26 research outputs found

    Niños con discapacidades en la educación y preparación de la participación de sus padres

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    The article provides an overview of philosophical and humanitarian approaches to training parents in an inclusive education and the training system itself. The study purpose is to substantiate, develop and test a system for preparing parents of children with disabilities for assistance in the education, based on the humanistic approach and the axiological concept of philosophy. These approaches in the parent training system lead society to the fact that parental competencies should be based on the special education methods, techniques and technologies for educating children with special needs; to predict the result of education and manage the correctional and pedagogical process based on an individual approach to the child. The implementation of the developed system resulted in a high level of parents’ readiness to participate in inclusive children education.El artículo proporciona una visión general de los enfoques filosóficos y humanitarios para capacitar a los padres en una educación inclusiva y el sistema de capacitación en sí. El propósito del estudio es corroborar, desarrollar y probar un sistema para preparar a los padres de niños con discapacidades para la asistencia en la educación, basado en el enfoque humanista y el concepto axiológico de la filosofía. Estos enfoques en el sistema de capacitación para padres llevan a la sociedad al hecho de que las competencias de los padres deben basarse en los métodos, técnicas y tecnologías de educación especial para educar a los niños con necesidades especiales; predecir el resultado de la educación y gestionar el proceso correccional y pedagógico basado en un enfoque individual del niño. La implementación del sistema desarrollado resultó en un alto nivel de preparación de los padres para participar en la educación inclusiva de los niños

    Polyurethane–poly(2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate) semi- IPN–nanooxide composites

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    Two sets of hybrid polyurethane–poly(2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate) semi-interpenetrating polymer network–nanooxide composites with 0.25 or 3 wt% nanosilica or nanoalumina functionalised with OH, NH2 or CHLCH2 groups were prepared. A combination of atomic force microscopy, infrared spectroscopy, thermally stimulated depolarisation current measurement, differential scanning calorimetry and creep rate spectroscopy analysis of the nanostructure and properties of the composites was performed. The pronounced dynamic heterogeneity and the strong impact of oxide additives, basically suppression of the dynamics and temperature-dependent increasing modulus of elasticity, were observed. The effects correlated with either interfacial interactions (for silica) or the nanostructure (for alumina). A low oxide content strongly affected the matrix due to the formation of an unusual cross-linked, via double covalent hybridisation of three components, structure of the nanocomposites

    Сhronic kidney disease complications in patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus after simultaneous pancreas-kidney transplantation – potential role of oxidative stress and glycation end products

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    BACKGROUND: Normoglycaemia in patients with diabetes mellitus type 1 (T1DM) after simultaneous pancreas-kidney transplantation (SPKT) is very interesting in regards to chronic kidney disease (CKD) complications dynamics depending of posttransplantation period and possible targets of potential treatment from the point of view “metabolic memory” AIM: To evaluate the relationship between oxidative stress indicators and advanced glycation end products and complications of end-stage renal disease (ESRD) in patients with T1DM аnd a long-term history of diabetes decompensation, who reached stable euglycemia after SPKT. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study included 20 patients with compensation of carbohydrate metabolism after SPKT performed from November 2011 to September 2018. Assessment included examination of complications of ESRD (arterial hypertension, dyslipidemia, anemia, mineral and bone disorder) and analysis of "metabolic memory" markers: 3-nitrothyrosine (3-NT), superoxide dismutase (SOD), advanced glycation end products (AGE) and AGE receptor (RAGE). We performed follow-up examination of patients included in the early postoperative period (1st day/week) in 6-12 months after SPKT. RESULTS: All patients with DM1 duration for 22 [19; 28] years, diabetic nephropathy (DN) 8 [6; 14] years and duration of renal replacement therapy (dialysis) for 3 [1.5; 4] years reached euglycemia (HbA1c 5,5 [5,1; 5,8] %; С-peptide 3,2 [2,45; 3,63] ng/ml) after 6 month of surgical treatment. Despite of stable graft function (estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) CKD-EPI 84 [69; 95] ml/min/1.73m2) 35% of patients still needed antihypertensive therapy, 40% needed treatment with recombinant human erythropoietin (RHuEPO) and 15% – ferrotherapy. With vitamin D deficiency, observed in 80% of cases (13.3 [9.3; 18.5] ng/ml), 55% of patients had secondary hyperparathyroidism, 45% – osteoporosis. The results of the correlation analysis revealed the association of the state of ESRD target organs with the studied "metabolic memory" markers: oxidative stress and AGE-RAGE system. CONCLUSIONS: SPKT as the way to achieve compensation of carbohydrate metabolism and uremia does not provide regress of diabetes and complications of ESRD. Analysis of "metabolic memory" markers indicate their direct contribution to the persistence of metabolic consequences of diabetic nephropathy (DN). Found trends need more long-lasting observation and enlargement of study groups

    Niños con discapacidades en la educación y preparación de la participación de sus padres

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    The article provides an overview of philosophical and humanitarian approaches to training parents in an inclusive education and the training system itself. The study purpose is to substantiate, develop and test a system for preparing parents of children with disabilities for assistance in the education, based on the humanistic approach and the axiological concept of philosophy. These approaches in the parent training system lead society to the fact that parental competencies should be based on the special education methods, techniques and technologies for educating children with special needs; to predict the result of education and manage the correctional and pedagogical process based on an individual approach to the child. The implementation of the developed system resulted in a high level of parents’ readiness to participate in inclusive children education.El artículo proporciona una visión general de los enfoques filosóficos y humanitarios para capacitar a los padres en una educación inclusiva y el sistema de capacitación en sí. El propósito del estudio es corroborar, desarrollar y probar un sistema para preparar a los padres de niños con discapacidades para la asistencia en la educación, basado en el enfoque humanista y el concepto axiológico de la filosofía. Estos enfoques en el sistema de capacitación para padres llevan a la sociedad al hecho de que las competencias de los padres deben basarse en los métodos, técnicas y tecnologías de educación especial para educar a los niños con necesidades especiales; predecir el resultado de la educación y gestionar el proceso correccional y pedagógico basado en un enfoque individual del niño. La implementación del sistema desarrollado resultó en un alto nivel de preparación de los padres para participar en la educación inclusiva de los niños

    Children with Disabilities in Education and Their Parents' Participation Preparation

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    The article provides an overview of philosophical and humanitarian approaches to training parents in an inclusive education and the training system itself. The study purpose is to substantiate, develop and test a system for preparing parents of children with disabilities for assistance in the education, based on the humanistic approach and the axiological concept of philosophy. These approaches in the parent training system lead society to the fact that parental competencies should be based on the special education methods, techniques and technologies for educating children with special needs; to predict the result of education and manage the correctional and pedagogical process based on an individual approach to the child. The implementation of the developed system resulted in a high level of parents' readiness to participate in inclusive children education

    Biogeosystem Technique (BGT*) Methodology Will Provide Semiarid Landscape Sustainability (A Case of the South Russia Volgograd Region Soil Resources)

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    The science and political initiatives focus is not only concerning agricultural intensification for food security and human development. The prevention of land degradation and loss is important, and a new land-use technological platform is needed for human well-being and the ecosystem service coupling. An adverse change in the soil quality of the steppe terrain under the standard agriculture is revealed, and the dynamics of the ecosystem service is assessed. The results indicated that the standard land-use practice deteriorates stability of the soil cover, failing to ensure the soil productivity and the ecosystem services in a dry terrain. For land degradation prevention and soil-environmental services refinement, a new transcendental Biogeosystem Technique (BGT*) technological platform was developed. The BGT* is capable of providing long-term, sustainable land-use management. The BGT* methodology includes intra-soil milling, intra-soil pulse continually discrete watering, and intra-soil waste recycling. The BGT* is a basis for future political initiatives in land-use management to prevent land degradation and loss, to increase soil productivity, and to provide soil-environmental services

    Permafrost-Landscape Map of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) on a Scale 1:1,500,000

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    The history of permafrost landscape map compilation is related to the study of ecological problems with permafrost. Permafrost-landscape studies are now widely used in geocryological mapping. Permafrost-landscape classifications and mapping are necessary for studying the trends in development of the natural environment in northern and high-altitude permafrost regions. The cryogenic factor in the permafrost zone plays a leading role in the differentiation of landscapes, so it must be considered during classification construction. In this study, a map’s special content was developed using publications about Yakutian nature, archive sources from academic institutes, the interpretation of satellite images, and special field studies. Overlays of 20 types of terrain, identified by geological and geomorphological features, and 36 types of plant groupings, allowed the systematization of permafrost temperature and active layer thickness in 145 landscape units with relatively homogeneous permafrost-landscape conditions in the Sakha (Yakutia) Republic. This map serves as a basis for applied thematic maps related to the assessment and forecast of permafrost changes during climate warming and anthropogenic impacts

    Alirocumab and cardiovascular outcomes after acute coronary syndrome

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