64 research outputs found

    The Thirteenth Amendment and Equal Protection: A Structural Interpretation to Free the Amendment

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    The hope is that the Court will one day hold that the Thirteenth Amendment has its own equal protection clause or component and that strict scrutiny will not be used for benign racial classifications designed to eradicate current badges and incidents of slavery. This Article critiques the Court’s decision in the Civil Rights Cases regarding the scope of section 1 of the Amendment and it offers a holistic or structural interpretation of the Amendment to include an equal protection component and a lesser standard of review than strict scrutiny. Essentially, the Thirteenth Amendment, if properly used, could become a public policy of equal protection that influences courts’ interpretation of the Amendment, other constitutional provisions, and statutes

    The Elusive Constitutional Right to Informational Privacy

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    Arbitration and Federal Reform: Recalibrating the Separation of Powers Between Congress and the Court

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    In 1925, Congress, to provide for the enforcement of certain arbitration agreements, enacted the Federal Arbitration Act (“FAA”) as a procedural law to be applicable only in federal courts. However, the United States Supreme Court, seemingly for the purpose of reducing federal courts’ caseloads, co-opted the FAA by disregarding Congress’s intent that the FAA be applicable only in federal courts. And in furtherance of its own Court-created “federal policy in favor of arbitration,” the Court created precedents that limit state regulation of arbitration agreements, including that states cannot exempt disputes from forced or mandatory arbitration agreements or otherwise regulate the enforcement of arbitration agreements in a manner that is inconsistent with the FAA. The Court’s precedents have left a regulatory gap where states cannot prevent some of the dangers that arbitration poses to litigants in many areas of the law, including in consumer and employment contracts. Recently, however, Congress has reentered the arbitration field to reassert its authority over arbitration. In 2022, it enacted the Ending Forced Arbitration of Sexual Abuse and Sexual Harassment Act to exclude these types of claims from forced or mandatory arbitration. This Article asserts that Congress, having reentered the field, should continue its reforms of the FAA to recalibrate the balance of power between the Court and Congress. This would include Congress clearly stating whether Section 2 of the FAA should be applicable only in federal courts; should not be applicable to adhesion arbitration agreements; and should not be applicable to federal statutory claims, as well as whether the lack of diversity in arbitrators should be one of the justifications for not enforcing predispute arbitration agreements. This Articles discusses these topics and offers suggestions on how Congress should resolve these issues

    El Método de Casos y el Aprendizaje Significativo del Marketing en la Facultad de Ciencias Empresariales de la Universidad Nacional de Educación Enrique Guzmán y Valle – 2019

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    The general objective of this thesis is to determine how the case method is related to the meaningful learning of marketing in the Faculty of Business Sciences of the Enrique Guzmán y Valle National University of Education -2019 and as specific objectives, to determine how understanding is related comprehensive, the application of theoretical and technical concepts, the search for correct solutions and the decision-making process with significant learning of marketing. Regarding the methodology, the research approach is quantitative, applied, the research design is non-experimental, transectional or transversal, and the method is hypothetical deductive. Regarding the results, to measure the validity of the content of the instrument, three specialists in the subject were summoned, to establish the reliability, the Cronbach's alpha coefficient has been used, to contrast the hypotheses of the present investigation, it has been used the Spearman Coefficient test, and the results are presented under a descriptive statistical analysis. When analyzing the results of the case method and significant learning variables, it is observed that there is a great relationship since 80.4% of those surveyed consider that the case method is an efficient learning strategy

    La experiencia turĂ­stica como promotora de un turismo sostenible en la Reserva Nacional de Lachay, PerĂş

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    La experiencia, más que visitar un nuevo lugar, comprende un encuentro entre culturas, personas y entornos naturales, que impacta tanto en los viajeros como en los destinos turísticos visitados. El presente estudio propuso determinar cómo la experiencia turística promueve un turismo sostenible en la Reserva Nacional de Lachay (RNL), Lima, Perú. Se desarrolló mediante un enfoque cualitativo, fenomenológico, con casos de estudio identificados mediante la técnica de muestreo bola de nieve; se identificaron cinco profesionales con experticia en el desarrollo de experiencias turísticas, a quienes se les entrevistó mediante una guía de entrevista semiestructurada. Se concluye que la RNL es un espacio turístico natural que ofrece a los turistas la posibilidad de experimentar sensaciones agradables a través de los sentidos, principalmente el sentido auditivo y visual; además, la visita permite reconocer e interiorizar el significado e importancia del ecosistema de lomas, ayudando a comprender la necesidad de su conservación para el beneficio de las generaciones futuras. Cabe precisar que la generación de experiencia turística requiere la confluencia de distintos elementos naturales, materiales y humanos, que repercute en beneficios económicos, sociales y ambientales para los turistas y la comunidad anfitriona

    Solid-Phase Microextraction and the Human Fecal VOC Metabolome

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    The diagnostic potential and health implications of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) present in human feces has begun to receive considerable attention. Headspace solid-phase microextraction (SPME) has greatly facilitated the isolation and analysis of VOCs from human feces. Pioneering human fecal VOC metabolomic investigations have utilized a single SPME fiber type for analyte extraction and analysis. However, we hypothesized that the multifarious nature of metabolites present in human feces dictates the use of several diverse SPME fiber coatings for more comprehensive metabolomic coverage. We report here an evaluation of eight different commercially available SPME fibers, in combination with both GC-MS and GC-FID, and identify the 50/30 µm CAR-DVB-PDMS, 85 µm CAR-PDMS, 65 µm DVB-PDMS, 7 µm PDMS, and 60 µm PEG SPME fibers as a minimal set of fibers appropriate for human fecal VOC metabolomics, collectively isolating approximately 90% of the total metabolites obtained when using all eight fibers. We also evaluate the effect of extraction duration on metabolite isolation and illustrate that ex vivo enteric microbial fermentation has no effect on metabolite composition during prolonged extractions if the SPME is performed as described herein
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