30 research outputs found

    Les temporalités sociales des cuisiniers de la restauration

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    The article discusses cooks’ social temporalities, organized according to two main patterns: "breaks" and continuity. The synchronization of meals - lunch and dinner- with work concentrated around the middle and the end of the day, splits occupational activities in two. However, reduced working time, the pressures of economic and hygienic constraints, and streamlining the catering business have encouraged professionals to reconsider their organization, which has reinforced continuity. The article also examines the factors that favor adapting one of the models of social temporalities and raises the question of employees’ temporal availability in function of their schedules. It further studies the arrangements made by negotiating three major issues (breaks, rest, non-standard working hours), whose results depend on cooks’ backgrounds, working contexts and professional values

    1.8. Manger dans la restauration collective

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    De la naissance à la fin de vie, la restauration collective accompagne les individus dans des configurations personnelles et contextuelles multiples. Elle s’articule autour de trois pôles dominants : les restaurations scolaire, médico-sociale et sur le lieu de travail. Parce que la restauration collective accompagne les individus tout au long de la vie, les gestionnaires des systèmes de restauration doivent faire face à de multiples enjeux qui portent sur les individus (démographie, santé) et..

    Social Times of Cooks in France

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    International audienceThis article analyses how social times are structured for cooks in France’s hospitality sector. Observations, in situ studies in restaurants and 43 interviews constitute the primary data of this research. We first examine the context, with data on employment, food practices, the socialisation of cooks and work organisation. Then, we describe their time configurations. The results highlight a dual operating system, with an all-day work schedule on one side and a schedule with a daily break and mandatory free time on the other. The results show a variability in the practices of the cooks, with five different time configurations using the variables of work and break time. The break schedule can be interpreted as a time configuration for (1) unpaid overtime for the benefit of the employer, for (2) non-work obligations and as (3) a work schedule including free time at the individual’s disposal. The continuous workday can be seen as (4) a negation of sociability and time needs associated with the break schedule, and as (5) an opportunity to rebalance social times and synchronise with the private sphere

    Malaysian Food Barometer

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    International audienceAs a result of rapid urbanization and modernization, a seizable new middle class in Malaysia has emerged and the traditional ways of life and eating habits of the different ethnic communities are changing with the times. For manyyears, nutritional surveys have been capturing the transformation of food consumption habits but till date, a comprehensive survey focusing on the socio-cultural determinants of food habits and eating decisions at the national level has not been attempted. The Malaysian Food Barometer was conceptualised to fill this gap and to investigate the eating practices and cultural representations of food and eating in a multicultural context. Its aim is to describe and understand the food habits and transformation of the many different dimensions of Malay- sian communities including practices, social norms, social representations and beliefs. Over 2,000 people across the northern, central, southern and northern regions of Peninsular Malaysia and Sabah and Sarawak participated in the 2013 survey. The findings show the correlation between the food lifestyle of individuals, social characteristics and body size status, or obesity

    Staging a National Dish: The Social Relevance of Nasi Lemak in Malaysia

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    International audienceThis article examines the social construction process of nasi lemak as a national dish in Malaysia. Considering its institutional valorisation, especially in the Theld of tourism, the study attempts to understand the social imaginaries related to the dish as well as its practical status in the day-to-day food habits using empirical data from the Malaysian Food Barometer (MFB) study. The Malaysian historical and social context is also taken into consideration in elucidating institutional actions on nasi lemak. Findings reveal that the emblematic status of nasi lemak is not only supported by institutional actions, but also by social imaginaries and practices. The paper also highlights the importance of commensality and consumption contexts around national dishes such as nasi lemak. Finally, it points out the social ‘relevance’- using UNESCOs’ notion — of some emblematic dishes especially in multicultural contexts and in particular, Malaysi

    Secondary Prevention of Childhood Arterial Ischemic Stroke

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    This study aimed to know how frontline physicians in France, Belgium, and Switzerland implement guidelines regarding the secondary prevention of childhood arterial ischemic stroke and to introduce physicians' point of view on a clinical trial assessing the efficacy of aspirin as a preventive strategy. The authors conducted an online survey directed at specialists throughout dedicated networks and used a mixed method for data analysis. Overall, 63 physicians responded, and 88% prescribe aspirin when sickle cell disease, cardio-embolic stroke, and dissection of cervical arteries are excluded. Prescribing habits vary among respondents with respect to their specialty. A majority would choose placebo or a treatment given to historical controls to compare with an aspirin arm in a trial. In studied countries, there seems to be good adherence to guidelines regarding the secondary prevention of childhood stroke. A trial assessing the efficacy of aspirin could be well accepted if several factors regarding study design were taken into account

    Le Malaysian Food Barometer. L’impact de la modernisation compressée sur l’alimentation

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    International audienceMalaysian society is undergoing rapid modernization. A middle class emerged, influencing the lifestyles and traditional food habits of the main three ethnics (Malays, Chinese, Indians). This article studies the impact of compressed modernization on food in a multicultural context. The Malaysian Food Barometer (MFB), published in 2014, focus on the socio-cultural determinants of food habits in Malaysia. After showing the effects of modernization on Malaysian society, it explains the methodology used and the objectives of the MFB. It exposes some of the results relating to the characteristics of the Malaysian food pattern. Finally, it exposed the theory of "compressed modernization" allows to report on the Malaysian situation.La sociedad de Malasia está experimentando una rápida modernización. Ha surgido una clase media que influye en los estilos de vida y los hábitos ali­men­ticios tradicionales de las tres principales comunidades étnicas (Malayos, Chinos e Indios). Este artículo estudia el impacto de la moderniza­ción comprimida en los alimentos en un contexto multicultural. Se basa en datos empíricos del Malaysian Food Barometer (MFB), una encuesta nacio­nal reali­za­da en 2014 sobre los determinantes socioculturales de los hábitos alimen­ticios en Malasia. Después de mostrar los efectos de la modernización en la sociedad malaya, explica la metodología utilizada y los objetivos del MFB. Luego presenta algunos de los resultados relacionados con las caracte­rís­ticas del modelo alimentario de Malasia. Finalmente, muestra cómo la teoría de la "modernización comprimida" puede explicar la situación de Malasia.La société Malaisienne vit un mouvement de modernisation rapide. Une classe moyenne a émergé, influençant les styles de vie et les habitudes alimentaires traditionnels des trois principales communautés ethniques (Malais, Chinois, Indiens). Cet article étudie l’impact de la modernisation compressée sur l’alimentation dans un contexte pluriculturel. Il s’appuie sur des données empiriques issues du Malaysian Food Barometer (MFB), enquête nationale réalisée en 2014 sur les déterminants socio-culturels des habitudes alimentaires en Malaisie. Après avoir montré les effets de la modernisation sur la société malaisienne, il expose la méthodologie mobilisée et les objectifs du MFB. Puis il expose une partie des résultats relatifs aux caractéristiques du modèle alimentaire malaisien. Enfin, il montre en quoi la théorie de la « modernisation compressée » permet de rendre compte de la situation malaisienne


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    After the realization of the GVT (Ground Vibration Testing) campaigns on the AIRBUS A350 XWB 900 in 2013, the ONERA-DLR specialized joined team performed the GVT of the A320 NEO Pratt & Whitney powered in July 2014. The specifications of this test were particularly oriented to the updating of a renewed FEM (Finite Element Model) of this new version of the A320. Concerning the GVT, the latest improvements on developed methods and tools were applied, making the completion of the test successful in 7 measurement days for 2 mass configurations. Concerning the GVT, the very short time devoted to this campaign imposed by a strict and busy planning from the program leaders required to reinforce in one hand the test techniques and methods, mixing PSM (Phase Separation Methods) and PRM (Phase Resonance Methods) and to optimize in the other hand the workflow and the data deliveries to meet the challenging test requirements. This paper describes the processes followed and the methods used in this particularly hard context and how those contributed to the successful achievement of this challenging test campaign. Concerning the FEM updating, an optimized process has been applied to update the renewed FEM, especially focusing on the updated components such as pylons, engines, wings and sharklets. This process - including correlation analysis, tuning FEM then validating tuned FEM w.r.t GVT - has provided a means to tune FEM within a short time to support clearance of first flight test

    Malaysian Food Barometer (MFB): a study of the impact of compressed modernisation on food habits

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    International audienceThe Malaysian society is undergoing rapid modernisation. The emerging middle class in Malaysia is influencing the lifestyles and traditional food habits of the main three ethnics (i.e. Malays, Chinese, and Indians). This article studied the impact of compressed modernisation on food in a multicultural context. The Malaysian Food Barometer (MFB), published in the year 2014, focuses on the socio-cultural determinants of food habits in Malaysia. Methods: The methodsapplied in the study were qualitative and quantitative surveys of the food barometersdeveloped at the national level to study the transformation of eating habits. The surveys studied the socio-economic, demographic, and cultural determinants of food consumption, as well as identifying their possible influences on healthissues. Results: The results showed two major distinguishing characteristics of Malaysian food patterns, i.e. linking with Malaysia’s multi-ethnicity background and the high frequency of foods consumed outside of home by the urban population. Conclusion: The article concluded that like many societies in transition, Malaysiahas to face a rise in the prevalence of overweight. However, with its multicultural characteristics, it becomes a privileged empirical field of observation for the analysis of modernisation modalities of diet models among different ethnic groups