514 research outputs found

    Psychanalyse et recherche observationnelle. Entretien avec Yvon Gauthier

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    Une pratique réflexive collective de production de connaissances dans la lutte communautaire contre le VIH/sida au Québec

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    Les agences canadiennes de santé publique recourent à la mobilisation d’acteurs communautaires pour mettre en oeuvre leurs programmes au plan local. La logique sociétale de programmation diffère toutefois de la pratique communautaire de production et de mise en oeuvre des connaissances. Comment se produit la connaissance locale au sein du partenaire communautaire ? En quoi cette connaissance contribue-t-elle à la lutte contre le sida ?Public health government agencies are counting on the involvement of community groups to implement federal public health programs at the local level. However, the societal programming logic differs from community knowledge production and application practice. How does local knowledge is produced among community partner ? How does this knowledge contribute to fight against AIDS 

    Lastra Lastra, José Manuel, Derecho sindical

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    Dynamic modeling of a vector-borne disease, from an individual to a metapopulation perspective. Application to plague in central Asia

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    International audienceBubonic plague, a zoonotic infection that circulates in wild rodents but is transmissible from them to humans through the bites of infected fleas, is not merely of historical interest. It is widespread in the world today and a continuing threat (Stenseth et al. (2008). In the Pre-Balkhash autonomous focus (Kazakhstan, central Asia), the great gerbil Rhombomys opimus is the main reservoir host (Gage and Kosoy, 1995). Davis et al. (2004, 2007) proposed that the family-oriented population structure of the great gerbil and its associated ectoparasite fleas of genus Xenopsylla, along with their seasonally constrained weather-dependent dynamics, is a key factor that determines plague epizootics and plague long-term persistence in rodents in this focus. Yet, the question of the geographical level of plague endemicity, i.e. whether plague can persist in a local autonomous " micro-focus " of minimum size to be determined, or necessarily operates at a larger level, remains poorly understood (Schmid et al., 2012). A knowledge-driven dynamic modeling framework is developed to help answering this question. A spatially explicit agent-based model is first developed, based upon finely described individual processes and interactions rules in the host-vector parasitoid system, derived from literature. From individual-based simulations, we compute population parameters that are used in a second ODE-based model, representing a specified metapopulation structure of burrow systems, each of one inhabited by family groups of great gerbils and their ectoparasites. The individual-based model integrates the seasonality of fleas and great gerbils’ reproduction and daily foraging activity, whereas the second captures the permanent dispersal movement of juvenile great gerbils to form new family groups, through which plague propagates

    Quelques réflexions sur les 75 ans de la SCHEC, une société en voie de sécularisation

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    Écrit à l’occasion du 75e anniversaire de la SCHEC (1933-2008), cet article brosse d’abord un tableau de l’évolution de la section française de la Société depuis sa fondation, montrant en particulier la place qu’y ont tenue les universitaires. Une deuxième partie propose quelques réflexions sur l’évolution de cette société d’histoire religieuse depuis les années 1960 et se demande, à partir d’un certain nombre d’indicateurs, si elle ne suit pas une courbe assez semblable à celle de la sécularisation au Québec.This article was written on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the Société canadienne d’histoire de l’Église catholique (SCHEC), the French section of the Canadian Catholic Historical Association. The author first describes the evolution of this section of the association since 1933, focusing in particular on the importance of its academic membership. It then reflects on secularization and its influence on the Société since the 1960s, taking into account certain data on membership and publications. As Quebec society secularized, did the SCHEC follow a parallel path 
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