22 research outputs found

    Furu fra sør lar seg lettere impregnere

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    Forskere ved Skog og landskap og Universitetet for miljø- og biovitenskap (UMB) har, sammen med industrien, oppdaget at det er variasjoner i opptak av impregneringsvæske ved trykkimpregnering. Dette skyldes til dels forskjeller mellom furubestand. Den største forskjellen skyldes breddegrad. Det vil si at furu fra sørlige bredde grader lettere lar seg impregnere enn furu fra nordlige breddegrader.publishedVersio

    The Influence of Sample Origin on the Leachability of Wood Preservatives

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    Several studies have been conducted on impregnability of the raw material and large variations have been found. The leaching of wood preservatives into nature is a problem, especially agents that consist copper. Leachability of i.&nbsp;e. copper has been studied by several authors. This study tries to set the variation of leachability of Wolmanit CX-8 and Tanalith in system, evaluating the origin of a tree and the origin of a sample. Samples of Scots pine sapwood (Pinus Sylvestris) (20&times;20&times;50&nbsp;mm) were treated with the wood protection agents Wolmanit CX-8 and Tanalith. The variation in leachability within trees, between trees and between different stands of Scots pine (in Norway and Denmark) was studied. The samples were climatized, impregnated with preservatives and leached according to standard EN84. The study indicates differences between the products. Stand location and samples position in a tree play a role in preservative leaching from wood, favouring southern located trees to be more prone to loosing preservative. Also the lowest part of the tree does not fixate preservatives as well as the upper parts.&nbsp;http://dx.doi.org/10.5755/j01.ms.17.3.594</p

    Miljøeffekter ved bruk av tre. Sammenstilling av kunnskap om tre og treprodukter

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    - Hvis man tar utgangspunkt i den energien som tømmeret representerer, går mindre enn 3 % av denne med til å fremskaffe dette tømmeret til industrien. Om lag halvparten av energiforbruket fra skogetablering til industritomt er knyttet til tømmertransport. - I livssyklusfasene til boliger og kontorbygg er det bruksfasen som utgjør det største energiforbruket, ca. 85-93%. - Drivhusgassbalanse og energi som går til gjenvinning, vil i stor grad avhenge av hvordan tre behandles etter riving og eventuell substitusjon av fossilt brensel. For trekonstruksjoner er den energien som frigjøres ved forbrenning av rivingsvirke, minst like stor som den energien som kreves til fremstilling av trekonstruksjonene. - I 95 % av de gjennomgåtte studiene i denne undersøkelsen der tre ble sammenlignet med alternative materialer, har man kommet til at tre var like bra (35 %) eller bedre (60 %). - Gode levetidsdata for tre og trekomponenter er helt avgjørende for gode LCA analyser. Økt levetid på bygningsdeler i tre vil kunne bidra til økt karbonbinding. Det er derfor av stor betydning å finne nye trebeskyttelsessystemer som bidrar til økt levetid. - Nyere undersøkelser peker i retning av at den største samlede reduksjonen i CO2-utslipp til atmosfæren oppnås ved å drive et intensivt skogbruk. Dette er basert på forutsetninger om at biomassen fra skogen benyttes til å substituere mer energikrevende produkter, samt til substitusjon av fossilt brensel. I praksis vil et intensivt skogbruk kunne komme i konflikt med en del av kravene som er satt til et bærekraftig skogbruk.publishedVersio

    Wood products in a low current pulsing electric field - a new way to protect wood?

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    A new protection system has been tested which protects wood without treating it - by installing a low pulsing electric field. This electro-osmotic pulsing technology on wood, called PLEOT, has been tested in lab trials. Wood has a low specific conductivity and is considered as a dielectric material. Water plays therefore an important role. With increasing wood moisture content, a favorable environment for fungi development is created. At the same time, increasing wood moisture content increases the conductivity in wood and PLEOT can protect the material. Wood can be considered as naturally protected against fungal attack at a wood moisture content <20 %. It could be shown in lab tests, that a protection by means of PLEOT can be achieved at higher wood moisture content....publishedVersio

    Effect of kerfing on crack formation in Scots pine log house timber

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    In Norway log buildings are normally produced from logs canted on two sides. The canted faces are prone to crack formation during drying. This can cause some disadvantages, e.g. the cracks can trap water from rainfall, because the canted faces form the wall surfaces in the log buildings.publishedVersio

    Nye treprodukter. Kan erstatte plast og aluminium

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    En ny type produkter, hvor man blander trefiber med plastprodukter, kan erstatte ren plast eller aluminium på en rekke områder – for eksempel i bilindustrien.publishedVersio

    Leaching of commonly used impregnation agents affected by wood properties

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    The objective of the study was to assess the influence of wood properties on copper leaching from wood treated with preservatives. Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) trees were harvested from two different stands in Norway and one in Denmark. Sapwood was cut to samples (20 x 20 x 50 mm) in as many layers as the radial size allowed. Within this material, it is possible to trace the individual sample to its original position in the stem. Approximately half of the samples were treated with Wolmanit CX-8 and half with Tanalith. All samples were conditioned, impregnated with preservatives and leached according to EN84. Copper and boron content in water samples was determined by an ICP (Inductively Coupled Plasma) technique. The variation in leachability within trees, between trees and between different stands was studied. Statistical analyses showed that trees from the south are more prone to leaching and that samples from the lowest part of the tree fixate less preservative than those from the upper parts. In addition, drying method of the sample had an influence and differences were also noted between products used in the study.publishedVersio

    Sorption behaviour of Scots pine in Northern Europe

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    Wood as a hygroscopic material gains or loses moisture with changes in climate of the surrounding air. The moisture content influences strength properties, hardness, durability and machinability. Therefore the hygroscopicity is a very important property, last but not least for economic factors. Below fibre saturation, a change in moisture content causes shrinkage or swelling and anisotropic behaviour can be seen in the different growth directions. For a better understanding of the sorption behaviour of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) the variation between different adsorption and desorption curves has been investigated. Trees from 25 different sites in Northern Europe were collected and 3651 samples (1510 heartwood- and 2141 sapwood-samples) measuring 5 (T) x 10 (R) x 30 (L) mm were obtained. The sorption isotherms for all specimens were measured at 25 °C at relative humidities of 15, 35, 55, 75 and 95 % for both desorption and adsorption. The aim of this study is to investigate the influence of raw material variability on the sorption behaviour of Scots pine. Due to the different growing conditions, densities and wooden material (heart or sapwood) variations within the sample groups have been found. Correlations between moisture and density respectively latitude were investigated.publishedVersio

    Miljøvennlig trebeskyttelse med lavenergi elektropuls

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    Levetiden til trebygninger og trekonstruksjoner avhenger hovedsakelig av type konstruksjon, klima, type bruk, naturlig holdbarhet av trevirket, mulige bevaringsbehandlinger og tilstedeværelse av organismer som angriper trevirke.publishedVersio