763 research outputs found

    Existence of Gaussian cubature formulas

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    We provide a necessary and sufficient condition for existence of Gaussian cubature formulas. It consists of checking whether some overdetermined linear system has a solution and so complements Mysovskikh's theorem which requires computing common zeros of orthonormal polynomials. Moreover, the size of the linear system shows that existence of a cubature formula imposes severe restrictions on the associated linear functional. For fixed precision (or degree), the larger the number of variables the worse it gets. And for fixed number of variables, the larger the precision the worse it gets. Finally, we also provide an interpretation of the necessary and sufficient condition in terms of existence of a polynomial with very specific properties

    Bounding the support of a measure from its marginal moments

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    Given all moments of the marginals of a measure on Rn, one provides (a) explicit bounds on its support and (b), a numerical scheme to compute the smallest box that contains the support. It consists of solving a hierarchy of generalized eigenvalue problems associated with some Hankel matrices.Comment: To appear in Proc. Amer. Math. So

    Recovering an homogeneous polynomial from moments of its level set

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    Let K:=x:g(x)≀1K:={x: g(x)\leq 1} be the compact sub-level set of some homogeneous polynomial gg. Assume that the only knowledge about KK is the degree of gg as well as the moments of the Lebesgue measure on KK up to order 2d. Then the vector of coefficients of gg is solution of a simple linear system whose associated matrix is nonsingular. In other words, the moments up to order 2d of the Lebesgue measure on KK encode all information on the homogeneous polynomial gg that defines KK (in fact, only moments of order dd and 2d are needed)

    A new look at nonnegativity on closed sets and polynomial optimization

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    We first show that a continuous function f is nonnegative on a closed set K⊆RnK\subseteq R^n if and only if (countably many) moment matrices of some signed measure dÎœ=fdÎŒd\nu =fd\mu with support equal to K, are all positive semidefinite (if KK is compact ÎŒ\mu is an arbitrary finite Borel measure with support equal to K. In particular, we obtain a convergent explicit hierarchy of semidefinite (outer) approximations with {\it no} lifting, of the cone of nonnegative polynomials of degree at most dd. Wen used in polynomial optimization on certain simple closed sets \K (like e.g., the whole space Rn\R^n, the positive orthant, a box, a simplex, or the vertices of the hypercube), it provides a nonincreasing sequence of upper bounds which converges to the global minimum by solving a hierarchy of semidefinite programs with only one variable. This convergent sequence of upper bounds complements the convergent sequence of lower bounds obtained by solving a hierarchy of semidefinite relaxations

    Level sets and non Gaussian integrals of positively homogeneous functions

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    We investigate various properties of the sublevel set {x : g(x)≀1}\{x \,:\,g(x)\leq 1\} and the integration of hh on this sublevel set when gg and hhare positively homogeneous functions. For instance, the latter integral reduces to integrating hexp⁥(−g)h\exp(-g) on the whole space RnR^n (a non Gaussian integral) and when gg is a polynomial, then the volume of the sublevel set is a convex function of the coefficients of gg. In fact, whenever hh is nonnegative, the functional ∫ϕ(g(x))h(x)dx\int \phi(g(x))h(x)dx is a convex function of gg for a large class of functions ϕ:R+→R\phi:R_+\to R. We also provide a numerical approximation scheme to compute the volume or integrate hh (or, equivalently to approximate the associated non Gaussian integral). We also show that finding the sublevel set {x : g(x)≀1}\{x \,:\,g(x)\leq 1\} of minimum volume that contains some given subset KK is a (hard) convex optimization problem for which we also propose two convergent numerical schemes. Finally, we provide a Gaussian-like property of non Gaussian integrals for homogeneous polynomials that are sums of squares and critical points of a specific function
