160 research outputs found

    Вплив на післяопераційний період ранньої мультимодальної реабілітації при абдомінальній гістеректомії

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    The aim of research was to estimate the influence of the use of early multimodal rehabilitation concept on postoperative period after scheduled abdominal hysterectomy.Methods. 41 female patients, divided in two groups, were involved in the study. In the main group (19 patients) early multimodal rehabilitation protocol was used. Preoperative period: informing and teaching the patient; bowel preparation rejection; starvation rejection; the use of dietary carbohydrate mixes; thromboembolic complications prevention.Intraoperative period: antibiotic prophylaxis; regional (epidural analgesia); short acting anesthetics; postoperative infusion therapy limitation; rejection of nasogastric intubation; normothermia; the routine use of drains rejection.Postoperative period: effective pain relief; non opioid analgesics; nausea and vomiting prevention; early mobilization (after epidural block regression); early enteral nutrition.In the control group, hysterectomy via laparotomy was performed using combined anesthesia (Sevoflurane + epidural analgesia + Fentanyl) with artificial lung ventilation. In the control group, general anesthesia was implemented using Sevoflurane, system analgesia – using Fentanyl (5 μg/kg/hour). In the main group, anesthesia was implemented using Fentanyl (3–5 μg / kg/ hour) and epidural 0.5 % solution of Bupivacaine (6–8 ml). During postoperative period, in the main group prolonged epidural analgesia by small boluses of 0.25 % Bupivacaine solution (4 ml/hour) in combination with system administration of Dexketoprofen (100–150 mg/day) + Ketorolac (60 mg/day) + Paracetamol (2000 mg / day) was used. In the control group, postoperative analgesia included Paracetamol 3000 mg / day, Dexketoprofen 150–200 mg/day, Tramadol 50–100 mg/day.Besides, pain level (VAS) within 12 and 24 hours after operation at rest and during coughing was estimated.Results. The groups were identical by anamnestic (start of menstruation, number of pregnancies, births, abortions and pregnancy losses), anthropometric and demographic characteristics, as well as by duration of the surgeries, blood loss volume and preoperative parameters of mean arterial pressure and heart rate.Pain level when coughing in the control group was higher than the one in the main group, statistical difference was determined in 12 and 24 hours, and it was higher than30 mm, which required more analgesics. An adequate postoperative analgesia allows starting early activation of the patients in the control group. Postoperative bed-day in patients of the main group (FTS) was considerably shorter than in patients of the control group without FTS.Conclusion. The proposed complex of measures is one of the ways for the fast track gynecological surgery operations concept implementation. This approach allows early discharge, which undoubtedly has direct economic effect and increases prestige of doctor and medical institutionУ дослідженні взяли участь 41 хвора, які були розділені на дві групи. В основній групі (19 хворих) застосовували протокол ранньої мультимодальної реабілітації. У контрольній групі (22 хворі) використовували традиційний периопераційний режим. Запропонований комплекс заходів є одним із шляхів реалізації концепції fast track хірургії при гінекологічних операціях. Подібний підхід дозволяє домогтися ранньої виписки, що несе в собі, без сумніву, прямий економічний ефект і значно збільшує престиж лікаря та медичної установ

    Hopping conductivity of Ni-doped p-CdSb in strong magnetic fields

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    In this work detailed investigation of the hopping conductivity in p-CdSb:Ni in strong magnetic field is reported to complete the picture of hopping charge transfer in this materialyesBelgorod State Universit

    The Hall effect in Ni-doped p-CdSb in a strong magnetic field

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    The Hall effect in single crystals of the group II–V semiconductor p-CdSb doped with 2 at% of Ni is investigated between T = 1.5 and 300 K in pulsed magnetic fields up to B = 25 T. The Hall resistivity, ρH, exhibits a nonlinear dependence on B, which is strongly pronounced below ~10 K but is still observed even up to 300 KyesBelgorod State Universit

    Variable-range hopping conductivity of La₁₋xSrxMn₁₋yFeyO₃

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    The temperature dependence of the resistivity,ρ, of ceramic of La₁₋xSrxMn₁₋yFeyO₃ (LSMFO) samples with x=0.3 and y=0.03, 0.15, 0.20 and 0.25 (or simply #03, #15, #20 and #25, respectively) is investigated between temperaturesT∼5 and 310 K in magnetic fields B up to 8 TyesBelgorod State Universit

    The influence of Ni-rich nanoclusters on the anisotropic magnetic properties of CdSb doped with Ni

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    The magnetic properties of oriented CdSb single crystals doped with 2 at% of Ni are investigatedyesBelgorod State Universit

    Hall effect in the new diluted magnetic semiconductor p-CdSb:Ni

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    The anomalous contribution to the Hall effect is attributable to presence of magnetic Ni1–xSbx nanoclusters, which have been found previously from investigation of magnetic properties of p-CdSb:NiyesBelgorod State Universit

    Poloidal inhomogeneity of the particle fluctuation induced fluxes near of the LCFS at lower hybrid heating and improved confinement transition at the FT-2 tokamak

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    This paper deals with the new spectral and microturbulence experimental data and their analysis, which show, that the radial electric field Er generated at the LH heating (LHH) in the FT-2 is high enough to form the transport barriers. The ETB is formed when LHH is switched off. The radial fluctuation-induced EB drift flux densities near LCFS in SOL are measured at two different poloidal angles. For this purpose two Langmuir probes located at low and high field sides of the torus are used. Registration of the poloidal and radial components of the electric field and density fluctuations at the same time during one discharge permits to measure the poloidal asymmetry of the transport reduction mechanism of the radial and poloidal particle fluxes in the SOL. The absolute E(~) fluctuation levels show dependence on the sign of Er shear. The modification of the microscale turbulence by the poloidal Er x B rotation shear EB at the L - H transition near LCFS is also studied by X-mode fluctuation Reflectometry. The new data were obtained by spatial spectroscopic technique.Comment: 12th International Congress on Plasma Physics, 25-29 October 2004, Nice (France

    The informatization role of the educational process for quality training of specialists

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    The article reveals the role of informatization of the educational process for high-quality training of specialists in order to achieve in the educational process a systemic vision of the future innovative activity of specialists, its perception as a single system of professional functions and tasks, giving preference to informatization. The purpose of the article is to clarify the role of informatization of the educational process for quality training of specialists to achieve a systemic vision of future innovative activity in the educational process, its perception as a single system of professional functions and tasks. , giving preference to informatization. The methodical concept of scientific training of future specialists in the conditions of informatization of the educational process for high-quality training of specialists reflects the relationship and interaction of scientific approaches to the study of a fundamental problem. Informatization of the educational process was considered in aspects: system, activity and information. The positive factors of informatization of the educational process, which increase the effectiveness of the training of education seekers and factors that contribute to the prompt updating and solving of tasks, filling the content of the educational environment through the use of new technologies, have been determined

    Mechanisms of hopping conductivity of p-CdSb:Ni in magnetic field

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    Hopping conductivity in single crystals of the group II-V ani-sotropic diluted magnetic semiconductor p-CdSb:Ni, oriented along the [100] (# 1), [010] (# 2) and [001] (# 3) axes, is in-vestigated in zero and pulsed magnetic fields B. At B= 0 the Mott variable-range hopping (VRH) conductivity is observed in # 2, and the Shklovskii-Efros VRH conductivity in # 1 and # 3 at T ≤2.5 K. However, in weak fields of B < 6 T tempera-ture dependence of the resistivity gives evidence for the Mott VRH conductivity in # 1 below ~ 4.2 K, whereas in # 2 and # 3 the nearest-neighbour hopping (NNH) conductivity is ob-served between 3−4.2 K and between 1.5−4.2 K, respectively. Eventually, in high magnetic fields of Bup to ~ 15 T and T ≤ 4.2 K only the NNH conductivity is observed in all investi-gated samples. The analysis of the resistivity data yields the set of microscopic parameters, such as the localization radius, the widths of the Coulomb gap and of the impurity band, the density of the localized states and the anisotropy coefficients, as well as the values of the acceptor concentration and the di-electric permittivityyesBelgorod State Universit

    Low-field magnetic properties of La₁-xSrxMn₁-yFeyO₃

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    The low-field magnetic properties above can be explained by the phase separation effect or generation of nanosize FM particles in the paramagnetic host matrix of LSMFOyesBelgorod State Universit