)

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    We define the Reflexive Tile Assembly Model (RTAM), which is obtained from the abstract Tile Assembly Model (aTAM) by allowing tiles to reflect across their horizontal and/or vertical axes. We show that the class of directed temperature-1 RTAM systems is not computationally universal, which is conjectured but unproven for the aTAM, and like the aTAM, the RTAM is computationally universal at temperature 2. We then show that at temperature 1, when starting from a single tile seed, the RTAM is capable of assembling n x n squares for n odd using only n tile types, but incapable of assembling n x n squares for n even. Moreover, we show that n is a lower bound on the number of tile types needed to assemble n x n squares for n odd in the temperature-1 RTAM. The conjectured lower bound for temperature-1 aTAM systems is 2n-1. Finally, we give preliminary results toward the classification of which finite connected shapes in Z^2 can be assembled (strictly or weakly) by a singly seeded (i.e. seed of size 1) RTAM system, including a complete classification of which finite connected shapes be strictly assembled by a "mismatch-free" singly seeded RTAM system.Comment: New results which classify the types of shapes which can self-assemble in the RTAM have been adde

    The latitudinal distribution of ozone to 35 km altitude from ECC ozonesonde observations, 1982-1990

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    Electrochemical concentration cell (ECC) ozone-sonde observations, made in recent years at ten stations whose locations range from the Arctic to Antarctica, have yielded a self-consistent ozone data base from which mean seasonal and annual latitudinal ozone vertical distributions to 35 km have been derived. Ozone measurement uncertainties are estimated, and results are presented in the Bass-Paur (1985) ozone absorption coefficient scale adopted for use with Dobson ozone spectrophotometers January 1, 1992. The data should be useful for comparison with model calculations of the global distribution of atmospheric ozone, for serving as apriori statistical information in deriving ozone vertical distributions from satellite and Umkehr observations, and for improving the satellite and Umkehr ozone inversion algorithms. Attention is drawn to similar results based on a less comprehensive data set published in Ozone in the Atmosphere, Proceedings of the 1988 Quadrennial Ozone Symposium where errors in data tabulations occurred for three of the stations due to inadvertent transposition of ozone partial pressure and air temperature values

    Exact results on spin dynamics and multiple quantum dynamics in alternating spin-1/2 chains with XY-Hamiltonian at high temperatures

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    We extend the picture of a transfer of nuclear spin-1/2 polarization along a homogeneous one-dimensional chain with the XY-Hamiltonian to the inhomogeneous chain with alternating nearest neighbour couplings and alternating Larmor frequencies. To this end, we calculate exactly the spectrum of the spin-1/2 XY-Hamiltonian of the alternating chain with an odd number of sites. The exact spectrum of the XY-Hamiltonian is also applied to study the multiple quantum (MQ) NMR dynamics of the alternating spin-1/2 chain. MQ NMR spectra are shown to have the MQ coherences of zero and ±\pm second orders just as in the case of a homogeneous chain. The intensities of the MQ coherences are calculated.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure