3 research outputs found


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    The existence of the Covid-19 pandemic is the background for holding this research, in which health protocols prohibit and limit activities that gather large numbers of people. This also has an impact on religious activities such as da'wah which require alternative solutions, because previously it was carried out face-to-face and gathered. The alternative offered in this study is through the social media platform Youtube. The purpose of this study is to analyze whether the Youtube platform is effectively used for preaching and to find out the methods applied in da'wah through the Youtube platform. This study uses a qualitative method, where data is collected from reliable sources such as explanations of the Qur'an and Hadith. The results of this study indicate that da'wah through the Youtube platform in the era of the Covid-19 pandemic has several advantages compared to conventional da'wah. Youtube has many advantages, such as being widely accessed by various groups in terms of sharing video content. Youtube and da'wah also have a relationship with segmentation that both target audiences. In this case, it is hoped that ustaz, scholars, and preachers can use Youtube media by using the available features. This also needs to be followed by good and correct da'wah methods in accordance with Islamic teachings


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    Pada era teknologi 4.0, penggunaan mesin fisik dapat digantikan dengan menggunakan mesin virtual (virtual machine) yang hanya diakses dengan Internet. Pada platform cloud, penggunaan Virtual Machine (VM) merupakan salah satu layanan utama. 3 platform cloud dengan pangsa pasar teratas pada kuartal-3 tahun 2022 adalah Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure (Azure), dan Google Cloud Platfrom (GCP). Sehingga perlu dilakukannya penelitian yang mengukur performa dari layanan VM AWS, GCP, dan Azure. Hasil dari penelitian ini dapat membantu pengguna dan perusahaan pengguna VM, dalam memilihi platfrom cloud yang akan digunakan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode komparasi dan benchmarking. Pengujian performa VM menggunakan kategori yang sama yaitu dalam sistem dan jumlah komponen yang digunakan, yaitu menggunakan processor Intel Xeon, core, vcpu, serta operating system yang digunakan adalah Ubuntu Server 22.04. Penelitian ini dibagi menjadi 3 skenario berdasarkan tipe VM, jumlah vcpu, dan besar RAM. Performa yang diuji adalah CPU, memory speed, ZIP compression, compilation encoding mp3, TCP dan UDP network throughput, kecepatan Internet (download and upload speed), write and read disk, CPU stress, serta forking VM pada platform AWS, GCP, dan Azure. Hasil dari pengujian tersebut akan menjadi perbandingan pada hasil setiap platform dan mendapatkan platform apa yang memiliki performa terbaik. Dari seluruh skenario dan hasil pengujian, AWS memiliki 4 performa yang lebih unggul. GCP memiliki 7 performa yang lebih unggul. Azure memiliki 22 performa yang lebih unggul. Namun terdapat performa yang memiliki hasil yang sama antara AWS, GCP, dan Azure. ----- In the 4.0 technology era, the use of a physical machine can be replaced by using a virtual machine that is only accessed by the Internet. On the cloud platform, the use of a Virtual Machine (VM) is one of the main services. The top 3 cloud platforms with market share in the 3rd quarter of 2022 are Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure (Azure), and Google Cloud Platform (GCP). It is necessary to do research that measures the performance of AWS, GCP, and Azure VM services. The results of this study can help users and companies using VMs in choosing which cloud platform to use. This study uses the method of comparison and benchmarking. VM performance testing uses the same category, namely in the system and the number of components used, namely using an Intel Xeon processor, core, vcpu, and the operating system used is Ubuntu Server 22.04. The performance tested is CPU, memory speed, ZIP compression, mp3 encoding compilation, TCP and UDP network throughput, Internet speed (download and upload speed), write and read disk, CPU stress, and VM forking on AWS, GCP, and Azure platforms. The results of this test will be a comparison of the results of each platform and find out which platform has the best performance. From all scenarios and test results, AWS has 4 higher performances, GCP has 7 higher performances, and Azure has 22 higher performances. But there are performances that have the same results between AWS, GCP, and Azure