149 research outputs found

    High-Resolution Measurements of e+ + H2O Total Cross Section

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    Using a purely positron beam, the total cross section of positrons scattering from H2O has been measured for the first time with a high angular discrimination (≃1°) against forward scattered projectiles. Results are presented in the energy range (10-300) eV. Significant deviations from previous measurements are found which are, if ascribed entirely to the angular acceptances of various experimental systems, in quantitative accord with ab initio theoretical predictions of the differential elastic scattering cross section

    Statistical nature of secondary electron emission

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    The energy-dependence of the secondary electron yield by electron impact on clean materials is shown, through comparisons with both experimental data and previous semi-empirical models, to be described well by a log-normal distribution. The maximum yield and corresponding energy are calculated in terms of the fit parameters. The function also agrees with the ‘universal curve’ obtained by expressing the experimental data in terms of the position and magnitude of maximum yield. The positron- and ion-induced secondary electron yields also exhibit a log-normal dependence and this is used to extend their energy ranges without prior knowledge of the position and magnitude of their maxima. In addition to their intrinsic usefulness, the results provide further support for the statistical description of inelastic processes advanced by Laricchia et al. (2018)

    Improved mental representation of space in beginner orienteers.

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    The purpose of the present study was to monitor any improvement in orienteering skills attributable to acquiring a better mental representation of space. Two groups were examined: the experimental group, who attended 6 mo. of orienteering lessons, versus the control group, who did jogging training instead. Each group, consisting of 20 children, was tested on the Corsi Block-tapping Test, run Forward and Backward, and the Star-Butterfly Test. Pre- and post-tests were administered. In the experimental group, scores increased in mean complexity from pre- to post-test on the Forward and the Backward Corsi tests, while on the Star-Butterfly Test both time and mistakes had decreased after the training. In the control group, mean complexity and Star-Butterfly Test scores were unchanged from pre- to post-test. These results showed that after continual training in orienteering techniques, the orienteering group was able to remember and repeat sequences of events with greater precision than before the training, while these skills were unchanged in the control group after training in jogging

    Detection of low-energy charged particles by channel electron multipliers

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    Experimental determinations of the detection efficiency for positrons impacting a channel electron multiplier with incident energies between 0–1400 eV are presented. A log-normal dependence with energy is established and used to compute the positron-to-positronium detection efficiency ratio as a function of positronium energy, as required for determining quantities involving the ratio of positron and positronium rates. A log-normal energy-dependence is also observed in results of previous work with electrons, protons and ions

    High-Resolution Measurements of e++ H2 O Total Cross Section

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    Using a purely electrostatic positron beam, the total cross section of positrons scattering from H2O has been measured for the first time with a high angular discrimination (≃1°) against forward scattered projectiles. Results are presented in the energy range (10-300) eV. Significant deviations from previous measurements are found which are, if ascribed entirely to the angular acceptances of various experimental systems, in quantitative accord with ab initio theoretical predictions of the differential elastic scattering cross section. © 2016 American Physical Society

    Complete Break Up of Ortho Positronium (Ps)- Hydrogenic ion System

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    The dynamics of the complete breakup process in an Ortho Ps - He+ system including electron loss to the continuum (ELC) is studied where both the projectile and the target get ionized. The process is essentially a four body problem and the present model takes account of the two centre effect on the electron ejected from the Ps atom which is crucial for a proper description of the ELC phenomena. The calculations are performed in the framework of Coulomb Distorted Eikonal Approximation. The exchange effect between the target and the projectile electron is taken into account in a consistent manner. The proper asymptotic 3-body boundary condition for this ionization process is also satisfied in the present model. A distinct broad ELC peak is noted in the fully differential cross sections (5DCS) for the Ps electron corroborating qualitatively the experiment for the Ps - He system. Both the dynamics of the ELC from the Ps and the ejected electron from the target He+ in the FDCS are studied using coplanar geometry. Interesting features are noted in the FDCS for both the electrons belonging to the target and the projectile.Comment: 14 pages,7 figure

    The Oncoprotein EVI1 and the DNA Methyltransferase Dnmt3 Co-Operate in Binding and De Novo Methylation of Target DNA

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    EVI1 has pleiotropic functions during murine embryogenesis and its targeted disruption leads to prenatal death by severely affecting the development of virtually all embryonic organs. However, its functions in adult tissues are still unclear. When inappropriately expressed, EVI1 becomes one of the most aggressive oncogenes associated with human hematopoietic and solid cancers. The mechanisms by which EVI1 transforms normal cells are unknown, but we showed recently that EVI1 indirectly upregulates self-renewal and cell-cycling genes by inappropriate methylation of CpG dinucleotides in the regulatory regions of microRNA-124-3 (miR-124-3), leading to the repression of this small gene that controls normal differentiation and cell cycling of somatic cells. We used the regulatory regions of miR-124-3 as a read-out system to investigate how EVI1 induces de novo methylation of DNA. Here we show that EVI1 physically interacts with DNA methyltransferases 3a and 3b (Dnmt3a/b), which are the only de novo DNA methyltransferases identified to date in mouse and man, and that it forms an enzymatically active protein complex that induces de novo DNA methylation in vitro. This protein complex targets and binds to a precise region of miR-124-3 that is necessary for repression of a reporter gene by EVI1. Based on our findings, we propose that in cooperation with Dnmt3a/b EVI1 regulates the methylation of DNA as a sequence-specific mediator of de novo DNA methylation and that inappropriate EVI1 expression contributes to carcinogenesis through improper DNA methylation

    Effect of positron-atom interactions on the annihilation gamma spectra of molecules

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    Calculations of gamma spectra for positron annihilation on a selection of molecules, including methane and its fluoro-substitutes, ethane, propane, butane and benzene are presented. The annihilation gamma spectra characterise the momentum distribution of the electron-positron pair at the instant of annihilation. The contribution to the gamma spectra from individual molecular orbitals is obtained from electron momentum densities calculated using modern computational quantum chemistry density functional theory tools. The calculation, in its simplest form, effectively treats the low-energy (thermalised, room-temperature) positron as a plane wave and gives annihilation gamma spectra that are about 40% broader than experiment, although the main chemical trends are reproduced. We show that this effective "narrowing" of the experimental spectra is due to the action of the molecular potential on the positron, chiefly, due to the positron repulsion from the nuclei. It leads to a suppression of the contribution of small positron-nuclear separations where the electron momentum is large. To investigate the effect of the nuclear repulsion, as well as that of short-range electron-positron and positron-molecule correlations, a linear combination of atomic orbital description of the molecular orbitals is employed. It facilitates the incorporation of correction factors which can be calculated from atomic many-body theory and account for the repulsion and correlations. Their inclusion in the calculation gives gamma spectrum linewidths that are in much better agreement with experiment. Furthermore, it is shown that the effective distortion of the electron momentum density, when it is observed through positron annihilation gamma spectra, can be approximated by a relatively simple scaling factor.Comment: 26 pages, 12 figure

    A Self-Consistent Model for Positronium Formation from Helium Atoms

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    The differential and total cross sections for electron capture by positrons from helium atoms are calculated using a first-order distorted wave theory satisfying the Coulomb boundary conditions. In this formalism a parametric potential is used to describe the electron screening in a consistent and realistic manner. The present procedure is self consistent because (i) it satisfies the correct boundary conditions and post-prior symmetry, and (ii) the potential and the electron binding energies appearing in the transition amplitude are consistent with the wave functions describing the collision system. The results are compared with the other theories and with the available experimental measurements. At the considered range of collision energies, the results agree reasonably well with recent experiments and theories. [Note: This paper will be published on volume 42 of the Brazilian Journal of Physics