6,777 research outputs found

    Productization of building information models

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    Abstract. Building information models contain a great amount of data in various lifecycle phases throughout building projects. Data is generally not seen as an asset yet building information models’ (BIM) value is recognized. Seeing BIM models value as an asset and maintaining a structured product lifecycle management (PLM) in organization leads to need of productization of BIM Models, just like tangible products. Building information modeling is a known term within the building industry, but product lifecycle management is unconventional. Productization practices that include PLM have few examples in the academia or of use in the building industry. This thesis aims to study the possibilities of productizing building information models to commercial and technical items and presents background to it. Building information models are currently not seen as commercial products, but it is acknowledged they are valuable and have great potential in changing the practices and productivity in the whole building industry. BIM models are not handled as products, and they are not included to order-delivery-invoicing practices and systems as commercial products. BIM models can contain a broad and multidimensional amount of information and some structuring practices of BIM models remind closely of bill of material (BOM) in technical product structures. Information content of BIM models increases and becomes more precise continuously, but to benefit financially of the additional value of BIM models is insufficient in terms of understanding their possibilities in content and commercial value. This thesis presents the definition and current state of the productization practices of BIM models and offers a recommendation to productize BIM models as a part of construction object configuration commercially and technically. The work is done reviewing current literature and via a current state analysis of a case company. Within the thesis, it is recommended to be establish a new product category into construction product offering alongside to hardware, software, and services: BIM products. From the commercial aspect, it is recommended to divide BIM models into three categories based on their status in a commercial product portfolio: open BIM models, BIM model products and BIM model systems. The recommendations of building a BIM model product structure are based on a BIM framework theory, which allows to separate the broad and multidimensional information structures of BIM models in structured and understandable form. The results of this study can be generalized and used in the building industry internationally. The results of this thesis are significant for any organization wanting to change their building information models’ status from technical tools into commercial products in a structured way.Tiivistelmä. Rakennusalan tietomallit sisältävät merkittävän määrän dataa rakennushankkeen eri elinkaaren vaiheissa. Datan ei ole tyypillisesti ajateltu olevan yrityksen pääomaa, mutta kuitenkin on tunnistettu, että tietomalleilla on arvo. Mikäli tietomallien arvo tunnistetaan, ja niitä halutaan alkaa kohtelemaan yrityksen pääomana, johtaa se tuotteen elinkaarenhallinnan (PLM) käytäntöjä noudattavalta organisaatiolta tarpeeseen tuotteistaa tietomallit, kuten fyysiset tuotteetkin. Termeinä tietomalli on tunnettu rakennusalalla, kun taas PLM on harvinaisempi; PLM ja tuotteistuskäytännöt ovat rakennusalalla vähän tutkittuja ja vähän käytössä. Tämän opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena on tutkia mahdollisuuksia siihen, miten tietomallit tuotteistettaisiin kaupallisiksi ja teknisiksi tuotteen osiksi, sekä esittää taustatietoja tietomallien tuotteistukselle. Tällä hetkellä tietomalleja ei ajatella kaupallisina tuotteina, vaikka niiden arvo ja mahdollisuudet jopa koko rakennusalan muuttamiseen ja tuottavuuden parantamiseen tunnistetaan. Tietomalleja ei myöskään käsitellä kuten tuotteita, eivätkä ne ole osa tilaus-toimitus-laskutus-käytäntöjä tai -ohjelmistoja kaupallisina tuotteina. Tietomallit voivat kuitenkin sisältää huomattavan määrän monimuotoista informaatiota, ja jotkut tietomallien rakenteen kuvaukset muistuttavat jopa tuotteistamisesta tuttuja teknisten tuoterakenteiden BOM:a (Bill-of-Material). Tietomallien datasisältö lisääntyy ja tarkentuu jatkuvasti, mutta kuitenkin ymmärrys tietomallien sisältöön liittyvistä kaupallisista mahdollisuuksista on liian vähäistä, jotta niistä voitaisiin hyötyä kaupallisesti. Tämä tutkimus esittelee ja määrittelee tämänhetkiset tietomallien tuotteistuskäytännöt ja tarjoaa ratkaisuehdotuksen tietomallien tekniseen ja kaupalliseen tuotteistukseen osaksi rakennusalan tuotevalikoimaa. Työ on tehty perehtymällä kirjallisuuskatsaukseen ja tekemällä nykytila-analyysi valitusta case-yrityksestä. Tämän työn tuloksena suositellaan uuden tietomalli-tuotekategorian perustamista nykyisten rakennusalan tuotevalikoiman fyysisten tuotteiden (HW), ohjelmistotuotteiden (SW) ja palvelutuotteiden (service) rinnalle. Tutkimuksen perusteella tietomallituotteet olisi myös syytä jakaa kaupallisen käytön perusteella kolmeen pääkategoriaan; ilmaiset tietomallituotteet, kaupalliset tietomallituotteet ja tietomallijärjestelmätuotteet. Tietomallien tuoterakenteen muodostamiseen ehdotetaan käytettävän BIM framework-teoriaa, jonka avulla monimuotoisia tietorakenteita on helpompi strukturoida. Tämän tutkimuksen tuloksia voidaan käyttää yleisesti rakennusalalla niin kansallisesti kuin kansainvälisesti. Tutkimuksen tulokset ovat merkittäviä sellaisille organisaatioille, jotka tunnistavat tietomalliensa datasisällön arvon pääomana ja siten haluavat johdonmukaisesti muuttaa heidän tietomalliensa statuksen teknisestä apuvälineestä kaupalliseksi tuotteeksi ja siten osaksi tuoteportfoliotaan

    Exhaustive mutagenesis of six secondary active-site residues in Escherichia coli chorismate mutase shows the importance of hydrophobic side chains and a helix N-capping position for stability and catalysis

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    Secondary active-site residues in enzymes, including hydrophobic amino acids, may contribute to catalysis through critical interactions that position the reacting molecule, organize hydrogen-bonding residues, and define the electrostatic environment of the active site. To ascertain the tolerance of an important model enzyme to mutation of active-site residues that do not directly hydrogen bond with the reacting molecule, all 19 possible amino acid substitutions were investigated in six positions of the engineered chorismate mutase domain of the Escherichia coli chorismate mutase-prephenate dehydratase. The six secondary active-site residues were selected to clarify results of a previous test of computational enzyme design procedures. Five of the positions encode hydrophobic side chains in the wild-type enzyme, and one forms a helix N-capping interaction as well as a salt bridge with a catalytically essential residue. Each mutant was evaluated for its ability to complement an auxotrophic chorismate mutase deletion strain. Kinetic parameters and thermal stabilities were measured for variants with in vivo activity. Altogether, we find that the enzyme tolerated 34% of the 114 possible substitutions, with a few mutations leading to increases in the catalytic efficiency of the enzyme. The results show the importance of secondary amino acid residues in determining enzymatic activity, and they point to strengths and weaknesses in current computational enzyme design procedures

    Computationally designed variants of Escherichia coli chorismate mutase show altered catalytic activity

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    Computational protein design methods were used to predict five variants of monofunctional Escherichia coli chorismate mutase expected to maintain catalytic activity. The variants were tested experimentally and three active site mutants exhibited catalytic activity similar to or greater than the wild-type enzyme. One mutant, Ala32Ser, showed increased catalytic efficiency

    Summary of the CMS Discovery Potential for the MSSM SUSY Higgses

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    This work summarises the present understanding of the expected MSSM SUSY Higgs reach for CMS. Many of the studies presented here result from detailed detector simulations incorporating final CMS detector design and response. With 30 fb-1 the h -> gamma,gamma and h -> bb channels allow to cover most of the MSSM parameter space. For the massive A,H,H+ MSSM Higgs states the channels A,H -> tau,tau and H+ -> tau,nu turn out to be the most profitable ones in terms of mass reach and parameter space coverage. Consequently CMS has made a big effort to trigger efficiently on taus. Provided neutralinos and sleptons are not too heavy, there is an interesting complementarity in the reaches for A,H -> tau,tau and A,H -> chi,chi.Comment: 19 pages, 27 figure

    The effect of chlorhexidine and dimethyl sulfoxide on long-term sealing ability of two calcium silicate cements in root canal

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    Objectives. To evaluate the long-term effect of chlorhexidine (CHX) and dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) on the sealing ability and biomineralization of two different calcium silicate cements (CSC) in root canal. Methods. Sixty human third molar root canals were obturated with ProRoot MTA or Biodentine. Before obturation the canals were irrigated with saline (control), 2% CHX or 5% DMSO. Microleakage was tested after three days and after six months. After additional six months (12 months after root filling) the roots were cut into 2 mm thick dentine discs. The discs were stored in artificial saliva for one year. The bond strength was measured with the push-out method, and the failure mode was evaluated with a stereomicroscope. The most apical disc of each tooth was used for Vickers hardness test. Results. No significant differences between the groups was found in initial microleakage. The leakage increased significantly during the 6-month storage in all groups except in Biodentine-CHX group and Biodentine-DMSO group. CHX and DMSO irrigation significantly increased the leakage with ProRoot MTA with time, but there was no statistically significant difference compared to the ProRoot MTA-control group at six months' time point. CHX significantly reduced the push-out bond strength of ProRoot MTA. With Biodentine irrigation with CHX or DMSO resulted with significantly higher push-out strength compared to the Biodentine control group. Fracture analysis showed statistically significant difference in the distribution of the fractures between the groups, but neither CHX nor DMSO change the fracture pattern statistically significantly. With Vickers hardness test ProRoot MTA with and without DMSO as the final irrigant showed significantly higher dentin hardness than any Biodentine-group. Significance. Considering that aging increased the leakage in all groups except with Biodentine-DMSO and the differences in the push-out strength and surface microhardness data, it appears that the time-related biomineralizing effect of MTA and Biodentine does not improve sealing to dentin. CHX significantly reduced ProRoot MTA bond strength and increased pure adhesive failures with both cements. (C) 2020 Published by Elsevier Inc. on behalf of The Academy of Dental Materials.Peer reviewe

    The effect of chlorhexidine and dimethyl sulfoxide on long-term sealing ability of two calcium silicate cements in root canal

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    Objectives. To evaluate the long-term effect of chlorhexidine (CHX) and dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) on the sealing ability and biomineralization of two different calcium silicate cements (CSC) in root canal. Methods. Sixty human third molar root canals were obturated with ProRoot MTA or Biodentine. Before obturation the canals were irrigated with saline (control), 2% CHX or 5% DMSO. Microleakage was tested after three days and after six months. After additional six months (12 months after root filling) the roots were cut into 2 mm thick dentine discs. The discs were stored in artificial saliva for one year. The bond strength was measured with the push-out method, and the failure mode was evaluated with a stereomicroscope. The most apical disc of each tooth was used for Vickers hardness test. Results. No significant differences between the groups was found in initial microleakage. The leakage increased significantly during the 6-month storage in all groups except in Biodentine-CHX group and Biodentine-DMSO group. CHX and DMSO irrigation significantly increased the leakage with ProRoot MTA with time, but there was no statistically significant difference compared to the ProRoot MTA-control group at six months' time point. CHX significantly reduced the push-out bond strength of ProRoot MTA. With Biodentine irrigation with CHX or DMSO resulted with significantly higher push-out strength compared to the Biodentine control group. Fracture analysis showed statistically significant difference in the distribution of the fractures between the groups, but neither CHX nor DMSO change the fracture pattern statistically significantly. With Vickers hardness test ProRoot MTA with and without DMSO as the final irrigant showed significantly higher dentin hardness than any Biodentine-group. Significance. Considering that aging increased the leakage in all groups except with Biodentine-DMSO and the differences in the push-out strength and surface microhardness data, it appears that the time-related biomineralizing effect of MTA and Biodentine does not improve sealing to dentin. CHX significantly reduced ProRoot MTA bond strength and increased pure adhesive failures with both cements. (C) 2020 Published by Elsevier Inc. on behalf of The Academy of Dental Materials.Peer reviewe

    Experimental and Theoretical Results for Weak Charge Current Backward Proton Production

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    In this paper, we do three things in the study of deuteron break-up by high energy neutrino beams. (1) We present previously unpublished data on neutrino induced backward protons from deuteron targets; (2) we calculate the contributions from both the two-nucleon (2N) and six-quark (6q) deuteron components, which depend upon the overall normalization of the part that is 6q; and (3) we suggest other signatures for distinguishing the 2N and 6q clusters. We conclude that the 6q cluster easily explains the shape of the high momentum backward proton spectrum, and its size is nicely explained if the amount of 6q is one or a few percent by normalization of the deuteron. There is a crossover, above which the 6q contribution is important or dominant, at 300--400 MeV/c backward proton momentum.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Three-pion exchange: a gap in the nucleon-nucleon potential

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    The leading contribution to the three-pion exchange nucleon-nucleon potential is calculated in the framework of chiral symmetry. It has pseudoscalar and axial components and is dominated by the former, which has a range of about 1.5 fm and tends to enhance the OPEP. The strength of this force does not depend on the pion mass and hence it survives in the chiral limit.Comment: 20 pages, 5 figures, 1 tabl

    Peripheral Nα\alpha Scattering: A Tool For Identifying The Two Pion Exchange Component Of The NN Potential

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    We study elastic Nα\alpha scattering and produce a quantitative correlation between the range of the effective potential and the energy of the system. This allows the identification of the waves and energies for which the scattering may be said to be peripheral. We then show that the corresponding phase shifts are sensitive to the tail of the NN potential, which is due to the exchange of two pions. However, the present uncertainties in the experimental phase shifts prevent the use of Nα\alpha scattering to discriminate the existing models for the NN interaction.Comment: 19 pages, 6 PostScript figures, RevTeX, to be appear in Phys. Rev.