126 research outputs found

    Quantum fluctuations around black hole horizons in Bose-Einstein condensates

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    We study several realistic configurations allowing to realize an acoustic horizon in the flow of a one dimensional Bose-Einstein condensate. In each case we give an analytical description of the flow pattern, of the spectrum of Hawking radiation and of the associated quantum fluctuations. Our calculations confirm that the non local correlations of the density fluctuations previously studied in a simplified model provide a clear signature of Hawking radiation also in realistic configurations. In addition we explain by direct computation how this non local signal relates to short range modifications of the density correlations

    Photosynthetic pigment levels in Macroptilium lathyroides L under water deficit.

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    TĂ­tulo em espanhol: Contenido de pigmentos fotosinteticos Macroptilium lathyroides L en condiciones de sequia

    Nível e natureza do estoque orgânico de Latossolos sob diferentes sistemas de uso e manejo.

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    O papel fundamental da matéria orgânica (MO) justifica o crescente interesse pela identificação de sistemas de uso e manejo que melhorem o estoque orgânico em solos tropicais. O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar variações quantitativas e qualitativas da MO e caracterizar compartimentos orgânicos em um Latossolo Vermelho-Escuro argiloso sob vegetação natural antropizada (CER), pastagem de longa duração (PAL), pastagem degradada (PAD), e pousio (PAC), comparados com culturas sob preparo convencional (CCL) e plantio direto (PD). Foi encontrada pouca variação dos estoques orgânicos na camada superficial, explicada pela antropização da vegetação em CER, pela não-exportação dos resíduos em PD e CCL e pela prática de pousio em PAC. Fracionamento granulométrico, considerando os compartimentos resíduos vegetais (20-2.000 µm), organo-siltoso (2-20 µm) e organo-argiloso (0-2 µm), mostrou diferenças na qualidade da MO quando comparadas situações edafoambientais semelhantes. Mesmo com pequenas variações, o compartimento resíduos vegetais foi um indicador da evolução dos estoques orgânicos, permitindo a caracterização da degradação nas pastagens e do efeito do plantio direto, quando comparado ao sistema convencional. PD favoreceu a estocagem de C no compartimento organo-argiloso. Solos estudados diferem de outros solos argilosos tropicais pela mais elevada relação C/N encontrada nas frações 0-20 µm

    Wheat amylase/trypsin inhibitors (ATIs): occurrence, function and health aspects

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    Amylase/trypsin inhibitors (ATIs) are widely consumed in cereal-based foods and have been implicated in adverse reactions to wheat exposure, such as respiratory and food allergy, and intestinal responses associated with coeliac disease and non-coeliac wheat sensitivity. ATIs occur in multiple isoforms which differ in the amounts present in different types of wheat (including ancient and modern ones). Measuring ATIs and their isoforms is an analytical challenge as is their isolation for use in studies addressing their potential effects on the human body. ATI isoforms differ in their spectrum of bioactive effects in the human gastrointestinal (GI), which may include enzyme inhibition, inflammation and immune responses and of which much is not known. Similarly, although modifications during food processing (exposure to heat, moisture, salt, acid, fermentation) may affect their structure and activity as shown in vitro, it is important to relate these changes to effects that may present in the GI tract. Finally, much of our knowledge of their potential biological effects is based on studies in vitro and in animal models. Validation by human studies using processed foods as commonly consumed is warranted. We conclude that more detailed understanding of these factors may allow the effects of ATIs on human health to be better understood and when possible, to be ameliorated, for example by innovative food processing. We therefore review in short our current knowledge of these proteins, focusing on features which relate to their biological activity and identifying gaps in our knowledge and research priorities

    Successful medical treatment of glans ischemia after voluntary buprenorphine injection

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    INTRODUCTION: The diverted use of synthetic opioid buprenorphine by drug addicts can be responsible for serious ischemic and infectious complications, particularly in the case of intravenous injection. AIM: We present a case of serious glans ischemia after buprenorphine injection directly into the deep dorsal vein of the penis. Analysis using new medical imaging techniques and treatments is detailed below. METHODS: A 26-year-old male drug addict presented with glans pain 4 days after self-injection of buprenorphine into the deep dorsal vein of the penis. The patient was apyretic and presented a urethral discharge. His glans was blue without discoloration on digital pressure. Additionally, his biologic and serologic tests were normal while bacteriology showed the presence of Enterobacter cloacae urethritis. RESULTS: After 48 hours of intravenous antibiotic treatment without improvement, a specific medical treatment using enoxaparin and ilomedin was initiated, with the assumption that there was an ischemic complication. Laser speckle contrast imaging allowed confirmation of the presence of distal penis ischemia and provided an accurate mapping of the ischemic zone. A 28-day treatment combining antibiotics, subcutaneous heparin at curative dose, antiplatelet drug, ilomedin, and hyperbaric oxygen therapy resulted in clinical improvement of the lesions with no functional complications. CONCLUSIONS: To date, no consensus exists on the proper diagnostic and treatment approach to severe glans ischemia due to buprenorphine injection into the deep dorsal vein of the penis. The results of laser speckle contrast imaging were of real interest during the process of diagnosis. In addition, the combination of ilomedin with hyperbaric oxygen therapy and anticoagulant and antiplatelet drugs appeared to be an effective therapy
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