8 research outputs found
Futboleko lesioen epidemiologiaren, arrisku faktoreen eta ondorioen ikerketa Athletic Cluben.
125 p.Tesi honen helburua Athletic Clubeko zerbitzu medikuaren lesioaren kudeaketa hobetzeko 3 galdera erantzutea izan zen. 1. Ikerlanean, gizonezkoen eta emakumezkoen lesioen epidemiologian ezberdintasunak daudela, eta prebentzio estrategiak bakoitzaren beharretara egokitu behar direla azalarazi zen. 2. Ikerlanean, 37 nukleotido bakarreko polimorfismo eta iskiotibialetako lesio muskularren arteko asoziazioa ikertu zen gizonezko jokalari helduetan. Nahiz eta 5 polimorfismo eta adina lesionatzeko arriskuarekin asoziatu ziren, ereduak ez zuen lesioak aurresateko gaitasunik eduki denboraldi independente batean, eta genetikaren erabilera lesioei dagokienez goiztiarra da. 3. Ikerlanean, lesioek harrobiko gizonezko jokalarien progresioan eta Lehen taldera iristeko aukeretan inpaktu negatiboa dutela demostratu zen. Lesioaren kudeaketa lehentasun bat da goi-mailako harrobietan, eta informazio hau jokalarien, entrenatzaileen eta zuzendarien atxikimendu maila handitzeko erabili daiteke. Galdera hauen erantzunetatik harago, garrantzitsua dena erantzunak bilatzeko prozesua da. Ebidentzian oinarritutako prozesu hau klubetan eta profesional bakoitzaren praktikan txertatzea helburu garrantzitsua da etorkizunera begira, jokalarien errendimendua eta lesioaren kudeaketa hobetzeko beste pauso bat
The relative age effect in young athletes: a countywide analysis of 9–14-year-old participants in all competitive sports
[EN] The relative age effect (RAE) has primarily been investigated in male athletes involved in
popular sports and high-level competitions. However, occurrence of RAE in other types of
sports at the grassroots level, particularly in female athletes, is less well-studied. Thus, we
examined the RAE in a large cohort of young athletes who participated in all competitive
sports in Bizkaia, Spain, according to gender and specificity of the sport. The birth dates of
38,381 participants (65.1% males and 34.9% females) aged 9–14 years old in 37 competitive
sports were analyzed. Birth dates were divided into four birth-quarters and compared to
those of all children born in the same period using a χ2 goodness-of-fit test and standardized
residuals. The effect size Cramer’s V was measured, and odds ratio and 95% confidence
intervals were calculated to determine the odds of athletes born in January playing in the
highest leagues. In the total sample, in boys RAE was evident in football, but only in highercompetition
leagues (p<0.001, large effect size). In girls, RAE was evident in the most popular
team sports: basketball (p<0.001, large effect size in basketball 1st league), handball and
football (p<0.05, both small effect sizes). Players born in January were 3.23- and 2.89-times
more likely to play in the 1st leagues than those born in December, for boys (football) and
girls (basketball) respectively. In the overall analysis and in the remaining sports, presence
of RAE was negligible. Therefore, the date of birth does not seem to be a constraint to participating
in most sports in Bizkaia. The potential mechanisms for RAE are multifactorial and
complex, yet a combination of factors, such as the popularity of a sport and the depth of
competition, physicality and social influences may be involved. We discuss these mechanisms
and potential measures to mitigate RAE.This work was partially supported by the
University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU)
(https://www.ehu.eus/es/) under grant PPGA19/53
and the Basque government (https://www.euskadi.
eus/gobierno-vasco/inicio/) under grant IT922-16.
The funders had no role in study design, data
collection and analysis, decision to publish, or
preparation of the manuscript
Unlocking Male Youth Soccer Players’ Peak Performance Potential: Exploring the Impact of Maturation, Age, and Physical Demands on Neuromuscular Injury Risk and Recovery Following Competitive Matchplay
This study investigated the 7-day recovery period post-soccer matches in elite male academy players. We analyzed changes in physical performance, stretch-shortening cycle capability, landing mechanics, muscle damage, and perceived well-being while also considering the influence of players’ maturity status, chronological age, and physical demands on post-match responses. In a prospective, observational, mixed longitudinal study design, twenty-six players (U14 = 14 [age = 13.9 ± 0.2 y, and U16 = 12 [age = 15.1 ± 0.2 y]) undertook testing at baseline (1 h pre-match), immediately post-match (0 h), and 48-, 72-, 96-, and 120 h post-match for measures in creatine kinase (CK), urea (UR), CMJ height, 20 m sprint time, reactive strength index (RSI), leg stiffness (LS), landing mechanics, and perceived well-being. Players were also tested pre [168-h] and post the subsequent match. Results showed significant alterations 0 h post-match in CK (+71.3%), UR (+12.8%), CMJ height (−5.3%), 20 m sprint time (+3.8%), RSI (−9.6%), LS (−11.5%), and perceived well-being (−7.7%), with landing mechanics being unaffected. All parameters returned to baseline at 48 h, except for CK and UR, which remained elevated until 168 h. The players’ initial scores influenced how they responded after the match during the week. In conclusion, coaches should focus on post-match strategies to enhance muscle recovery, especially for youth players with a lower training status, given the extended recovery period observed for muscle damage markers
Hazkundea, heltzea eta lesioak gizonezkoen goi-mailako futbolari gazteetan
Injuries are very frequent in elite male football academies and have a negative impact on players’ development and health. Thus, identifying injury risk factors is vital. According to recent research, growth and maturity are related with injury occurrence. Nonetheless, the effects are not clear and results are controversial. In this article, we explain the main concepts of growth and maturity and their possible relationship with injury epidemiology.; Lesioak oso ohikoak dira gizonezkoen goi-mailako futbol taldeetan, eta jokalarien garapenean eta osasunean ondorio negatiboak dituzte. Hori dela eta, futbolarien lesioetan eragina izan dezaketen arrisku-faktoreak identifikatzea ezinbestekoa da. Azken urteotan egindako ikerketen arabera, hazkundeak eta heltzeak lesioen agerpenarekin erlazioa dutela aztertu arren, eragina ez dago guztiz argi eta kontraesanak daude. Lan honetan, hazkundearen eta heltzearen kontzeptu nagusiak laburbildu eta horien eta lesioen arteko harreman posibleak azaltzen dira
Futboleko lesioen epidemiologiaren, arrisku faktoreen eta ondorioen ikerketa Athletic Cluben.
125 p.Tesi honen helburua Athletic Clubeko zerbitzu medikuaren lesioaren kudeaketa hobetzeko 3 galdera erantzutea izan zen. 1. Ikerlanean, gizonezkoen eta emakumezkoen lesioen epidemiologian ezberdintasunak daudela, eta prebentzio estrategiak bakoitzaren beharretara egokitu behar direla azalarazi zen. 2. Ikerlanean, 37 nukleotido bakarreko polimorfismo eta iskiotibialetako lesio muskularren arteko asoziazioa ikertu zen gizonezko jokalari helduetan. Nahiz eta 5 polimorfismo eta adina lesionatzeko arriskuarekin asoziatu ziren, ereduak ez zuen lesioak aurresateko gaitasunik eduki denboraldi independente batean, eta genetikaren erabilera lesioei dagokienez goiztiarra da. 3. Ikerlanean, lesioek harrobiko gizonezko jokalarien progresioan eta Lehen taldera iristeko aukeretan inpaktu negatiboa dutela demostratu zen. Lesioaren kudeaketa lehentasun bat da goi-mailako harrobietan, eta informazio hau jokalarien, entrenatzaileen eta zuzendarien atxikimendu maila handitzeko erabili daiteke. Galdera hauen erantzunetatik harago, garrantzitsua dena erantzunak bilatzeko prozesua da. Ebidentzian oinarritutako prozesu hau klubetan eta profesional bakoitzaren praktikan txertatzea helburu garrantzitsua da etorkizunera begira, jokalarien errendimendua eta lesioaren kudeaketa hobetzeko beste pauso bat
Genetic Variants and Hamstring Injury in Soccer: An Association and Validation Study
Purpose: This study aimed to investigate the association of candidate single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) with noncontact hamstring muscle injuries in elite soccer players and to create and validate a model to assess the risk of hamstring injury.
Methods: A total of 107 elite male outfield players were prospectively followed for six seasons. Players were genotyped for 37 SNP previously investigated in relation to musculoskeletal injuries. The association of SNP, previous injury, age, level of play, position, and anthropometric data with 129 hamstring injuries (413 observations) was investigated in the discovery phase (2010-2015), and a multivariable Cox frailty model was created using forward selection. The model's discriminative ability was tested in the validation phase (2015-2016, 31 injuries, 98 observations) using Harrell's C index.
Results: Five SNP were found to be significantly associated with hamstring injury in a multivariable model: matrix metalloproteinase 3 rs679620 (A vs G, hazard ratio [HR] = 2.06, 95% confidence interval [CI] = 1.51-2.81), tenascin C rs2104772 (A vs T, HR = 1.65, 95% CI = 1.17-2.32), interleukin 6 rs1800795 (GG vs GC + CC, HR = 1.68, 95% CI = 1.11-2.53), nitric oxide synthase 3 rs1799983 (G vs T, HR = 1.35, 95% CI = 1.01-1.79), and hypoxia-inducible factor-1α rs11549465 (CC vs CT, HR = 2.08, 95% CI = 1.00-4.29). Age also entered the model (≥24 vs <24 yr, HR = 2.10, 95% CI = 1.29-3.42). The model showed acceptable discrimination in the discovery phase (C index = 0.74), but not in the validation phase (C index = 0.52).
Conclusion: Genetic variants appear to be involved in the etiology of hamstring injuries but were not found to have predictive value by themselves. Further research, increasing the number of genetic variants and including environmental factors in complex multifactorial risk models, is necessary.he study was funded by the genetics company Baigene. J. L. was
supported by a Ph.D. studentship from the Vice-Chancellorship for
Basque of the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU (Euskararen
arloko Errektoreordetza). IB acknowledges financial support from the
Basque Government (IT620-13). S. M. G. acknowledges financial
support from the Basque Government (IT922-16) and the University of
the Basque Country (PPG17/34