5 research outputs found

    Influence of the functional class of Paralympic cross-country sit-skiers on the effectiveness of competitive activity (on the example of the sprint distance)

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    Purpose: to determine the value of the functional classification and its influence on the result of the competitive activity of Paralympic cross-country sit-skiers. Material and methods: to solve the problems of the study, the data of 164 Paralympic cross-country sit-skiers were analyzed, including 98 men and 66 women, participants of the Winter Paralympic Games, namely: Sochi 2014 – 47 athletes (24 men and 25 women) PyeongChang 2018 – 61 men and 25 women), Beijing 2022 – 56 athletes (38 men and 18 women) with a functional class LW10-12 and are representatives of the sitting category, performing in the sprint ski race. During the study, the following methods were used: theoretical analysis of scientific and methodological literature and Internet sources, generalization of best practices, analysis of protocols and videos of competitive activity, methods of mathematical statistics. Results: changes were revealed in relation to representatives of different classes in the final round of the sprint ski race among athletes of the sitting category: Sochi 2014: men – LW10 – 1 and LW12 – 5, women – LW11 – 2 and LW12 – 4; PyeongChang 2018: men – LW11.5 – 1 and LW12 – 5, women – LW11 – 1 and LW12 – 5; Beijing 2022: men LW10 – 2, LW11.5 – 1 and LW12, women – LW10 – 1, LW10.5 – 1, LW11.5 – 1 and LW12 – 3. Conclusions: it has been proven that one of the topical issues in holding competitions among athletes with disabilities is the classification process aimed at fair competition between athletes, despite their individual functional capabilities; despite this, modern research proves that there are some factors that affect the result of competitive activity, but which are not taken into account by the classification system; the modern classification strategy is aimed at improving this process (percentage system), which helps to increase the competitiveness of representatives of all classes included in the sitting category

    Impact of a large load of aerobic character with the use of movement on roller skis on the functional state of the body of racing skier 15–16 years

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    Purpose: determine the nature of the course and the timing of recovery as a result of the impact of a large load of aerobic orientation with the use of movement on the roller skis on the functional state of the organism of young racing skier aged 15–16. Material & Methods: in the studies took part the young racing skier of 15–16 years (I, II sports category) of the age group "younger boys". Before the beginning of the training sessions, the subjects registered a set of indicators that allowed assessing the functional state of the organism (cardiovascular, respiratory and neuromuscular systems). Repeatedly recorded the studied indicators for the same complex after the end of training sessions after 1 hour, as well as after 24, 48 and 72 hours. Results: the young racing skier based on the results of the conducted studies analyzed the dynamics of indicators of the functional state of the organism. The timing of restoration of the cardiovascular, respiratory and neuromuscular systems has been established, which must be taken into account when planning the training process in microcycles. Conclusion: as a result of studies on the effect of heavy loads using the movement on skiing rollers, a decrease in the functional parameters of the cardiovascular, respiratory, neuromuscular systems of the body was established. The recovery period as a whole lasted for 72 hours. At the same time, it was revealed that the anaerobic metabolic capacity was restored after 48 hours

    Structure and content of competitive programs for trained athletes in acrobatic rock'n'roll

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    Purpose: to determine the structure of competitive programs of qualified "B" class athletes in acrobatic rock'n'roll. Material & Methods: pedagogical, sociological and methods of mathematical statistics were used. In the experimental part of the study, specialists of various categories and qualifications participated, an analysis of the video materials of the competitions of qualified athletes performing in the "B" class.Results: the content and the structure of the competitive compositions of qualified athletes in acrobatic rock'n'roll have been studied, the components of the competitive program indicators are compiled. Conclusion: main structural components characterizing the competitive program of qualified athletes in acrobatic rock'n'roll are highlighted. Their components, number and time of execution are determined. It is established that a variety of acrobatic elements, competitive moves, dance figures, design tools and the consistency of the construction of the entire competitive composition with high quality of performance characterizes the winning couple

    Structure and content of competitive programs for trained athletes in acrobatic rock'n'roll

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    Purpose: to determine the structure of competitive programs of qualified "B" class athletes in acrobatic rock'n'roll. Material & Methods: pedagogical, sociological and methods of mathematical statistics were used. In the experimental part of the study, specialists of various categories and qualifications participated, an analysis of the video materials of the competitions of qualified athletes performing in the "B" class. Results: the content and the structure of the competitive compositions of qualified athletes in acrobatic rock'n'roll have been studied, the components of the competitive program indicators are compiled. Conclusion: main structural components characterizing the competitive program of qualified athletes in acrobatic rock'n'roll are highlighted. Their components, number and time of execution are determined. It is established that a variety of acrobatic elements, competitive moves, dance figures, design tools and the consistency of the construction of the entire competitive composition with high quality of performance characterizes the winning couple

    Wartości i wartościowanie w aktualnym dyskursie społecznym w językach słowiańskich

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    Sesja naukowa "Wartości i wartościowanie w aktualnym dyskursie społecznym w językach słowiańskich". Organizator: Centrum Slawistycznej Informacji Naukowej IS PAN. (Warszawa, 14.10.2022). Program "Wartość i wartościowanie w komunikacji językowej" 1. Jana Wachtarczykowa (Bratysława), Od "agathon" k súpisom dobrých vlastností. Konceptuálna dynamika a jazykové manifestácie hodnôt v spoločenskom diskurze 2. Alla Taran (Czerkasy), Вторинна номінація як відображення змін у системі цінностей спільноти 3. Jelena Janković (Belgrad), O promeni statusa i normativne vrednosti varvarizama u savremenom srpskom jeziku 4. Larysa Kysliuk (Kijów), Європейські цінності у мовній діяльності сучасного українського суспільства 5. Julia Cygwincewa (Kijów), Вербалізація цінностей сучасних українців у реєстрі «Словника мови творчих особистостей України