19,056 research outputs found

    Modal Interface Automata

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    De Alfaro and Henzinger's Interface Automata (IA) and Nyman et al.'s recent combination IOMTS of IA and Larsen's Modal Transition Systems (MTS) are established frameworks for specifying interfaces of system components. However, neither IA nor IOMTS consider conjunction that is needed in practice when a component shall satisfy multiple interfaces, while Larsen's MTS-conjunction is not closed and Bene\v{s} et al.'s conjunction on disjunctive MTS does not treat internal transitions. In addition, IOMTS-parallel composition exhibits a compositionality defect. This article defines conjunction (and also disjunction) on IA and disjunctive MTS and proves the operators to be 'correct', i.e., the greatest lower bounds (least upper bounds) wrt. IA- and resp. MTS-refinement. As its main contribution, a novel interface theory called Modal Interface Automata (MIA) is introduced: MIA is a rich subset of IOMTS featuring explicit output-must-transitions while input-transitions are always allowed implicitly, is equipped with compositional parallel, conjunction and disjunction operators, and allows a simpler embedding of IA than Nyman's. Thus, it fixes the shortcomings of related work, without restricting designers to deterministic interfaces as Raclet et al.'s modal interface theory does.Comment: 28 page

    Online Bin Covering: Expectations vs. Guarantees

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    Bin covering is a dual version of classic bin packing. Thus, the goal is to cover as many bins as possible, where covering a bin means packing items of total size at least one in the bin. For online bin covering, competitive analysis fails to distinguish between most algorithms of interest; all "reasonable" algorithms have a competitive ratio of 1/2. Thus, in order to get a better understanding of the combinatorial difficulties in solving this problem, we turn to other performance measures, namely relative worst order, random order, and max/max analysis, as well as analyzing input with restricted or uniformly distributed item sizes. In this way, our study also supplements the ongoing systematic studies of the relative strengths of various performance measures. Two classic algorithms for online bin packing that have natural dual versions are Harmonic and Next-Fit. Even though the algorithms are quite different in nature, the dual versions are not separated by competitive analysis. We make the case that when guarantees are needed, even under restricted input sequences, dual Harmonic is preferable. In addition, we establish quite robust theoretical results showing that if items come from a uniform distribution or even if just the ordering of items is uniformly random, then dual Next-Fit is the right choice.Comment: IMADA-preprint-c

    Young and intermediate-age massive star clusters

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    An overview of our current understanding of the formation and evolution of star clusters is given, with main emphasis on high-mass clusters. Clusters form deeply embedded within dense clouds of molecular gas. Left-over gas is cleared within a few million years and, depending on the efficiency of star formation, the clusters may disperse almost immediately or remain gravitationally bound. Current evidence suggests that a few percent of star formation occurs in clusters that remain bound, although it is not yet clear if this fraction is truly universal. Internal two-body relaxation and external shocks will lead to further, gradual dissolution on timescales of up to a few hundred million years for low-mass open clusters in the Milky Way, while the most massive clusters (> 10^5 Msun) have lifetimes comparable to or exceeding the age of the Universe. The low-mass end of the initial cluster mass function is well approximated by a power-law distribution, dN/dM ~ M^{-2}, but there is mounting evidence that quiescent spiral discs form relatively few clusters with masses M > 2 x 10^5 Msun. In starburst galaxies and old globular cluster systems, this limit appears to be higher, at least several x 10^6 Msun. The difference is likely related to the higher gas densities and pressures in starburst galaxies, which allow denser, more massive giant molecular clouds to form. Low-mass clusters may thus trace star formation quite universally, while the more long-lived, massive clusters appear to form preferentially in the context of violent star formation.Comment: 21 pages, 3 figures. To appear as invited review article in a special issue of the Phil. Trans. Royal Soc. A: Ch. 9 "Star clusters as tracers of galactic star-formation histories" (ed. R. de Grijs). Fully peer reviewed. PDFLaTeX, requires rspublic.cls style fil

    Continuous star cluster formation in the spiral NGC 45

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    We determined ages for 52 star clusters with masses < 10^6 solar masses in the low surface brightness spiral galaxy NGC 45. Four of these candidates are old globular clusters located in the bulge. The remaining ones span a large age range. The cluster ages suggest a continuous star/cluster formation history without evidence for bursts, consistent with the galaxy being located in a relatively unperturbed environment in the outskirts of the Sculptor group.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures. To appear in "Island Universes - Structure and Evolution of Disk Galaxies", Terschelling (Netherlands), July 200

    A Young Globular Cluster in the Galaxy NGC 6946

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    A globular cluster ~15 My old that contains 5x10^5 Msun of stars inside an 11 pc radius has been found in the nearby spiral galaxy NGC 6946, surrounded by clouds of dust and smaller young clusters inside a giant circular bubble 300 pc in radius. At the edge of the bubble is an arc of regularly-spaced clusters that could have been triggered during the bubble's formation. The region is at the end of a spiral arm, suggesting an origin by the asymmetric collapse of spiral arm gas. The globular is one of the nearest examples of a cluster that is similar to the massive old globulars in the Milky Way. We consider the energetics of the bubble and possible formation mechanisms for the globular cluster, including the coalescence of smaller clusters.Comment: 20 pages, 7 figures, accepted for Astrophysical Journal Vol 535, June 1 200

    Ca_3AlSb_3: an inexpensive, non-toxic thermoelectric material for waste heat recovery

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    Thermoelectric materials directly convert thermal energy into electrical energy, offering a promising solid-state solution for waste heat recovery. For thermoelectric devices to make a significant impact on energy and the environment the major impediments are the efficiency, availability and toxicity of current thermoelectric materials. Typically, efficient thermoelectric materials contain heavy elements such as lead and tellurium that are toxic and not earth abundant. Many materials with unusual structures containing abundant and benign elements are known, but remain unexplored for thermoelectric applications. In this paper we demonstrate, with the discovery of high thermoelectric efficiency in Ca_3AlSb_3, the use of elementary solid-state chemistry and physics to guide the search and optimization of such materials

    Area products for stationary black hole horizons

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    Area products for multi-horizon stationary black holes often have intriguing properties, and are often (though not always) independent of the mass of the black hole itself (depending only on various charges, angular momenta, and moduli). Such products are often formulated in terms of the areas of inner (Cauchy) horizons and outer (event) horizons, and sometimes include the effects of unphysical "virtual" horizons. But the conjectured mass-independence sometimes fails. Specifically, for the Schwarzschild-de Sitter [Kottler] black hole in (3+1) dimensions it is shown by explicit exact calculation that the product of event horizon area and cosmological horizon area is not mass independent. (Including the effect of the third "virtual" horizon does not improve the situation.) Similarly, in the Reissner-Nordstrom-anti-de Sitter black hole in (3+1) dimensions the product of inner (Cauchy) horizon area and event horizon area is calculated (perturbatively), and is shown to be not mass independent. That is, the mass-independence of the product of physical horizon areas is not generic. In spherical symmetry, whenever the quasi-local mass m(r) is a Laurent polynomial in aerial radius, r=sqrt{A/4\pi}, there are significantly more complicated mass-independent quantities, the elementary symmetric polynomials built up from the complete set of horizon radii (physical and virtual). Sometimes it is possible to eliminate the unphysical virtual horizons, constructing combinations of physical horizon areas that are mass independent, but they tend to be considerably more complicated than the simple products and related constructions currently being mooted in the literature.Comment: V1: 16 pages; V2: 9 pages (now formatted in PRD style). Minor change in title. Extra introduction, background, discussion. Several additional references; other references updated. Minor typos fixed. This version accepted for publication in PRD; V3: Minor typos fixed. Published versio

    Reduction of lattice thermal conductivity from planar faults in the layered Zintl compound SrZnSb_2

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    The layered Zintl compound SrZnSb_2 is investigated using transmission electron microscopy (TEM) to understand the low lattice thermal conductivity. The material displays out-of-phase boundaries with a spacing from 100 down to 2 nm. Density functional theory calculations confirm that the TEM-derived defect structure is energetically reasonable. The impact of these defects on phonon scattering is analyzed within the Debye–Callaway model, which reveals a significant reduction in the acoustic phonon mean free path. This enhancement in phonon scattering leads to an ~30% reduction in lattice thermal conductivity at 300 K

    von Neuman algebras of strongly connected higher-rank graphs

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    We investigate the factor types of the extremal KMS states for the preferred dynamics on the Toeplitz algebra and the Cuntz--Krieger algebra of a strongly connected finite kk-graph. For inverse temperatures above 1, all of the extremal KMS states are of type I∞_\infty. At inverse temperature 1, there is a dichotomy: if the kk-graph is a simple kk-dimensional cycle, we obtain a finite type I factor; otherwise we obtain a type III factor, whose Connes invariant we compute in terms of the spectral radii of the coordinate matrices and the degrees of cycles in the graph.Comment: 16 pages; 1 picture prepared using TikZ. Version 2: this version to appear in Math. An
