400 research outputs found

    Characterization of the transthyretin acid denaturation pathways by analytical ultracentrifugation: implications for wild-type, V30M, and L55P amyloid fibril formation

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    Analytical ultracentrifugation methods were utilized to further characterize the acid denaturation pathways of wild-type, V30M, and L55P transthyretin (TTR) that generate intermediates leading to amyloid fibril formation and possibly the diseases senile systemic amyloidosis and familial amyloid polyneuropathy. Equilibrium and velocity methods were employed herein to characterize the TTR quaternary structural requirements for amyloid fibril formation. From neutral to slightly acidic conditions (pH 7.5-5.1), wild-type transthyretin (0.2-0.3 mg/mL, 100 mM KCl, 37 degrees C) exists as a tetramer and is incapable of fibril formation. Under more acidic conditions (pH 5 to 3.9), tetrameric wild-type TTR slowly dissociates to a monomer having an alternatively folded tertiary structure(s) that self-assembles at physiological concentration (0.2 mg/mL) into a ladder of quaternary structural intermediates of increasing molecular weight. These intermediates appear to be on the pathway of amyloid fibril formation, since they ultimately disappear when amyloid fibrils are observed. The V30M and L55P TTR variants exhibit similar acid denaturation pathways, with the exception that dissociation of the tetramer to the monomeric amyloidogenic intermediate occurs at a higher pH and to a much greater extent, allowing the quaternary structural intermediates to be readily observed by velocity methods. Partial denaturation and assembly of the monomeric amyloidogenic intermediate(s) occur at pH 5.4 for V30M and L55P TTR over a 72 h period, during which wild-type TTR maintains its normal tetrameric three-dimensional structure. Interestingly, the L55P and V30M familial amyloid polyneuropathy (FAP) associated variants form amyloid protofilaments at pH 7.5 (37 degrees C) after several weeks of incubation, suggesting that the activation barriers for TTR tetramer dissociation to the monomeric amyloidogenic intermediate are much lower for the FAP variants relative to wild-type TTR, which does not form amyloid or amyloid protofilaments under these conditions. This study establishes the key role of the monomeric amyloidogenic intermediate and its self-assembly into a ladder of quaternary structural intermediates for the formation of wild-type, V30M, and L55P transthyretin amyloid fibrils

    Oligomerization properties of GCN4 leucine zipper e and g position mutants

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    Putative intersubunit electrostatic interactions between charged amino acids on the surfaces of the dimer interfaces of leucine zippers (g-e' ion pairs) have been implicated as determinants of dimerization specificity. To evaluate the importance of these ionic interactions in determining the specificity of dimer formation, we constructed a pool of > 65,000 GCN4 leucine zipper mutants in which all the e and g positions are occupied by different combinations of alanine, glutamic acid, lysine, or threonine. The oligomerization properties of these mutants were evaluated based on the phenotypes of cells expressing lambda repressor-leucine zipper fusion proteins. About 90% of the mutants do not form stable homooligomers. Surprisingly, approximately 8% of the mutant sequences have phenotypes consistent with the formation of higher-order (> dimer) oligomers, which can be classified into three types based on sequence features. The oligomerization states of mutants from two of these types were determined by characterizing purified fusion proteins. The Type I mutant behaved as a tetramer under all tested conditions, whereas the Type III mutant formed a variety of higher-order oligomers, depending on the solution conditions. Stable homodimers comprise less than 3% of the pool; several g-e' positions in these mutants could form attractive ion pairs. Putative repulsive ion pairs are not found among the homodimeric mutants. However, patterns of charged residues at the e and g positions do not seem to be sufficient to predict either homodimer or heterodimer formation among the mutants

    Nuclear import factors importin alpha and importin beta undergo mutually induced conformational changes upon association

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    A heterodimer of importin alpha and importin beta accomplishes the nuclear import of proteins carrying classical nuclear localization signals (NLS). The interaction between the two import factors is mediated by the IBB domain of importin alpha and involves an extended recognition surface as shown by X-ray crystallography. Using a combination of biochemical and biophysical techniques we have investigated the formation of the importin beta:IBB domain complex in solution. Our data suggest that upon binding to the IBB domain, importin beta adopts a compact, proteolytically resistant conformation, while simultaneously the IBB domain folds into an alpha helix. We suggest a model to describe how these dual mutually induced conformational changes may orchestrate the nuclear import of NLS cargo in vivo

    The most pathogenic transthyretin variant, L55P, forms amyloid fibrils under acidic conditions and protofilaments under physiological conditions

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    The L55P transthyretin (TTR) familial amyloid polyneuropathy-associated variant is distinct from the other TTR variants studied to date and the wild-type protein in that the L55P tetramer can dissociate to the monomeric amyloidogenic intermediate and form fibril precursors under physiological conditions (pH 7.0, 37 degrees C). The activation barrier associated with L55P-TTR tetramer dissociation is lower than the barrier for wild-type transthyretin dissociation, which does not form fibrils under physiological conditions. The L55P-TTR tetramer is also very sensitive to acidic conditions, readily dissociating to form the monomeric amyloidogenic intermediate between pH 5.5-5.0 where the wild-type TTR adopts a nonamyloidogenic tetrameric structure. The formation of the L55P monomeric amyloidogenic intermediate involves subtle tertiary structural changes within the beta-sheet rich subunit as discerned from Trp fluorescence, circular dichroism analysis, and ANS binding studies. The assembly of the L55P-TTR amyloidogenic intermediate at physiological pH (pH 7.5) affords protofilaments that elongate with time. TEM studies suggest that the entropic barrier associated with filament assembly (amyloid fibril formation) is high in vitro, amyloid being defined by the laterally assembled four filament structure observed by Blake upon isolation of "fibrils" from the eye of a FAP patient. The L55P-TTR protofilaments formed in vitro bind Congo red and thioflavin T (albeit more weakly than the fibrils produced at acidic pH), suggesting that the structure observed probably represents an amyloid precursor. The structural continuum from misfolded monomer through protofilaments, filaments, and ultimately fibrils must be considered as a possible source of pathology associated with these diseases

    Characterization of Molecular Determinants of the Conformational Stability of Macrophage Migration Inhibitory Factor: Leucine 46 Hydrophobic Pocket

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    Macrophage Migration Inhibitory Factor (MIF) is a key mediator of inflammatory responses and innate immunity and has been implicated in the pathogenesis of several inflammatory and autoimmune diseases. The oligomerization of MIF, more specifically trimer formation, is essential for its keto-enol tautomerase activity and probably mediates several of its interactions and biological activities, including its binding to its receptor CD74 and activation of certain signaling pathways. Therefore, understanding the molecular factors governing the oligomerization of MIF and the role of quaternary structure in modulating its structural stability and multifunctional properties is crucial for understanding the function of MIF in health and disease. Herein, we describe highly conserved intersubunit interactions involving the hydrophobic packing of the side chain of Leu46 onto the β-strand β3 of one monomer within a hydrophobic pocket from the adjacent monomer constituted by residues Arg11, Val14, Phe18, Leu19, Val39, His40, Val41, Val42, and Pro43. To elucidate the structural significance of these intersubunit interactions and their relative contribution to MIF’s trimerization, structural stability and catalytic activity, we generated three point mutations where Leu46 was replaced by glycine (L46G), alanine (L46A) and phenylalanine (L46F), and their structural properties, stability, oligomerization state, and catalytic activity were characterized using a battery of biophysical methods and X-ray crystallography. Our findings provide new insights into the role of the Leu46 hydrophobic pocket in stabilizing the conformational state of MIF in solution. Disrupting the Leu46 hydrophobic interaction perturbs the secondary and tertiary structure of the protein but has no effect on its oligomerization state

    The nucleation of monomeric parallel beta-sheet-like structures and their self-assembly in aqueous solution

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    The aromatic diacid residue 4,6-dibenzofuranbispropionic acid (1) was designed to nucleate a parallel beta-sheet-like structure in small peptides in aqueous solution via a hydrogen-bonded hydrophobic cluster. Even though a 14-membered ring hydrogen bond necessary for parallel beta-sheet formation is favored in simple amides composed of 1, this hydrogen bonding interaction does not appear to be sufficient to nucleate parallel beta-sheet formation in the absence of hydrophobic clustering between the dibenzofuran portion of 1 and the hydrophobic side chains of the flanking alpha-amino acids. The subsequence --hydrophobic residue-1-hydrophobic residue-- is required for folding in the context of a nucleated two-stranded parallel beta-sheet structure. In all cases where the peptidomimetics can fold into two diastereomeric parallel beta-sheet structures having different hydrogen bonding networks, these conformations appear to exchange rapidly. The majority of the parallel beta-sheet structures evaluated herein undergo linked intramolecular folding and self-assembly, affording a fibrillar beta-sheet quaternary structure. To unlink folding and assembly, asymmetric parallel beta-sheet structures incorporating N-methylated alpha-amino acid residues have been synthesized using a new solid phase approach. Residue 1 facilitates the folding of several peptides described within affording a monomeric parallel beta-sheet-like structure in aqueous solution, as ascertained by a variety of spectroscopic and biophysical methods, increasing our understanding of parallel beta-sheet structure

    A glimpse of a possible amyloidogenic intermediate of transthyretin

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    Studies have indicated that partially unfolded states occur under conditions that favor amyloid formation by transthyretin (TTR), as well as other amyloidogenic proteins. In this study, we used hydrogen exchange measurements to show that there is selective destabilization of one half of the beta-sandwich structure of TTR under such conditions. This provides more direct information about conformational fluctuations than previously available, and will facilitate design of future experiments to probe the intermediates critical to amyloid formation

    Phosphorylation of alpha-Synuclein at Y125 and S129 Alters Its Metal Binding Properties: Implications for Understanding the Role of alpha-Synuclein in the Pathogenesis of Parkinson's Disease and Related Disorders

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    alpha-Synuclein (alpha-syn) is a 140-amino acid protein that plays a central role in the pathogenesis of Parkinson's disease (PD) and other synucleinopathies. However, the molecular determinants that are responsible for triggering and/or propagating alpha-syn aggregation and toxicity remain poorly understood. Several studies have suggested that there are direct interactions between different metals and alpha-syn, but the role of metal ions and alpha-syn in the pathogenesis of PD is not firmly established. Interestingly, the majority of disease-associated post-translational modifications (PTMs) (e.g., truncation, phosphorylation, and nitration) of alpha-syn occur at residues within the C-terminal region (Y125, S129, Y133, and Y136) and in very close proximity to the putative metal binding sites. Therefore, we hypothesized that phosphorylation within this domain could influence the alpha-syn-metal interactions. In this paper, we sought to map the interactions between the di- and trivalent cations, Cu(II), Pb(II), Fe(II), and Fe(III), and the C-terminal region of alpha-syn encompassing residues 107-140 and to determine how phosphorylation at S129 or Y125 alters the specificity and binding affinity of metals using electrospray ionization-mass spectrometry (ESI-MS) and fluorescence spectroscopy. We demonstrate that D115-M116 and P128-S129 act as additional Cu(II) binding sites and show for the first time that the residues P128-S129 and D119 are also involved in Pb(H) and Fe(II) coordination, although D119 is not essential for binding to Fe(II) and Pb(II). Furthermore, we demonstrate that phosphorylation at either Y125 or S129 increases the binding affinity of Cu(II), Pb(II), and Fe(II), but not Fe (III). Additionally, we also show that phosphorylations at these residues lead to a shift in the binding sites of metal ions from the N-terminus to the C-teminus. Together, our findings provide critical insight into and expand our understanding of the molecular and structural bases underlying the interactions between alpha-syn and metal ions, including the identification of novel metal binding sites, and highlight the potential importance of cross-talk between post-translational modifications and metal ion binding in modulating alpha-syn functional and aggregation properties that are regulated by its C-terminal domain