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    Selar fish is a potential small pelagic fishery resource in Indonesian territorial waters and is located in Maluku Province, it specially in west seram waters. This research was carried out in the waters of West Seram, Maluku, from March 2018 to February 2019. The objective of research was to study the stock condition of bigeye scad, Selar crumenophthalmus, based on population dynamic from length frequency distribution. Fish samples were collected every month at fish landing from lift net fishers. Totally, there were 1890 individuals collected during the study, excepted June, composed of 925 males and 965 females with the length size ranging from 13.3 cm to 27.2 cm which was composed of 2 and 3 cohorts every month. Condition stock of bigeye scad based on yield per recruit analysis showed that the stock was still below the level of MSY (0.03 of 0.047), obtained from L∞ was 27.40 cm, K was 1.55/yr, Z was 3.66/yr, M was 2.51/yr, F was 1.15/yr, E was 0.32/yr, Lc was 19.92 cm and t0 was -0.10 /yr. This shows that the higher Lc value of selar fish in west seram waters more selective and otherwise.Ikan selar adalah sumberdaya perikanan pelagis kecil yang potensial di perairan teritorial Indonesia dan berada di Provinsi Maluku, khususnya di perairan Seram Barat. Penelitian ini dilakukan di perairan Seram Barat, Maluku, dari bulan Maret 2018 sampai Februari 2019. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mempelajari kondisi stok ikan Selar (Selar crumenopththalmus) didasarkan pada dinamika populasi dari distribusi frekuensi panjang. Contoh ikan dikoleksi tiap bulan di tempat pendaratan dari nelayan lift net. Total 1890 individu dikoleksi selama penelitian kecuali bulan Juni yang terdiri dari 925 jantan dan 965 betina dengan panjang berkisar dari 13,3 cm sampai 27,2 cm yang terdiri dari 2 dan 3 kelompok umur tiap bulan. Kondisi stok ikan selar didasarkan pada analisis hasil per penambahan individu baru menunjukkan bahwa stok masih di bawah tingkat MSY (0,03 dari 0,047) yang diperoleh dari L∞= 27,40 cm, K= 1,55/yr, Z= 3,66/tahun, M= 2,51/tahun, F= 1,15/tahun, E= 0,32/tahun, Lc (panjang utk pertama kali tertangkap)= 19,92 cm and t0= -0,10/ yr. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa semakin tinggi nilai Lc ikan selar di Perairan Seram Barat akan semakin selektif dan sebaliknya