4 research outputs found


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    Antibiotic resistance (ABR) is one of today's pressing challenges for scientists, healthcare, and pharmaceutical professionals. Pharmacies are often the first point of patient’s contact with the healthcare system, so the pharmacist must be a source of objective information about ABR and provide qualified advice on prescription and over-the-counter medications. The aim: through questionnaires to identify the level of knowledge about antimicrobial drugs of systemic action in pharmacists and pharmacists in Ukraine, as well as to monitor their behavior on the recommendations and release of antimicrobials without a prescription. Materials and methods. The survey was conducted among pharmacy employees from May 1, 2019, to February 11, 2020. The questionnaire consisted of closed and open questions, multiple-choice, and comparison questions. Results showed high self-esteem of knowledge about antibiotics among respondents, but their answers to open questions indicate a lack of knowledge. Most pharmacists are ready to recommend antibacterial drugs for colds and SARS, whooping cough, sore throat with fever, diarrhea. 69 % of respondents believe that a doctor should prescribe antibacterial drugs, but at the same time, 74 % of respondents do not always or never ask for doctor's prescription for antibiotics. Conclusions. We believe that more articles on antibiotic resistance should be published for pharmacists in order to improve their skills. Issues on this issue should be more actively covered in the curriculum and the process of postgraduate education (training). Pharmacists should also be reminded of the possibility of prescribing over-the-counter medicines to help patients with SARS


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    Nowadays there is a tendency towards the spread of viral diseases that cause significant complications to human health. Therefore, the question of creating new drugs that have a high antiviral effect is topical. The aim. To study the range of drugs in Ukraine for the treatment of herpes viral diseases. Materials and methods. In the work were used the list of drugs from official sources of information, which were processed by methods of generalization, systematization, graphic, comparative and structural analysis. Results and discussion. The marketing research of drugs for the treatment of herpes viral diseases presented at the pharmaceutical market of Ukraine has been conducted. According to the results it is found that 80 drugs for the treatment of herpes viral diseases of various dosage forms are presented in the domestic market, of which 70 % – tablets; 51 % – medicines produced by the industry of Ukraine; 94 % – are monocomponent preparations. Soft drugs play important role in the treatment of skin diseases because they provide a direct effect of the drugs on the pathogens, eliminate inflammatory phenomena and eliminate or reduce the symptoms of the disease. Soft dosage drugs have practically no contraindications, they can be used at any age, regardless of the presence of comorbidities. Conclusions. Domestic drugs (51 % of the total range) dominate in the market structure. The main part (94 %) consist of monocomponent preparations. The results of the research prove the relevance of the development of new combined soft dosage forms for the treatment of herpes viral diseases, which should be produced by the Ukrainian industry and satisfy the medical and economical needs of patients. The results of the marketing analysis show that it is relevant and promising to create new combined the soft dosage forms for the treatment of herpes viral diseases

    Порівняльний аналіз споживання антидепресантів в Україні, Естонії та Норвегії

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    Due to modern living conditions, the number of patients suffering from chronic depression is increasing every year. Antidepressants (AD) are one of the most popular drugs. In recent years, the demand for AD has increased in many countries of the world. The analysis of trends in the level and structure of AD consumption in Ukraine compared to other countries is relevant. The aim. The purpose of the study was to study the assortment of AD in Ukraine for 2020-2021, as well as to analyze the volume and structure of AD consumption compared to similar data for Estonia and Norway. Materials and methods. Marketing analysis of the range of drugs on the market and ATC/DDD-methodology were used to study the volume of drug consumption. The analysis of the assortment and consumption volumes of AD was carried out according to the data of the State Register of Medicinal Products of Ukraine and the analytical company "Proxima Research"/"Morion". Calculations of consumption volumes were made according to the ATC/DDD methodology in terms of DDDs per 1000 inhabitants per day (DID). The obtained results of the level and structure of AD consumption were compared with similar data on the official resources of the State representatives of medicinal products of Estonia and Norway. Results. The obtained results showed that ADs in Ukraine during 2020-2021 were represented by 19 INNs, mostly drugs of foreign manufacturers. The pharmaceutical market was dominated by selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). It was established that the consumption of AD among the population of Estonia exceeded the indicators in Ukraine by 12.2-13.6 times, and in Norway by 18.2-21.6 times. The leader in terms of consumption in the three studied countries was a representative of the SSRI group escitalopram, but its consumption in Estonia and Norway was higher than in Ukraine, respectively, by 7.7-9.4 times and by 16.8-21.3 times. Conclusions. A significant difference in AD consumption may indicate that in Estonia and Norway, a greater number of patients with chronic depression seek medical help and receive pharmacotherapy than in UkraineЧерез сучасні умови життя з кожним роком зростає кількість хворих, які знаходяться у стані хронічної депресії. Одними із затребуваних препаратів є антидепресанти (АД). В останні роки попит на АД підвищився у багатьох країнах світу. Актуальним є аналіз тенденцій рівня та структури споживання АД в Україні порівняно з іншими країнами. Мета. Метою дослідження було вивчення асортименту АД в Україні за 2020-2021 роки, а також аналіз обсягів і структури споживання АД порівняно з аналогічними даними по Естонії та Норвегії. Матеріали і методи. Для проведення досліджень були використані маркетинговий аналіз асортименту препаратів на ринку та ATC/DDD-методологія для дослідження обсягів споживання препаратів. Аналіз асортименту та обсягів споживання АД проводили за даними Державного реєстру лікарських засобів України та аналітичної компанії «Proxima Research»/«Моріон». Розрахунки обсягів споживання було зроблено за ATC/DDD-методологією у показниках DDDs per 1000 inhabitants per day (DID). Отримані результати рівня та структури споживання АД порівнювали з аналогічними даними на офіційних ресурсах Державних представництв лікарських засобів Естонії та Норвегії. Результати. Отримані результати показали, що АД в Україні протягом 2020-2021 рр. були представлені 19 МНН, здебільшого препаратами іноземних виробників. На фармацевтичному ринку переважали препарати селективних інгібіторів зворотного захоплення серотоніну (СІЗЗС). Встановлено, що обсяги споживання АД серед населення Естонії перевищували показники в Україні у 12,2-13,6 разів, а в Норвегії у 18,2-21,6 разів. Лідером за обсягами споживання у трьох досліджуваних країнах був представник групи СІЗЗС есциталопрам, але його споживання в Естонії та Норвегії, було вище, ніж в Україні, відповідно, у 7,7-9,4 раз та у 16,8-21,3 рази. Висновки. Значна різниця у споживанні АД може свідчити про те, що в Естонії та Норвегії більша кількість хворих на хронічну депресію, ніж в Україні звертається за медичною допомогою та отримує фармакотерапі