33 research outputs found

    “They Have Left Us in a Hole”

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    A conceptual distinction is made between minimal and substantial democracy, where the latter concept aims to integrate constitutional minimalistically defined democracy with a notion of political equality in actual practice. In this perspective, ‘substantial democratisation’ and ‘development’ are linked to each other. The argument is illustrated through a diachronic case study of a village in Northern Guinea-Bissau. Minimal democratisation through national multi-party elections since the early 1990s has resulted neither in substantial democratization, nor in development in the village. Some limit to people’s patience is indicated by the opening in 2006 of a primary school in the village, run by the parents to substitute for the public school which closed in 1989. The initiative can be seen as an emergency attempt at self-empowerment by a local community in dire need of development. Whether sustainable or not, it concretises the core issue of horizontal self-organisation from below.Une distinction conceptuelle est introduite entre dĂ©mocratie minimale et dĂ©mocratie substantielle. Le dernier concept intĂšgre une dĂ©mocratie minimaliste constitutionnellement dĂ©finie, et une notion d’égalitĂ© politique dans la pratique. Selon cette perspective, la ‘democratisation substantielle’ et le ‘dĂ©veloppement’ sont liĂ©s. L’argument est illustrĂ© avec une Ă©tude de cas diachronique d’un village au nord de la GuinĂ©e-Bissau. Pour le village, la dĂ©mocratisation minimale manifestĂ©e Ă  travers des Ă©lections multi-partistes depuis le dĂ©but des annĂ©es 90 n’a abouti ni Ă  la dĂ©mocratie substantielle, ni au dĂ©veloppement. Il y a nĂ©anmoins des limites Ă  la patience des villageois, car en 2006 l’école du village, fermĂ©e depuis 1989, a Ă©tĂ© rouverte par les parents d’élĂšves. Cette initiative pourrait, en effet, ĂȘtre vue comme une tentative de prise de pouvoir (empowerment) par une communautĂ© locale en quĂȘte de dĂ©veloppement. Durable ou non, cette initiative concrĂ©tise la question-clĂ© de l’organisation horizontale par le bas

    Guinea-Bissau : Military Fighting Breaks Out

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    Rudebeck Lars. Guinea-Bissau : Military Fighting Breaks Out. In: Lusotopie, n°5, 1998. Des protestantismes en lusophonie catholique. pp. 25-30


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    InnehÄll: Den historiska bakgrunden -- Nationaliströrelsen -- Den formella politiska strukturen -- Nya signaler efter 1960 -- den politiska utvecklingen under 1960-talet -- NÄgra grundlÀggande sociala och ekonomiska fakta -- Tunisien och omvÀrlden</p

    Guinea-Bissau : Military Fighting Breaks Out

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    Rudebeck Lars. Guinea-Bissau : Military Fighting Breaks Out. In: Lusotopie, n°5, 1998. Des protestantismes en lusophonie catholique. pp. 25-30

    Democracy and development – a disputed pair

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    The text moves in the historical context of decolonization, post-colonialism, globalization and ‘developing countries’. In this context, the two terms ‘development’ and ‘democracy’ are used all over, in everyday language as well as in public and theoretical discourse, not least in relation to Africa. What different meanings do these terms convey? The various concepts referred to by them are often seen as linked to each other. How may such linkages be conceived? These are questions raised in this article. Conceivable answers are presented and analyzed. Emphasis is on concepts existing today and their actual use in grasping or even shaping current realities. The level of the analysis is abstract. But its empirical foundations are very concretely close to the ground, shaped since the 1960s through long periods of fieldwork in Tunisia, Guinea-Bissau and Mozambique. Concrete references, thus, are primarily to links between politics and people’s efforts in post-colonial Africa to achieve ‘development’, while theoretical inferences are global. The overall answer emerging from the text is that development, including sustainable development, meeting legitimate majority needs and aspirations is more likely to take place under conditions of substantial democracy than under other forms of rule. The equalization of political power through democratic self-empowerment is crucial. Democracy and development are indeed related to each other – but not just any democracy and not just any development, nor all of the time

    Guinea-Bissau : folket, partiet och staten

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    I oktober 1974 tĂ„gade ledarna för den nationella befrielserörelsen PAIGC in i huvudstaden Bissau, sedan den siste portugisiske soldaten lĂ€mnat Guinea-Bissau efter mer Ă€n femhundra Ă„rs kolonialvĂ€lde. Den vĂ€pnade kampen var vunnen. GlĂ€djen var stor över fred och frihet. Men den fredliga kampen för utveckling hade nĂ€tt och jĂ€mt börjat. tatskassan var tom. Behoven trĂ€ngde sig pĂ„ överallt. Var skulle man börja? I den hĂ€r boken skildras i tvĂ„ perspektive den politiska organisationen och den konkreta utvecklingsstrategin i Guinea-Bissau under de första Ă„ren av fred och sjĂ€lvstĂ€ndighet: dels genom en översikt av hela landet och dels genom en detaljskildring av Kandjadja, en vanlig by pĂ„ landet i norra Guinea-Bissau. Boken vĂ€nder sig till alla som vill veta mer om Guinea-Bissau, ett afrikanskt land vars förbindelser med Sverige hela tiden utvecklas. Samtidigt Ă€r boken ett vetenskapligt bidrag till vĂ„r kunskap om förutsĂ€ttningar för olika typer av utvecklingsstrategier.InnehĂ„ll: I. Inledning -- II. Betingelser för utveckling I Guinea-Bissau -- III. Beroende och kamp för oberoende -- IV. Statsmaktens organisation och grundvalar -- V. Den konkreta utvecklingsstrategin: landet som helhet -- VI. Den konkreta utvecklingsstrategin: byn Kandjadja -- VII. Är det folket som Ă€r staten? -- VIII. KĂ€llor, bakgrundsmaterial, arbetssĂ€tt och tack för medverkan</p