11 research outputs found

    Looking Beyond the Façade: A Whole Person Perspective of Suicidal Ideation

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    Designing open access, educational resources / Développer des ressources éducatives en libre accès

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    The recent bourgeoning of open educational resources has meant greater access to materials with open licenses in the public domain than ever before. Open educational resources are learning tools, such as textbooks, that are freely available and typically accessed online. Despite the expansion of open educational resources, many educators are still unacquainted with the nature and process of producing such resources. The purpose of this discussion paper is to share our experience in developing an open educational e-textbook for students in post-secondary programs for nursing and other health professions while highlighting practical tips for educators. The exemplar referenced in this paper focuses on vital signs’ measurement, a familiar concept for nurse educators, and a topic ubiquitous in healthcare. This paper is suited for any user curious about designing open educational resources with consideration of key elements to produce quality and educational resources that support excellence in nursing pedagogy. We begin by providing a background to our specific project followed by a discussion of the planning phase, the design phase, and other considerations. The e-textbook falls under a Creative Commons license and can be accessed for free by educators and learners. Résumé Le développement récent de ressources éducatives en libre accès a permis une accessibilité beaucoup plus grande, comme jamais auparavant, au matériel avec licences ouvertes dans le domaine public. Les ressources éducatives en libre accès sont des outils d’apprentissage, comme les manuels scolaires, qui sont offerts gratuitement et qui sont généralement accessibles en ligne. En dépit de la prolifération des ressources éducatives libres, bon nombre de professeurs sont toujours peu familiers avec la nature et le processus de production de telles ressources. L’objectif de ce texte de discussion est de partager notre expérience du développement d’un e-manuel de formation en libre accès, pour les étudiants inscrits dans les programmes postsecondaires pour la profession infirmière et les autres professions de la santé, tout en soulignant des conseils pratiques pour les professeurs. L’exemple, cité en référence dans ce texte, est axé sur la prise des signes vitaux, un concept familier aux infirmières enseignantes et un sujet omniprésent dans le domaine de la santé. Cet article convient à toute personne curieuse d’en apprendre davantage sur la conception des ressources éducatives en libre accès en tenant compte d’éléments clés afin de produire des ressources éducatives de qualité qui appuient l’excellence de la pédagogie en soins infirmiers. Nous établissons d’abord le contexte du projet particulier suivi d’une discussion sur la phase de planification, la phase de conception et sur d’autres éléments à considérer. Le e-manuel relève d’une licence Creative Commons et est accessible gratuitement pour les professeurs et les étudiants

    The Performative Manifestation of a Research Identity: Storying the Journey Through Poetry

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    Das Hineinwachsen in eine Identität als Forscherin oder Forscher ist ein beschwerliches Unterfangen. Wir sind angehalten, uns selbst zu situieren – zu wissen, wer wir sind und woher wir kommen – aber Erfahrungen hierüber werden nur selten mit anderen geteilt, und es werden nur selten Einblicke in diesen Prozess gegeben, der unsere Forschung ganz ohne Frage ganz wesentlich bahnt. In diesem performativen Beitrag gewähre ich Einblicke in den Prozess meiner eigenen wissenschaftlichen Identitätsbildung. Ich zeichne ein intimes Porträt des unscharfen und temporären Charakters meiner Identität(sbildung) als Forscherin, Charakteristika, die zeitweise vermieden werden und wenig akzeptiert sind. Indem ich dies tue, hoffe ich zu einem (neuen) Verständnis dieses (un-) gerichteten Prozesses beizutragen, an dessen Ende die eigene (wissenschaftliche) Positionierung steht. Ich lege Rechenschaft über diesen Prozess ab in Gestalt einer durch Gedichte angereicherten Erzählung, die eine ästhetische Sensibilisierung eröffnen und Ihnen, als Leser und Leserin, ermöglichen soll, in meine Reise "einzutreten" und sich von Ihren eigenen Erfahrungen gefangen nehmen zu lassen. Zugleich nutze ich Dichtung und Fotografie in einer Weise, die die performative und dynamische Positionierung meiner Identität als Forscherin verdeutlichen und helfen soll, meine/die Geschichte in dieser dichterischen Erzählung zu visualisieren und zu "fühlen". Insoweit handelt es sich um eine Manifestation performativer Sozialwissenschaft, in der es nie nur um meine Stimme geht und in der Identität nie etwas Abgeschlossenes ist, da sie sich kontinuierlich weiter entfaltet und ändert durch die "Räume", die ich "bewohne".Cultivating a research identity is an arduous journey. We are told to situate ourselves—know where we are coming from—but it is rare that people share their experiences and provide insight into a journey that indubitably shapes your research. In this performative piece, I shed light on my journey to a research identity. I provide an intimate portrayal of the blurring and temporal nature of research identities that is sometimes avoided and often unaccepted. In doing so, I hope to awaken new understandings and provide insight into what can be a direction(less) journey that leads to a sense of positioning. My journey is a tracing rendered through poetry-enhanced prose, which provides aesthetic sensibilities and the possibility for you to enter into and become caught up in our experience. As well, poetry and photography are bestowed in a way to illuminate the performative and dynamic place of my research identity and as a way to visualize and feel the story within this poetical telling. This is a manifestation of performative social science in which the voice is never solely mine and the identity is never conclusive as it continues to unfold and shift through the spaces I inhabit.El cultivar una identidad investigadora, es un viaje arduo. Se nos indica que nos posicionemos – que sepamos de donde venimos – pero es raro que la gente comparta sus experiencias, y proporcione elementos para comprender el viaje que indudablemente forma tu estilo de investigación. En esta pieza performativa, arrojo luz sobre mi periplo hacia una identidad investigadora. Proporciono un retrato íntimo de la naturaleza imprecisa y eventual de las identidades investigadoras que son a veces evitadas y con frecuencia rechazadas. De esa forma, espero estimular nuevas interpretaciones y proporcionar elementos para entender lo que puede ser un trayecto sin dirección que conduce a una sensación de posicionamiento. Mi viaje es una exposición presentada a través de prosa enriquecida con poesía, lo que proporciona sensibilidades estéticas y la posibilidad para ti de entrar y ser parte de nuestra experiencia. Al mismo tiempo, se presentan poesía y fotografía como un camino para iluminar el lugar performativo y dinámico de mi identidad investigadora y como un modo de visualizar y sentir la historia dentro de este relato poético. Ésta es una manifestación de ciencia social performativa en la que la voz nunca es solo mía y la identidad nunca es definitiva, ya que continua revelándose y desplazándose a través de los lugares que yo mismo habito

    Explicating Positionality: A Journey of Dialogical and Reflexive Storytelling

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    Qualitative researchers must be aware of and explicit about their social background as well as political and ideological assumptions. To facilitate this awareness, we believe that researchers need to begin with their own story as they seek to understand the stories of others. Taking into account the vulnerable act of storytelling, it is salient to consider how to share personal narratives in an authentic way within academic settings. In this article, we share our process and reflections of engaging in reflexive and dialogical storytelling. The focus of the article is the re-storying of one researcher's experience as she and her research team explore her emotions and positionality prior to conducting research on First Nations men's narratives of identity. We integrate a series of methodological lessons concerning reflexivity throughout the re-storying

    Arts-Informed Research Dissemination in the Health Sciences

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    Arts-informed dissemination of health care research is an emerging field of scholarship. Our team chose to use the arts as a means to disseminate findings from a study about patients’ experiences of open-heart surgery and recovery. We transformed patients’ stories, gathered through interviews and journal writings, into poetry and photographic imagery and displayed this within a 1,739 ft2 art installation titled “The 7,024th Patient.” Our intention was to use the arts as dissemination method that could convey the sentiments and perspectives of patients. To evaluate this novel method of dissemination in the health sciences, we conducted a study to analyze its effect on viewers. We used a narrative methodology with a multimodal theoretical lens. Thirty-four individuals participated in either an individual interview or a focus group. In addition, more than 200 anonymous, written comments were generated at research stations placed throughout the installation. In this article, we present the findings. Participants found this art installation of poetry and imagery to be a valid, meaningful, and authentic representation of patients’ experiences. They also described being immersed into patients’ journeys and evoking self-reflection. Based on this research, arts-informed dissemination is a powerful medium to report findings. Our work provides empirical evidence that expands the different ways to distribute research in the health and social sciences

    Narrative accounts of recovering at home after heart surgery

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    This article presents the results of an arts-informed narrative study of patients’ experiences of the home period of recovery. Sixteen adults, 59 to 85 years of age, scheduled for coronary artery bypass graft and/or valve repair or replacement were recruited from a preoperative clinic. Individual interviews were conducted at 48–96 hours following surgery, and between 4–6 weeks following discharge. The methodological approach is new, and extensive details of the analytic and creative process appear elsewhere.</p

    Pictorial Narrative Mapping as a Qualitative Analytic Technique

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    Qualitative analysis is often a textual undertaking. However, it can be helpful to think about and represent study phenomena or narrative accounts in nontextual ways. In this article, we share our unique and artistic process in developing and employing pictorial narrative mapping as a qualitative analytic technique. We recast a nontextual, artistic–analytic technique by combining elements related to narrative mapping and narrative art. This technique involves aesthetic attunement to data and visual representation through pictorial design. We advanced this technique in the context of a narrative study about how arts-informed dissemination methods influence health-care practitioners’ delivery of care. We found that the Pictorial Narrative Mapping process prompted an aesthetic and imaginative experience in the analytic process of qualitative inquiry. As an analytic technique, Pictorial Narrative Mapping extends the inquiry process and enhances rigor through artistic means as well as iterative and critical dialogue. Additionally, pictorial narrative maps can provide a holistic account of the phenomenon under study and assist researchers to make meaning of nuances within complex narratives. As researchers consider employing Pictorial Narrative Mapping, we recommend that they draw upon this technique as a malleable script yielding to an organic process that emerges from both their own data and analytic discussions. We are further curious about its imaginative capacities in social and health science literature, its possibilities in other disciplinary contexts, and the prospects of what Maxine Greene refers to as becoming more wide awake—in our case, in future research analytic endeavors

    Arts-Informed Research Dissemination in the Health Sciences: An Evaluation of Peoples’ Responses to “The 7,024th Patient” Art Installation

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    Arts-informed dissemination of health care research is an emerging field of scholarship. Our team chose to use the arts as a means to disseminate findings from a study about patients’ experiences of open-heart surgery and recovery. We transformed patients’ stories, gathered through interviews and journal writings, into poetry and photographic imagery and displayed this within a 1,739 ft2 art installation titled “The 7,024th Patient.” Our intention was to use the arts as dissemination method that could convey the sentiments and perspectives of patients. To evaluate this novel method of dissemination in the health sciences, we conducted a study to analyze its effect on viewers. We used a narrative methodology with a multimodal theoretical lens. Thirty-four individuals participated in either an individual interview or a focus group. In addition, more than 200 anonymous, written comments were generated at research stations placed throughout the installation. In this article, we present the findings. Participants found this art installation of poetry and imagery to be a valid, meaningful, and authentic representation of patients’ experiences. They also described being immersed into patients’ journeys and evoking self-reflection. Based on this research, arts-informed dissemination is a powerful medium to report findings. Our work provides empirical evidence that expands the different ways to distribute research in the health and social sciences.</p