147 research outputs found

    Ciudad del artista : espacios efímeros

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    [ES] La idea principal del proyecto nace de algo tan característico del barrio de Ciudad Fallera de Valencia como lo efímero del arte fallero y gira en torno a la necesidad de darle una identidad propia a la Ciudad del Artista. Para ello se potencian los aspectos positivos que hoy existen dándoles un significado global en el conjunto del barrio. Conectar el barrio con el resto de la ciudad a través de una “contaminación” positiva de todos los potenciales del barrio. El objetivo es crear un “campus” de arte, un lugar en el que se ofrezca una formación especialmente enfocada a las artes, con espacios necesarios para la producción y expresión artística, y donde, ese arte se pueda exponer, mostrar, vender, etc.Lassala Pitarch, V. (2014). Ciudad del artista : espacios efímeros. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/119517Archivo delegad

    Influences on mutual fund performance: comparing US and Europe using qualitative comparative analysis

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    This study examines the conditions that lead mutual funds to underperform or outperform competitors. Using fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis (fsQCA), we draw upon extensive research on fund returns to affirm and extend earlier discoveries. Fund performance (Morningstar ratings), features of the funds themselves, and characteristics of the fund managers are considered. Positive Morningstar star and analyst ratings are necessary conditions for funds to generate value (measured by Jensen’s alpha). Funds with low management fees and low ongoing fees have attractive Sharpe ratios and high returns. Likewise, large funds with good Morningstar ratings have good Sharpe ratios and returns, often when fund managers have short tenures

    The financial performance of listed companies in pursuit of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)

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    [EN] Socially responsible companies whose values are aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) contribute to creating wealth and long-term economic and social value. This alignment leads to a competitive advantage based on the triple bottom line that enhances financial performance. In this paper, fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis (fsQCA) is used to identify the configurations of conditions that lead to high or low financial performance (return on equity) for a sample of companies in the IBEX 35. Firms should adopt business models that embrace the SDGs because sustainability-based models can ensure not only the present but also the future of generations to come.The authors gratefully acknowledge financial support from the Chair 'Entrepreneurship: Being student to entrepreneur'-Grupo Maicerias Espanolas-Arroz DACSA-Universitat of Valencia.Orero-Blat, M.; Lassala Navarre, C.; Ribeiro-Navarrete, S. (2021). The financial performance of listed companies in pursuit of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). Economic Research-Ekonomska Istrazivanja. 34(1):427-449. https://doi.org/10.1080/1331677X.2021.187716742744934

    Arginine and fetal growth in ovine models of intrauterine growth restriction

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    This research was conducted to test the hypothesis that parenteralarginine supplementation is effective in enhancing birth weights of intrauterinegrowth restricted (IUGR) fetuses. Underfed and prolific ewes were used asexperimental models. The first study characterized the pharmacokinetics ofarginine and citrulline and assessed the potential of citrulline to serve as aprecursor for enhancing arginine availability in fetal and maternal plasma. Sixlate pregnant ewes and their fetuses were instrumented to access arterial andvenous circulations. Intravenous boluses of 155 mol of L-arginine-HCl or Lcitrullineper kg body weight were administered to each ewe. Administration ofcitrulline was more effective than arginine in achieving a sustained increase inconcentrations of arginine in maternal and fetal blood. Accordingly, theclearance rate of citrulline was lower and its biological half-life in maternal bloodgreater, when compared with arginine. The second experiment determined ifadministration of arginine to underfed ewes is effective in ameliorating orpreventing IUGR. Ewes were fed either 100% or 50% of the National ResearchCouncil recommended nutrient requirements for pregnant sheep. Between Day60 of pregnancy and parturition control-fed ewes received saline solution and underfed ewes received either saline solution or L-arginine-HCl solution (155mol of arginine/kg body weight) intravenously three times daily (n=5 / treatmentgroup). Birth weights of lambs were lower in saline-infused underfed ewes.There was no difference in birth weights of lambs from control-fed and argininetreatedunderfed ewes. The third experiment determined whether administrationof arginine could improve survival rates of lambs and enhance fetal growth inewes carrying multiple fetuses. Between Days 100 and 121 of pregnancy, ewesreceived an intravenous infusion of either saline solution (n= 14) or L-arginine-HCl solution (345 mol of arginine/kg body weight, n=20) three times daily.Parenteral administration of arginine increased the percentage of lambs bornalive and enhanced the birth weights of quadruplets. Collectively, these resultsindicate that 1) parenteral administration of arginine improves pregnancyoutcomes in underfed and prolific ewes; and 2) the use of arginine or citrullinemay have important implications for the design of an effective treatment forpreventing or ameliorating IUGR in mammals

    The impact of corporate social responsibility on the financial performance of renewable energy firms

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    Tackling environmental pollution and climate change is a global challenge. Therefore, sustainability has become a hugely relevant topic in recent years. In their decision making, investors increasingly consider the non-financial performance of companies such as their social and environmental impact. However, the business research community has not yet reached a consensus regarding the relationship between corporate social responsibility (CSR) and corporate financial performance. This research contributes to the discussion on this relationship. It does so by assessing the impact of the individual dimensions of the environmental, social and governance (ESG) score on the corporate financial performance of renewable energy firms from a quantitative and qualitative perspective. Fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis (fsQCA) reveals complex and equifinal configurations that lead companies to record high and low levels of Tobin’s Q. The results for a sample of 96 energy companies from the Eikon database do not provide strong enough evidence to affirm that the individual dimensions of the ESG score have a decisive effect on the corporate financial performance of renewable energy firms

    Con motivo de haver embiado al Señor Abate D. Manuel Lassala, autor de la Ifigenia en Aulide, en idioma italiano, unos exemplares de la traduccion castellana

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    Tít. tomado de principio textoEl traductor fue Julián Cano y PauPie de imp. consta en los colofonesSign.: [ ]6Texto enmarcado en orla tipContiene: Romance ; A la conquista de Menorca por las Armas Catholicas : Oda ; Al denuedo y constancia con que peleó el Navio Santo Domingo el dia 16 de Enero de 1780 : Od

    Título: Marcus Ant. de Orellana Emmanueli Lassalae

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    Precede al doc. la oda: "Marcus Ant. de Orellana Emmanueli Lassalae"Autor consta en final de textoTít. tomado de principio de texto en p. 3Pie de imprenta tomado del colofónSign.: [ ]