380 research outputs found

    The History and Pharmacology of Dopamine Agonists

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    The recognition of the dopaminergic properties of some ergot derivatives has initiated new therapeutical approaches in endocrinology as well as in neurology. The pharmacological characterization of the different ergot derivatives during the last decade has largely improved our understanding of central dopaminergic systems. Their development has yielded valuable information on the pharmacology of dopamine receptors involved in the regulatory mechanisms of prolactin secretion and in striatal functions. The clinical application of such new neurobiological concepts has underlined the therapeutical interest of such compounds either in the control of prolactin-dependent endocrine disorders or in the treatment of parkinsonism. Owing to their pharmacological profiles, dopaminergic agonists represent a valuable clinical option especially in the management of Parkinson's disease in view of the problems arising from chronic L-Dopa treatmen


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    Treball desenvolupat dins el marc del programa 'European Project Semester'.Nowadays, being a smart city is becoming more important. It is because of increasing energy use and the costs that come with it, that people all over the world are looking for better methods to decrease the environmental effects and costs. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to find out if there is a better way to use the streetlights in Vilanova i la GeltrĂș in order to go forward in the direction of being a smart city. Vilanova i la GeltrĂș currently has 10.800 Streetlights, and the energy consumption for these street lights cost a huge amount of money each year. This number can be decreased by finding new ways. This will be done, by further developing a street light called the ‘Urban Node’. This further development will be based on a previous research done. This Urban Node will be a replacement of the current street light. It includes components like led lights, solar panel and a wind turbine. It generates energy by using wind turbines and a solar panel instead of the current regular street light. In this research a certain methodology has been used, which includes expert interviews, an observation and desk research. As a result of using these methods, there has been made a simulation of a renewed streetlight system mostly revolving around the new product adding to the current system, which is the Urban Node. Concluding the results it has been found that implementing the Urban Node is more cost and energy efficient than the current street light system that has been used within Vilanova i la GeltrĂč. Furthermore, in this report there will be explained what the Urban Node exactly is, how it is structured, where it should be implemented, how it should be implemented and how it is more cost and energy efficient than the current system

    Enzootie chez des jeunes veaux. RÎle probable d'un type leptospirien appartenant au sérogroupe « australis »

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    L’isolement d’une souche virulente de leptospire appartenant au sĂ©rogroupe australis chez un Erinaceus europaeus corrobore des Ă©vidences sĂ©rologiques homologues chez des vaches apparemment saines et leurs veaux atteints de diarrhĂ©e grave dans une ferme du Loiret. Des lĂ©sions importantes de dĂ©gĂ©nĂ©rescence hĂ©patique, des pneumopathies, des hĂ©morrhagies sur tout l’arbre urinaire, une hypertrophie de la rate sont observĂ©s sur les veaux ayant succombĂ©. Les incidences brucellose, vibriose, coxiella burnetti et fiĂšvre Q 18 Ă©tant Ă©cartĂ©es, l’hypothĂšse d’un processus d’infection leptospirienne transplacentaire est Ă©mise. Un traitement spĂ©cifique, qui s’est avĂ©rĂ© efficace, est indiquĂ©

    Leptospirose bovine et equine dans les fermes du Cher et du Loiret au cours du printemps 1965. Isolement de souches appartenant au groupe sérologique Grippotyphosa

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    Fiocre B., Lataste Dorolle C. Leptospirose bovine et équine dans les fermes du Cher et du Loiret au cours du printemps 1965. Isolement de souches appartenant au groupe sérologique Grippotyphosa. In: Bulletin de l'Académie Vétérinaire de France tome 119 n°2, 1966. pp. 69-77

    Premiers rĂ©sultats d’une enquĂȘte sur les leptospiroses bovines dans le Pays-Fort (Cher-Nord)

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    Fiocre B., Lataste Dorolle C. Premiers rĂ©sultats d’une enquĂȘte sur les leptospiroses bovines dans le Pays-Fort (Cher-Nord). In: Bulletin de l'AcadĂ©mie VĂ©tĂ©rinaire de France tome 117 n°8, 1964. pp. 367-369

    Clay fine fissuring monitoring using miniature geo-electrical resistivity arrays

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    Abstract This article describes a miniaturised electrical imaging (resistivity tomography) technique to map the cracking pattern of a clay model. The clay used was taken from a scaled flood embankment built to study the fine fissuring due to desiccation and breaching process in flooding conditions. The potential of using a miniature array of electrodes to follow the evolution of the vertical cracks and number them during the drying process was explored. The imaging technique generated two-dimensional contoured plots of the resistivity distribution within the model before and at different stages of the desiccation process. The change in resistivity associated with the widening of the cracks were monitored as a function of time. Experiments were also carried out using a selected conductive gel to slow down the transport process into the cracks to improve the scanning capabilities of the equipment. The main vertical clay fissuring network was obtained after inversion of the experimental resistivity measurements and validated by direct observations

    Finite element simulations of the deformation of fused-cast refractories based on X-ray computed tomography

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    International audienceThis work consists in building a 3D numerical model of the microstructure of a fused-cast refractory (two-phase material)..

    Évaluation non-destructive de la fissuration des ouvrages massifs en bĂ©ton par la mĂ©thode de rĂ©sistivitĂ© Ă©lectrique

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    Le vieillissement de structures massives en bĂ©ton (barrages, Ă©cluses) est un problĂšme majeur en raison de la diminution des propriĂ©tĂ©s du bĂ©ton au fil du temps. La rĂ©habilitation de ces structures Ă©tant souvent moins coĂ»teuse que la reconstruction, on fait appel Ă  des mĂ©thodes d’auscultation pour dĂ©tecter, localiser et caractĂ©riser l’endommagement. Le choix de la mĂ©thode s'est portĂ© sur la rĂ©sistivitĂ© Ă©lectrique en raison de sa pertinence pour la dĂ©tection des fissures. Pour caractĂ©riser les discontinuitĂ©s internes Ă  la structure, nous proposons de rĂ©aliser des mesures de rĂ©sistivitĂ© Ă  l’intĂ©rieur de forages, dĂ©jĂ  existant dans les structures, Ă  l’aide d’une sonde normale Ă©lectrique. Elle possĂšde quatre espacements d’électrodes soit quatre niveaux d’informations qui diffĂšrent selon la profondeur d'investigation prospectĂ©e. L’idĂ©e est de coupler ces informations afin d’estimer, Ă  partir d’un processus d’inversion basĂ© sur une approche par mĂ©tamodĂšle, la position en profondeur, l’ouverture, et l’extension horizontale des discontinuitĂ©s. Pour cela, l’étude s’appuie sur un travail de modĂ©lisation en 2-D axisymĂ©trie pour quantifier la rĂ©ponse de l’outil face Ă  une discontinuitĂ© donnĂ©e. Une mise en Ă©quation pour chaque espacement de la sonde est effectuĂ©e et un couplage des informations est Ă©tabli. Pour une fissure horizontale et d’extension infinie, l’ouverture est estimĂ©e Ă  plus ou moins 2 mm pour des fissures centimĂ©triques et Ă  5 dixiĂšmes de millimĂštre pour des fissures millimĂ©triques. Des campagnes d’investigation sur une Ă©cluse sont entreprises pour appuyer les rĂ©sultats en modĂ©lisation et pour valider les capacitĂ©s de la mĂ©thode de rĂ©sistivitĂ© Ă©lectrique et le processus d’inversion proposĂ©. Cette analyse prĂ©liminaire sur l’ouverture de la fissuration est concluante et encourage la poursuite de la quantification en termes d’extension et d’inclinaison. Ces Ă©tudes montrent l’intĂ©rĂȘt du dĂ©veloppement de technologies gĂ©ophysiques existantes dans le cadre de la durabilitĂ© des structures massives en bĂ©ton
