6,398 research outputs found

    Surface Tension in Unitary Fermi Gases with Population Imbalance

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    We study the effects of surface tension between normal and superfluid regions of a trapped Fermi gas at unitarity. We find that surface tension causes notable distortions in the shape of large aspect ratio clouds. Including these distortions in our theories resolves many of the apparent discrepancies among different experiments and between theory and experiments.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, Published versio

    The genomes and history of domestic animals

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    This paper reviews how mammalian genomes are utilized in modern genetics for the detection of genes and polymorphisms (mutations) within domesticated animal (mostly livestock) genomes that are related to traits of economic importance to humans. Examples are given of how genetic analysis allows to determine key genes associated with the quality and quantity of milk in cattle and key genes for meat production. Various questions are reviewed, such as how contemporary methods of genome sequencing allow to maximise the effective detection of coding and regulatory DNA polymorphisms within the genomes of major domesticated mammals (cattle, sheep and pigs) and the history of their formation from the standpoint of genetics

    Modification of Born impurity scattering near the surface of d-wave superconductors and influence of external magnetic field

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    We study the influence of Born impurity scattering on the zero-energy Andreev bound states near the surface of a d-wave superconductor with and without an externally applied magnetic field. Without an external magnetic field we show that the effect of Born impurity scattering is stronger at the surface than in the bulk. In the presence of an external magnetic field the splitting of the zero-energy Andreev bound states is shown to have a nonmonotonous temperature dependence. Born impurity scattering does not wash out the peak splitting, but instead the peak splitting is shown to be quite robust against impurities. We also show that a nonzero gap renormalization appears near the surface.Comment: 9 pages, 17 figures; minor changes; new figure 11; accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Stretching semiflexible filaments with quenched disorder

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    We study the effect of quenched randomness in the arc-length dependent spontaneous curvature of a wormlike chain under tension. In the weakly bending approximation in two dimensions, we obtain analytic results for the force-elongation curve and the width of transverse fluctuations. We compare quenched and annealed disorder and conclude that the former cannot always be reduced to a simple change in the stiffness of the pure system. We also discuss the effect of a random transverse force on the stretching response of a wormlike chain without spontaneous curvature.Comment: 5 pages, minor changes, added references, final version as published in PR

    Interplay between magnetism and superconductivity in Fe-pnictides

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    We consider phase transitions and potential co-existence of spin-density-wave (SDW) magnetic order and extended s-wave (s+s^+) superconducting order within a two-band itinerant model of iron pnictides, in which SDW magnetism and s+s^+ superconductivity are competing orders. We show that depending on parameters, the transition between these two states is either first order, or involves an intermediate phase in which the two orders co-exist. We demonstrate that such co-existence is possible when SDW order is incommensurate.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Profiles of near-resonant population-imbalanced trapped Fermi gases

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    We investigate the density profiles of a partially polarized trapped Fermi gas in the BCS-BEC crossover region using mean field theory within the local density approximation. Within this approximation the gas is phase separated into concentric shells. We describe how the structure of these shells depends upon the polarization and the interaction strength. A Comparison with experiments yields insight into the possibility of a polarized superfluid phase.Comment: 4 pages, 5 Figures, Published versio

    Vortex Viscosity in Magnetic Superconductors Due to Radiation of Spin Waves

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    In type-II superconductors that contain a lattice of magnetic moments, vortices polarize the magnetic system inducing additional contributions to the vortex mass, vortex viscosity, and vortex-vortex interaction. Extra magnetic viscosity is caused by radiation of spin waves by a moving vortex. Like in the case of Cherenkov radiation, this effect has a characteristic threshold behavior and the resulting vortex viscosity may be comparable to the well-known Bardeen-Stephen contribution. The threshold behavior leads to an anomaly in the current-voltage characteristics, and a drop in dissipation for a current interval that is determined by the magnetic excitation spectrum.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur

    Spin Screening and Antiscreening in a Ferromagnet/Superconductor Heterojunction

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    We present a theoretical study of spin screening effects in a ferromagnet/superconductor (F/S) heterojunction. It is shown that the magnetic moment of the ferromagnet is screened or antiscreened, depending on the polarization of the electrons at the Fermi level. If the polarization is determined by the electrons of the majority (minority) spin band then the magnetic moment of the ferromagnet is screened (antiscreened) by the electrons in the superconductor. We propose experiments that may confirm our theory: for ferromagnetic alloys with certain concentration of Fe or Ni ions there will be screening or antiscreening respectively. Different configurations for the density of states are also discussed.Comment: 5 pages; 4 figures. to be published in Phys. Rev,

    Dissociation Transition of a Composite Lattice of Magnetic Vortices in the Flux-Flow Regime of Two-Band Superconductors

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    In multiband superconductors, each superconducting condensate supports vortices with fractional quantum flux. In the ground state, vortices in different bands are spatially bounded together to form a composite vortex, carrying one quantum flux \Phi_0. Here we predict dissociation of the composite vortices lattice in the flux flow state due to the disparity of the vortex viscosity and flux of the vortex in different bands. For a small driving current, composite vortices start to deform, but the constituting vortices in different bands move with the same velocity. For a large current, composite vortices dissociate and vortices in different bands move with different velocities. The dissociation transition shows up as an increase of flux flow resistivity. In the dissociated phase, Shapiro steps are developed when an ac current is superimposed with a dc current.Comment: 4.5 pages, 3 figure