8 research outputs found

    Anillinus alleni Sokolov and Carlton (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Trechinae: Bembidiini), a New Species from the Ozark Interior Highlands of Arkansas, USA

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    Anillinus alleni Sokolov and Carlton, new species, is described from the Ozark Mountain Interior Highlands (type locality: Blanchard Springs Recreation Area, Stone County, Arkansas, USA) based on four specimens collected using soil washing followed by Berlese extraction. The species is unique among anilline carabids in possessing extremely large, spinous projections on the male metafemora. It represents the second known anilline species occurring in the Ozark Highlands, both of which were collected using soil-washing techniques. Similarities with other species of Anillinus Casey are discussed, and ideas are presented about the potential adaptive significance of elements of external morphology in relation to subterranean habitats

    Fig. 2 in Anillinus alleni Sokolov and Carlton (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Trechinae: Bembidiini), a New Species from the Ozark Interior Highlands of Arkansas, USA

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    Fig. 2. SEM illustrations of structural features of the legs of Anillinus alleni. A) Left foreleg, male, dorsal view, B) Right mesotibia, female, ventral view, C) Left metatibia, male, ventro-lateral view, D) Left metatibia, female, medial view. as = adhesive seta; msb = mesotibial brush; msms = mesotibial modified seta; mss = mesotibial spur; mtb = metatibial brush; mts = metatibial spur; mtts = metatibial modified setae; ta1-ta3 = protarsomeres 1–3; tbn = tibial notch. Scale bar = 0.2 mm.Published as part of <i>Sokolov, Igor M., Carlton, Christopher E., Watrous, Larry E. & Robison, Henry W., 2017, Anillinus alleni Sokolov and Carlton (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Trechinae: Bembidiini), a New Species from the Ozark Interior Highlands of Arkansas, USA, pp. 289-297 in The Coleopterists Bulletin 71 (2)</i> on page 292, DOI: 10.1649/0010-065X-71.2.289, <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/10109515">http://zenodo.org/record/10109515</a&gt

    Anillinus alleni Sokolov and Carlton (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Trechinae: Bembidiini), a New Species from the Ozark Interior Highlands of Arkansas, USA

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    Anillinus alleni Sokolov and Carlton, new species, is described from the Ozark Mountain Interior Highlands (type locality: Blanchard Springs Recreation Area, Stone County, Arkansas, USA) based on four specimens collected using soil washing followed by Berlese extraction. The species is unique among anilline carabids in possessing extremely large, spinous projections on the male metafemora. It represents the second known anilline species occurring in the Ozark Highlands, both of which were collected using soil-washing techniques. Similarities with other species of Anillinus Casey are discussed, and ideas are presented about the potential adaptive significance of elements of external morphology in relation to subterranean habitats

    Fig. 4 in Anillinus alleni Sokolov and Carlton (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Trechinae: Bembidiini), a New Species from the Ozark Interior Highlands of Arkansas, USA

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    Fig. 4. Locality records for Anillinus species from the Ozark and Ouachita Mountains: A. alleni – red star; A. aleyae – white diamonds; A. magazinensis Sokolov and Carlton – white circles; A. lescheni – white triangle; A. robisoni Sokolov and Carlton – white flowers; A. stephani Sokolov and Carlton – black square; A. tishechkini Sokolov and Carlton – white squares (Sokolov et al. 2004; Sokolov and Watrous 2008; personal observations).Published as part of <i>Sokolov, Igor M., Carlton, Christopher E., Watrous, Larry E. & Robison, Henry W., 2017, Anillinus alleni Sokolov and Carlton (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Trechinae: Bembidiini), a New Species from the Ozark Interior Highlands of Arkansas, USA, pp. 289-297 in The Coleopterists Bulletin 71 (2)</i> on page 294, DOI: 10.1649/0010-065X-71.2.289, <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/10109515">http://zenodo.org/record/10109515</a&gt

    Fig. 1 in Anillinus alleni Sokolov and Carlton (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Trechinae: Bembidiini), a New Species from the Ozark Interior Highlands of Arkansas, USA

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    Fig. 1. SEM images of body parts of Anillinus alleni. A) Head, dorsal view, B) Pronotum, dorsal view, C) Elytra, dorsal view, D) Head, ventral view, E) Prosternum, ventral view, F) Metasternum, ventral view, G) Left and right metafemora, male, H) Right metafemur, female. bm = basal emargination; bs = basolateral pronotal seta; cl = clypeus; cs = clypeal seta; ed2 = scutellar seta; ed3-4, 6 = 1st, 2nd, and 3rd fixed discal setae; ed8 = apical seta; eo1-9 = setae 1–9 from the umbilicate series; fs = frontal seta; ft = frontal tubercle; gsc = glossal sclerite; ipa = intercoxal process of abdominal ventrite 2; lb = labrum; ls = midlaterall pronotal seta; m = mentum; mp3 = maxillary palpomere 3; mp4 = maxillary palpomere 4; ms = mental-submental suture; mscx = mesocoxa; mtcx = metacoxa; mtf = metafemur; mtt = metatibia; mttr = metatrochanter; mtv = metaventrite; pep = proepipleuron; pes = proepisternum; pg = paraglossa; prcx = procoxa; ps = prosternum; psp = prosternal process; sct = scutellum; sm = submentum; sp = metafemoral spine; ssa = anterior supraorbital seta; ssp = posterior supraorbital seta. Scale bars: A–B, E–H = 0.2 mm; C = 0.5 mm; D = 0.1 mm.Published as part of <i>Sokolov, Igor M., Carlton, Christopher E., Watrous, Larry E. & Robison, Henry W., 2017, Anillinus alleni Sokolov and Carlton (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Trechinae: Bembidiini), a New Species from the Ozark Interior Highlands of Arkansas, USA, pp. 289-297 in The Coleopterists Bulletin 71 (2)</i> on page 291, DOI: 10.1649/0010-065X-71.2.289, <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/10109515">http://zenodo.org/record/10109515</a&gt

    Fig. 3 in Anillinus alleni Sokolov and Carlton (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Trechinae: Bembidiini), a New Species from the Ozark Interior Highlands of Arkansas, USA

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    Fig. 3. Habitus and internal genitalia of Anillinus alleni. A) Habitus, B) Aedeagal median lobe, right lateral view, C) Left paramere, left lateral view, D) Right paramere, right lateral view, E) Spermatheca and apical part of spermathecal gland, F) Female right ovipositor sclerites, dorsal view. bl = blade of gonocoxite 2; dpc = distal part of cornu; dr = dorsal ridge of median lobe; ds = dorsal sclerites of median lobe; es = ensiform setae; esp = endofallic spines of median lobe; gc1 = gonoxocite 1; gc2 = gonocoxite 2; lt = laterotergite; n = nodulus; ns = nematiform seta; ppc = proximal part of cornu; sg = spermathecal gland; sp = spermatheca. Scale bars: A = 0.5 mm; B = 0.2 mm; E–F = 0.1 mm.Published as part of <i>Sokolov, Igor M., Carlton, Christopher E., Watrous, Larry E. & Robison, Henry W., 2017, Anillinus alleni Sokolov and Carlton (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Trechinae: Bembidiini), a New Species from the Ozark Interior Highlands of Arkansas, USA, pp. 289-297 in The Coleopterists Bulletin 71 (2)</i> on page 293, DOI: 10.1649/0010-065X-71.2.289, <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/10109515">http://zenodo.org/record/10109515</a&gt

    Toward a Phylogenetic Reconstruction of Organizational Life

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    cladistics, classification, configurations, diversity, evolution, organizations, phylogeny, taxonomy, typology, A1, L0, L2, L6, M1, N0,