210 research outputs found


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    An important number of factors are creating different types of barriers among the members of a virtual enterprise affecting the collaboration between them. In our attempt to study the evolution of importance of these factors we have chose a set of three studies published in the last decade and a half, which we consider as relevant. This study aims to identify new research directions for mitigating the effects of collaboration barriers by highlighting the most important factors and how they affect the effectiveness or efficiency of collaboration.virtual enterprise, collaboration, effectiveness, efficiency.


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    It is widely accepted that one of the virtual organizations great advantages, is that the participating firms can join in larger and more complex projects in a more flexible and swift fashion than would be the case for an individual. The shaping of the VO’s architecture in order to be able to react quickly to market demands as well as the immediate coordination of a number of partners requires not only flexibility but also predefined rules and roles. This is why I consider there is need of an analysis regarding the possibility of creating a general framework of competences. The result of this research includes a number of elements and processes that have influence on the general framework of competencies and proposes a topic for future evaluations.virtual organization, competence management, contextual complexity, complexity of task.

    New Method for Modeling and Operating of the Virtual Enterprises

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    Much research has been conducted to define what a virtual enterprise (VE) actually is and how it should work. This paper addresses the more specific question, how a virtual enterprise can be designed to be agile and to so best support short-term business opportunities. The cases on virtual enterprises studied in this research suggest that in order to adequately respond to a temporary window of opportunity in the market, engineering and implementation competencies cannot be created for the occasion but need to be preinstalled and on standby. Thus, each research study conducted in this sense has tried to ascertain a set of methods and tools to select partners, reengineer business and logistic processes and to set up an information and communication platform for the virtual enterprise.virtual enterprises, modelling, operating, optimization mechanism


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    The International Labor Organization was founded in 1919 by the Treaty of Versailles, which has as its mission the development of policy and programs for tions that work and employment opportunities. Its main objectives are to promote rights at work, promoting access to decent jobs, strengthening social protection and social dialogue. The concept of "decent work" was released in 1999 by this organization, aimed at formulating an international objective of promoting new jobs and improve working conditions with for fundamental right at work. At the base of defining decent work are the four strategic objectives of the ILO, namely: the right to work, employment, social protection and social dialogue


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    We enrol our approach in the context of activating Article 50 of the Treaty of Lisbon, in which United Kingdom expressed its clear and firm intention to leave the European Union. Britain’s relations with the European Union have had a difficult path from the start. Since 1957, the UK refused to join the EU founding group, and later was twice refused its membership requests. The Common-Law leadership position offered to the UK, compared to other states, a privileged status, and yet this status did not bring the desired benefits to the six European states that created the EU. In the context created by Brexit, the most important message is related to the lack of clarity and predictability in all areas of social life, both in the UK and within the European Union. It is argued that, following the enlargement to the East of the EU, the British have witnessed a migration of East Europeans, which has led to employment and the creation of a real estate crisis. Withdrawal from the EU is just as spectacular and “original” as joining the European Community space

    Model order reduction of coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical processes in geo-environmental applications

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    Tesi en modalitat de cotutela: Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya i Université libre de BruxellesIn a large number of geo-environmental applications, it is essential to model coupled processes that depend on several design parameters such as material properties and geometrical features. Thermo-hydro-mechanical (THM) processes are, among others, key effects to consider in critical applications such as deep geological repository of hazardous waste. This thesis proposes novel model order reduction strategies to evaluate the thermo-hydro-mechanical response of the material, taking into account the complexities involved in the coupled processes for such applications. To include variability of some design parameters, an a-posteriori model order reduction approach with reduced basis methods is applied to solve the high-dimensional parametric THM system. The reduction is based on an offline-online stage strategy. In the offline stage, reduced subspaces are constructed by a greedy adaptive procedure and in the online stage, multi-subspace projection is performed to quickly obtain the coupled THM response at any value of the design parameter. At the core of the greedy adaptive strategy is a goal-oriented error estimator that guides the selection of optimal design parameters where snapshots are evaluated. To tackle nonlinearity in the form of elasto-plastic material behaviour, the multi-subspace reduced basis method is combined with sub-structuring by domain decomposition. The effectiveness of the model reduction strategies are demonstrated on inverse problems involving large-scale geomodels that depict the coupled response of host rocks in potential deep geological repository sites. Two types of scenarios are considered: (i) the host rock undergoing geomorphological process is investigated as glacier advances over it for a period lasting over thousands of years and (ii) the clay response of an underground research laboratory is modelled numerically to support and validate in-situ heating experiments.En un gran número de aplicaciones geoambientales, es esencial modelar procesos acoplados que dependen de varios parámetros de diseño, como las propiedades de los materiales y las características geométricas. Los procesos termohidromecánicos (THM) son, entre otros, efectos clave a considerar en aplicaciones críticas como los depósitos geológicos profundos de residuos peligrosos. Esta tesis propone novedosas estrategias de reducción de orden del modelo para evaluar la respuesta termo-hidromecánica del material, teniendo en cuenta las complejidades que implican los procesos acoplados para dichas aplicaciones. Para incluir la variabilidad de algunos parámetros de diseño, se aplica un enfoque de reducción de orden del modelo a-posteriori con métodos de base reducida para resolver el sistema paramétrico THM de alta dimensión. La reducción se basa en una estrategia de etapas offline-online. En la etapa offline, los subespacios reducidos se construyen mediante un procedimiento adaptativo codicioso y en la etapa online, se realiza una proyección multisubespacio para obtener rápidamente la respuesta THM acoplada a cualquier valor del parámetro de diseño. El núcleo de la estrategia adaptativa 'greedy' es un 'goal-oriented error estimator' a objetivos que guía la selección de los parámetros de diseño óptimos donde se evalúan las 'snapshots'. Para hacer frente a la no linealidad en forma de comportamiento elastoplástico del material, se combina el método de bases reducidas multisuperficie con 'domain decomposition sub-structuring'. La eficacia de las estrategias de reducción de modelos se demuestra en problemas inversos de problemas inversos que implican geomodelos a gran escala que representan la respuesta acoplada de las rocas anfitrionas en posibles emplazamientos de depósitos geológicos profundos. Se consideran dos tipos de escenarios: (i) se investiga la roca sometida a un proceso geomorfológico a medida que el glaciar avanza sobre ella durante un período de miles de años y (ii) se modela numéricamente la respuesta de la arcilla de un laboratorio de investigación subterráneo para apoyar y validar los experimentos de "in situ heating"Postprint (published version


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    Year 2019 marks 100 years since the founding of the International Labour Organization, one of the oldest international organizations. This organization is dedicated to promoting social justice and respect for human rights, especially internationally recognized right to work, advancing the idea of creating decent jobs. It was created after the peace negotiations after the First World War on 11 April 1919. The research conducted reflects the most important events in the organization’s work and the legal instruments it has adopted over the course of ten decades. Among the most relevant labour standards developed by the ILO over time, we can mention: the Philadelphia Declaration adopted in 1944, the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work in 1998, the 2008 Declaration

    Technology Based Mental Health Support Strategies for Youth

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate youth mental health concerns and technology based support strategies from the perspective of local youth. Semi-structured focus group interviews were conducted with a group of youth who attend area high schools and postsecondary institutions. The youth were asked two main questions: 1) What mental health problems do you think youth are experiencing? 2) What are some support strategies that youth can use, particularly in the school system, that are technology based? During the second focus group interview the youth were given a list of their responses and asked to organize them into themes or categories using a concept map. Ten thematic categories were created by the youth: Preventions, Mental Health Factors/States, Bullying, Self image, Technology, Mental Health Disorders, Negative Coping, Positive Coping, Interventions, and Technology Based Interventions. Implications for counseling, the school system, and research are discussed


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    By addressing broadly the right to vote and the framework within which it can be exercised - the general assemblies of the associates - it can be seen that the lacunae regulation cannot provide solutions to the whole set of problems that arise in the company. All the more so as under the influence of the evolution of computer technologies, the participation of the associates in the general meetings could be carried out at a distance, subject to certain well-established conditions, especially to ensure the identification of the participants with the help of video equipment (videoconferences made through web). In other ways, the social interest understood that the aggregate of the convergent interests of the different categories of participants in the life of the company becomes one of the most important criteria for evaluating the activity of the statutory bodies, especially the administration and representation operations of the limited liability company in relations with third parties

    Knee osteoarthritis and Functional re-education. A comparison between dry and water activities

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    Osteoarthritis (OA) is a heterogeneous group of conditions that lead to joint symptoms and signs which are associated with defective integrity of articular cartilage, in addition to related changes in the underlying bone at the joint margins (American College of Rheumatology). Among others, the joint most commonly affected are the knees. Although there is currently no cure for OA, several treatments focusing on relieving symptoms and improving function are available. Treatments can include a combination of patient education, weight control, use of medications, and physical therapy