4 research outputs found

    Методичний інструментарій формування фахової компетентності у майбутніх педагогів у процесі позааудиторної пошуково-дослідницької діяльності

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    The article describes the author’s approach of using methodological tools in developing the professional competence of future teachers in the course of search and extracurricular research activities. The attention is accented on the need for building modern higher education on the principles of the organization of research activities with practical and pragmatic orientation. The factors of systemic impact on the effective search and research activities of the future teachers are identified and analyzed. Peculiarities of pedagogical accompaniment of professionally-directed, research work of the future teachers within the experimental program of the reserch are grounded. The approaches to working out step-by-step process of organization of the students’ research activity are cleared out.У статті розглянуто авторський підхід застосування методичного інструментарію щодо формування фахової компетентності у майбутніх педагогів в процесі позааудиторної пошуково-дослідницької діяльності. Акцентовано на необхідності побудови сучасної вищої освіти за принципами організації науково-дослідницької діяльності із практично-прагматичною спрямованістю. Визначено та проаналізовано фактори системного впливу на ефективну пошуково-дослідницьку діяльність майбутніх педагогів. Обґрунтовано особливості педагогічного супроводу професійно спрямованої науково-дослідної роботи майбутніх педагогів в межах експериментальної програми дослідження. Висвітлено підходи до побудови поетапного процесу організації пошукової роботи студентів

    The Creation and Development of Textbooks for Children with Cognitive Development Disorders

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    The implementation of reforms in education for children with cognitive development disorders requires that the historical aspect of the educational process should be reconsidered and scientifically justified, as well as the accomplishments of Ukrainian defectology should be creatively used. The relevance of the research lies in the need to overcome the fragmentarity of historical and pedagogical knowledge about the creation and development of textbooks for children with cognitive development disorders in Ukraine to justify and determine its characteristics and roles in modern correctional pedagogy. The research aims to identify the prerequisites for the emergence and the features of such processes as the creation and development of textbooks for children with cognitive development disorders in Ukraine in the period under study, as well as to highlight the scientific and practical value of the available accomplishments in the field to further improve such books for these children under modern conditions. Research methods include theoretical analysis; synthesis; comparison; systematization and classification of data from archival sources; historical-and-genetic, comparative, chronological, biographical methods; periodization; retrospective analysis. The research identifies and justifies the stages in the development of textbooks for children with cognitive development disorders in Ukraine, whose sequence is related to the development and reforms in the special education system, the elaboration of concepts, theoretical and methodological principles of education of children with cognitive development disorders, as well as the changes in organizational-and-pedagogical and scientific-and-pedagogical aspects. The research concludes that Ukrainian researchers and practicians regularly work on the improvement of textbooks’ content.</em

    Neuropsychological Support of Education and Creative Activity of Primary School Age Children with Special Educational Needs

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    It was analyzed that theoretical bases of the realization process of the neuropsychological approach in the correction of the children's development who have difficulties in training based on needed complex diagnostics in the conditions of constant monitoring of a condition in their development, constant improvement of methods and receptions of inclusive training of primary school age pupils.It is determined that the application of corrective neuropsychological influence on the damaged development of personality is one of the important areas of correctional pedagogy, which uses the compensatory capabilities of the child's brain. The article describes the content and features of neuropsychological features of developmental correction of primary school age children who have learning difficulties (psychomotor skills, speech, cognitive processes, visual-objective perception, emotional disorders, etc.).Means of neuropsychological correction are presented, which are represented by two blocks: formation and development of a sensorimotor component of higher mental functions and development and correction of cognitive functions and components that are part of them.The organizational and pedagogical conditions for the development of junior schoolchildren's creativity with special educational needs have been developed and experimentally tested, in particular: the creation of a creative development environment through the introduction of game teaching methods; intensification of subject to subject interaction of participants of the educational process in the conditions of inclusive education based on partnership pedagogy; maximum enrichment of subjects with creative content to increase the experience of creative self-expression of students in lessons and extracurricular activities successfully tested during the formative stage of the experiment.</p

    Стратегія розвитку організаційної культури вищого навчального закладу

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    Статтю присвячено дослідженню організаційної культури вищого навчального закладу як інтегрального феномена, що має системний і формувальний вплив на ефективну організацію науково-дослідної роботи майбутніх педагогів. Виокремлено та досліджено основні чинники даного впливу. Визначено та проаналізовано складники організаційної культури вищого навчального закладу як чинника системного впливу на ефективну пошуково-дослідницьку діяльність майбутніх педагогів. Article is devoted of organizational culture of the university as an integral phenomenon having a system and a formative influence on the effective organization of research work of future teachers. Identified and investigated the main factors of this influence. Identify and analyze the components of the organizational culture of the university as a factor in systemic exposure to effective search and research activities of future teachers.It is proved that of organizational culture influences of a higher educational institution on the efficiency its employees’ activity and on the process of human capital formation of students as future specialists. The underlying research was conducted in order to identify the type and characteristic features of organizational culture of the university and its departments that allow to form the management mechanisms of organizational culture.The article examines the organizational culture of higher educational institutions in the aspect of relations of representations about it among the main subjects of the educational process - teachers and students. The following main tendency was shown: the students’ and teachers’ representations coincide when assessing both the existing organizational culture and when describing the desired organizational culture of the university. Two particular tendencies were identified: 1) both students and teachers tend to attribute to each other typical for them image of the organizational culture; 2) teachers assess more accurately the image of the organizational culture of university formed in students, than the students evaluate the image of the organizational culture of the university that the teachers have formed.Is determined that organizational culture - a complex, multidimensional weakly formalized phenomenon, to ensure effective management, the long-term success of the organization, its growth prospects. However, some university executives only superficially familiar with the essence of organizational culture and identify it with the notion of "control". Organizational culture, level of development and compliance needs of the environment is a mechanism implementing a new management paradigm.Revealed that the main parameters of the organizational culture of the university include: an emphasis on the external or internal purposes of the organization, focus on the needs of members of the organization, increasing the competitiveness of the institution; focus activity on solving organizational problems or social aspects of its functioning, in particular - sustained attention to the problems of universities consumers of educational services, community, readiness to take risks and innovate; measure orientation of the institution for innovative processes or stabilization degree of preference group or individual forms of decision-making centralization and decentralization measure of decision-making and so on. The plan of further research on the topic is outlined