12 research outputs found

    Coming of age: report on the euro area

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    This report surveys the economic performance of the euro area and gives recommendations about six policy challenges of major importance for the future of EMU.

    Coming of Age: Report on the euro area. Bruegel Blueprint Series 2008/4. Volume IV

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    (From introduction). By many standards, economic and monetary union (EMU) is a major success. The transition to the new currency was remarkably smooth. The euro area has enjoyed remarkable price stability. After several years of disappointing economic performance between 2001 and 2005, growth picked up in 2006. Economic integration among the countries participating in the single currency has progressed. In spite of fashionable talk about a break-up of the euro area, the reality is that there are many countries wishing to join and none seeking to leave.Nearly twenty years after the Delors Report provided the blueprint for EMU, fifteen years after the ratification of the Maastricht Treaty and almost ten years after the launch of the euro, EMU is still unfinished business. There is disagreement on which reforms are most desirable, the degree to which national economic policies should be coordinated, and the nature of the dialogue between ministers of finance and the monetary authority. A common thread throughout this report is the need for the policy framework of the euro area to be made clearer, more transparent and more accountable. We believe these reforms are essential for dealing with potential crises in the euro area

    Price Stability as a Target for Monetary Policy: Defining and Maintaining Price Stability

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    Reproducibility Project: Psychology

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    Reproducibility is a defining feature of science, but the extent to which it characterizes current research is unknown. We conducted replications of 100 experimental and correlational studies published in three psychology journals using high-powered designs and original materials when available