542 research outputs found

    Le sanctuaire de l’Amour au coeur du territoire. Le territoire et le sacré dans la tradition judéo-chrétienne

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    La tradition biblique à propos de la terre est ici relue à partir des enjeux environnementaux et des luttes des paysans et des peuples autochtones pour l’accès à celle-ci vue, non plus comme simple propriété et objet de dispute socio-économique, mais d’abord comme don et « sacrement » de la maternité divine. Les cultures du Proche-Orient ancien liaient le rapport au territoire au culte du dieu séjournant dans le sanctuaire du lieu. L’auteur retrace alors l’itinéraire singulier du peuple hébreu : son habitation d’une terre qui reste toujours promise, et son rapport à Dieu impliquant l’instauration de la justice. Dans le Deuxième Testament, le Christ constitue l’héritage promis, non comme substitut de la terre, mais comme « porte » et « pasteur » vers le Royaume, vers « un ciel nouveau et une terre nouvelle où habitera la justice » (2 P 3, 13). La conclusion dégage, pour le contexte actuel, quelques implications libératrices d’un lien resserré autrement entre le territoire et le sacré.This paper proposes a new reading of the biblical tradition’s understanding of the concept of “land” in light of environmental questions as well as peasant and native peoples’ struggles for land ownership, understood not merely as property and a source of socioeconomic conflicts but foremost as gift and “sacrament” of divine motherhood. Ancient Near-Eastern cultures linked the land to the cult of a god whose sanctuary was located therein. The author follows the singular itinerary of the Hebrew people who inhabit a promised land and whose relationship to God implies that justice be done. In the Second Testament, Christ becomes the promised inheritance, not as a substitute to the land, but as a pathway, a shepherd to the Realm, a “new heaven and a new earth, the home of righteousness” (2 Peter 3 :13). In conclusion, the author derives a number of “liberating” consequences from his analysis for a contemporary interpretation of the link between the land and the sacred

    Association of interleukin 7 immunotherapy with lymphocyte counts among patients with severe coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)

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    This case series examines whether interleukin 7 (IL-7) is associated with restored host protective immunity in patients with severe coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and immunosuppression

    Clinical trials in severe sepsis with drotrecogin alfa (activated)

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    Drotecogin alfa (activated; DrotAA) was approved in 2001 by the US Food and Drug Administration for the treatment of patients with severe sepsis who are at high risk for death. The European Agency for the Evaluation of Medical Products also recommended that DrotAA could be administered to patients with severe sepsis and multiple organ dysfunction when added to the best standard care. Following the initial publication of the PROWESS (Protein C Worldwide Evaluation in Severe Sepsis) findings, multiple subgroup analyses supported the need for additional studies to explore the various hypotheses raised by this study. This review discusses all large clinical trials exploring the efficacy and safety of DrotAA and proposes recommendations for the use of DrotAA in severe sepsis

    Failed induction in a rudimentary horn of uterus with sacculation: A case report

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    Pregnancy in a non-communicating horn of the uterus, though rare should always be suspected in cases of failed ripening/induction of labour. This case revealed the significant morbidity that such patients may go through in vain attempts to deliver them vaginally. Despite the repeat Ultrasound scan and Doppler interrogation, the fact that the foetus was in a blind uterine horn was missed. This can be avoided by using Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). She eventually had lower segment caesarean section (LSCS) and laterre-exploration, perforation of uterine septum due to clot retention as well as massive blood transfusion before she could recover fully

    Steroids in sepsis: another swing of the pendulum in our clinical trials

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    Many studies have been conducted to try and find interventions to treat patients with severe sepsis, but with little success. In several cases, initial apparent beneficial effects have not been confirmed in later trials. The story of steroids in sepsis is one example of this pendulum effect, with initial success in the study by Annane et al. tempered by the more recent negative results of the Corticus study. The reasons for this pendulum effect are likely related, at least in part, to issues of clinical trial design and the way in which clinical trials in intensive care unit patients are developed, conducted and assessed needs to be critically reassessed

    Un retour aux mythes de la terre?

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