16 research outputs found

    Pembinaan Bacaan dan Gerakan Sholat

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    Al-Qur\u27an sebagai suatu mukjizat tidak hanya menjadi bahan bacaan meskipun membacanya akan mendapat pahala, melainkan juga untuk difahami, dihayati, dipedomani, diamalkan dan diselidiki rahasia kebanarannya. Pelaksanaan pembinaan Bacaan al-Qur\u27an dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode sorongan yaitu siswa membaca didepan pelatih yang menjadi pengajar dan menyimaknya. Adapun yang menjadi problem dalam pengajaran Baca Tulis al-Qur\u27an (BTQ) adalah semua komponen pengajaran itu sendiri meliputi materi yang kurang lengkap, kompetensi pengajar kurang, perbedaan kecerdasan peserta, kurangnya media pengajaran. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan dengan tahapan-tahapan berikut; 1) elatihan bacaan Al-Qur\u27an, 2) praktek membimbing tata cara shalat dan berwudhu, dan 3) proses belajar mengajar melalui media tulis dan keterampilan. Adapun upaya yang ditempuh dalam pengajaran Baca Tulis al-Qur\u27an meliputi berusaha melengkapi sarana prasarana menggunakan metode yang bervariasi

    CFD study of flow in a natural rubber sheet smoking cooperative: Turbulence free convection airflow

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    A computational fluid dynamics (CFD) method was used to investigate the velocity and temperature distribution in a natural rubber sheet smoking cooperative (RSSC). The measured velocity and temperature data at various locations were used as boundary conditions and to validate the CFD model. Simulation was performed using turbulent free convection flows where the Rayleigh number was found to be between 5.3838 x 10^10 and 33.2003 x 10^10. A total of 601,999 mesh volumes were applied to the entire RSSC. This was obtained when no error on GAMBIT was present.. It was found that the results from the CFD simulation and experiment are in good agreement. The air contains smoke particles flows naturally from ventilating lids of the smoking room to the roof. Experimental and simulation results show that the thick cloud of smokes has a long residence time in the roof area. The smoke particles follow the airflow fields where some of them leave the junction of the roof and the others deposit onto the walls. The smoke particles that leave the junction of the roof then travel to the workplace areas which then make the workers feel uncomfortable and irritable. Moreover, since smoke particles contain hazardous chemical compounds, proper ventilation of the smoke inside the cooperative is necessary

    Extrusion of Cellular Thermoplastics

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