115 research outputs found

    The Neoliberal Heritage Affect: Worldly Heritage and Haturalized Nature in Central Vietnam

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    This article explores the transformation of heritage values from discourse to experience in a new affective economy. The case of Phong Nha Ke Bang National Park in Vietnam serves to demonstrate the intertwined role of affective experience and neoliberal heritage entrepreneurialism. Both are intimately connected through processes of heritage commodification and consumption prompting attention to heritage not only in affective terms alone, but how this relates to the political economy of tourism.This article explores the transformation of heritage values from discourse to experience in a new affective economy. The case of Phong Nha Ke Bang National Park in Vietnam serves to demonstrate the intertwined role of affective experience and neoliberal heritage entrepreneurialism. Both are intimately connected through processes of heritage commodification and consumption prompting attention to heritage not only in affective terms alone, but how this relates to the political economy of tourism.This article explores the transformation of heritage values from discourse to experience in a new affective economy. The case of Phong Nha Ke Bang National Park in Vietnam serves to demonstrate the intertwined role of affective experience and neoliberal heritage entrepreneurialism. Both are intimately connected through processes of heritage commodification and consumption prompting attention to heritage not only in affective terms alone, but how this relates to the political economy of tourism

    “El Perro del Hortelano”

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    This article argues that neoliberal slogans, are powerful, if ambiguous, vehicles of simplicity, polarization, and morality. Based on Peruvian material, notably the tensions and confrontations before, during and after the so-called Baguazo, it suggests that neoliberal slogans have been instrumental in generating, rather than merely accompanying, the contradictions the have shaped and continue to affect social and environmental conflicts in Peruvian Amazon. Slogans are, from this perspective, not merely carefully orchestrated “form,” but carriers of social significance, which deserve ethnographic attention and anthropological theorization.Este artículo propone que los eslóganes neoliberales son poderosos, aunque ambiguos, vehículos de simplicidad, polarización y moralidad. En base a documentación sobre el Perú, particularmente sobre las tensiones y confrontaciones antes, durante y después del llamado Baguazo, se propone que los eslóganes neoliberales han sido instrumentales para generar, en lugar de simplemente acompañar, las contradicciones que moldean y continúan afectando los conflictos sociales y ambientales en la Amazonía peruana. Desde esta perspectiva, los eslóganes no son simplemente “formas” cuidadosamente elaboradas, sino que tienen una importancia social que merece atención etnográfica y teorización antropológica

    Understanding and responding to the environmental human rights defenders crisis: the case for conservation action

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    Close to two thousand environmental human rights defenders have been killed in 57 countries since 2002, with about four losing their lives every week in 2019. Many of these defenders represent Indigenous Peoples and local communities protecting ecosystems from large-scale environmentally destructive projects. As the positive contributions of Indigenous and local communities to biodiversity conservation become better recognized, so should the losses and risks that they face. Despite major efforts at documenting abuses and protecting defenders, many blind spots and gaps remain. Here, we call for the conservation community to put the protection of defenders at the heart of its strategy to slow down and reverse the current onslaught on the environment. The conservation community can respond in a number of ways including reaching out to its constituencies, working together with the human rights community, and mobilizing its networks, field offices, and presence in remote areas to denounce abuses and counter isolation. In doing so the conservation community can advance the collective agenda bringing together conservation and environment-related human rights through the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework

    Guide pour lutter contre le travail des enfants chez les peuples indigènes et tribaux

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    Indigenous and Tribal Children: Assessing child labour and education challenges

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    La « nouvelle loi de la jungle » : développement, droits des peuples autochtones et Convention 169 de l’OIT en Amérique latine

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    Cet article traite des liens entre droits des peuples autochtones, normes mondiales et développement en Amérique latine, et plus particulièrement de la Convention 169 de l’Organisation Internationale du Travail (OIT), sur les droits des peuples autochtones et tribaux ainsi que de son application dans la région. Si les changements démocratiques, les réformes constitutionnelles et la reconnaissance des droits des peuples autochtones attestent de la naissance d’une nouvelle ère des droits, les profondes inégalités qui prévalent, la persistance de la pauvreté et les conflits de développement révèlent des tensions structurelles ainsi que le caractère ambigu de cette reconnaissance. Cette ambiguïté est souvent perçue comme le fruit d’une application inefficace des normes ou des « anomalies congénitales » résultant des compromis qui ont présidé à leur élaboration. Toutefois, cet article analyse les tendances qui caractérisent les administrations, tant orthodoxes qu’hétérodoxes, et l’arène internationale, pour montrer qu’elles sont le lieu d’un processus de renégociation des régimes de droits. Sous l’empire de cette « nouvelle loi de la jungle », les droits ne sont plus relégués à la marge ou victimes des défaillances dans leur application ; ils sont le révélateur d’une échelle mobile dont le curseur oscille entre autonomisation et normalisation, sous l’effet des processus de réappropriation, des intérêts stratégiques et des négociations de nature réglementaire