10 research outputs found

    Análisis y valoración de empresas españolas cotizadas en el sector de la alimentación y bebidas (2009-2018)

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    A lo largo de la obra se presenta un análisis patrimonial, económico, financiero y bursátil de cinco empresas españolas cotizadas que operan en el sector de la alimentación y bebidas: Barón de Ley, Bodegas Riojanas, Deoleo, Ebro Foods y Viscofan. Adicionalmente, se lleva a cabo una valoración mediante el método de descuento de flujos libres de caja (FCF). El periodo de referencia para el estudio ha sido desde 2009 a 2018 y la información utilizada ha sido externa y accesible al público en general. El trabajo se concluye con la situación económico-financiera de cada empresa y con recomendaciones de inversión en función de los resultados obtenidos en la valoración de las compañías estudiadas<br /

    High Performance and Reliable MPPT Solar Array Regulator for the PCDU of LISA Pathfinder

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    LISA PCDU is a very optimised and reliable Power Conditioning and Distribution Unit based on an unregulated 28 V bus, maximum power point tracker (MPPT). The high demanding specification in terms of mass, efficiency and performances can be fulfilled only with unconventional, less conservative solutions. An enormous effort has been done to prove the reliability and robustness of the adopted solutions. Moreover, LISA PCDU faces and solves typical problems of battery follower MPPTs: damage of Li-Ion batteries in case of overdischarge, operation without battery and power loss in Conductance to MPPT transitions. The MPPT Solar Array Regulators module is one of the most impacted designs. The paper explains the main challenges faced and the relevant solutions adopted to achieve this highly optimised and reliable design

    Boost-based MPPT Converter Topology Trade-off for Space Applications

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    High power and high voltage – 100V – power buses are often required not only in the frame of the telecommunication spacecrafts, but also for those scientific and interplanetary mission cases where a high user power load demand is driving the design of the power subsystem. On many cases, the use of Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) is essential for an optimum power subsystem sizing

    Boost-based MPPT for the MTM PCDU of the Bepicolombo mission

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    BepiColombo is an ESA mission to Mercury to be launched in 2013. A better knowledge of the origin and evolution of the planet, of its structure and vestigial atmosphere, of its magnetosphere, and of the origin of its magnetic field are the main objectives for the program. The journey to Mercury will last for approximately 6 years, and will be based on the gravity of the Earth, Venus and Mercury, and on the use of Solar Electric Propulsion. For the last, the use of the MPPT concept is essential for the mission. A mission power demand of up to 14kW is foreseen in the cruise phase for the Mercury Transfer Module (MTM) PCDU, being the power subsystem based on a 100V bus. Under this scenario, the use of a classical step-down regulator for the implementation of the MPPT power cell would require to keep the worst case minimum solar array voltage over the bus for any mission operating condition. Then, the maximum solar array voltage would become as high as to overpass the insulating capability of the isolation layer between the solar array cells and the substrate, under the high temperature environment experienced by the spacecraft near Mercury. As a result, the development of a step-up MPPT Array Power Regulator (APR) becomes a critical issue for the mission feasibility. Moreover, due to the hard environment that the solar array will be exposed to, the segregation of the solar array power is a very desirable feature. Furthermore, apart from the two classical operating modes of the APR – conductance or MPPT, depending on the spacecraft user loads demand and the available solar array power – the APR will have to operate in S3R mode for solar array voltages over the bus, with a fully autonomous transition between the three operating modes. This paper covers all the aspects related with the design of the APR MPPT concept and its implementation: APR power cell topology, control scheme, control strategy, protections. The implications on the design of the MTM PCDU MEA will be also addressed. Finally, they will be presented the results of the test carried out over an 1/10 scaled-down engineering model of the BepiColombo PCU - including 3 APRs - in front of the real operating conditions foreseen for the MTM PCDU, including all the relevant issues related to the behaviour of the Electric Propulsion load like beam-out events and load transients

    Comparison of Boost-Based MPPT Topologies for Space Applications

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    Several boost-derived topologies are analyzed and compared for an aerospace application that uses a 100 V voltage bus. All these topologies have been designed and optimized considering the electrical requirements and the reduced number of space-qualified components. The comparison evaluates the power losses, mass, and dynamic response. Special attention has been paid to those topologies that may cancel the inherent right half plane zero (RHP) zero of the boost topology. Experimental results of the less common topologies are presented

    The LEO PCDU EVO - A Modular and Flexible Concept for Low to Medium Power LEO & Scientific Missions

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    After a successful AS250 LEO PCDU product life [1], with more than 12 FMs manufactured (4 of them currently in orbit), and 10 years in the market, an evolution is required in the product to make available a new PCDU for Low Earth Orbit, scientific, interplanetary and export missions in line with evolving customer needs. Market trend towards volume & mass reduction, plus new required capabilities (in particular End of Life Passivation and Launch Off to support multiple launch) justify the need for a new LEO PCDU EVO generation. This paper will deal with a simple question with no immediate answer: how to save 20% PCDU mass and volume while keeping or improving existing performances

    The LEO PCDU EVO - A Modular and Flexible Concept for Low to Medium Power LEO & Scientific Missions

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    After a successful AS250 LEO PCDU product life [1], with more than 12 FMs manufactured (4 of them currently in orbit), and 10 years in the market, an evolution is required in the product to make available a new PCDU for Low Earth Orbit, scientific, interplanetary and export missions in line with evolving customer needs. Market trend towards volume & mass reduction, plus new required capabilities (in particular End of Life Passivation and Launch Off to support multiple launch) justify the need for a new LEO PCDU EVO generation. This paper will deal with a simple question with no immediate answer: how to save 20% PCDU mass and volume while keeping or improving existing performances

    Passivation Strategies on Board Airbus ds Leo Pcdus

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    Having in mind the increasing amount of spacecraft in orbit, the number of space debris becomes a growing issue. Regarding the space regions around the Earth to be protected, one of them is the Low Earth Orbit (LEO) one, for satellites with altitudes lower than 2000km. Even if the number of incidents in orbit caused by the spacecraft battery is very low when looking at the total number of satellite breakup events (around 3,6% – none of them were equipped with Li-Ion batteries) the uncontrolled nature of such events and their dramatic potential consequences make necessary a proper treatment, in the form of countermeasures that are fully justified taking into account the limited impact in mass and cost on the PCDU. This paper deals with the different strategies followed in the Airbus DS LEO PCDUs regarding the implementation of the passivation function in several LEO missions with different architectures (DET and MPPT solar array power conditioning). In the selection of the solution implemented in the frame of every mission, a key driver is the degree of advance in the test performed over flight representative battery modules regarding their safe behavior when deeply depleted after a long period in orbit with the passivation applied over the spacecraft

    Passivation Strategies on Board Airbus ds Leo Pcdus

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    Having in mind the increasing amount of spacecraft in orbit, the number of space debris becomes a growing issue. Regarding the space regions around the Earth to be protected, one of them is the Low Earth Orbit (LEO) one, for satellites with altitudes lower than 2000km. Even if the number of incidents in orbit caused by the spacecraft battery is very low when looking at the total number of satellite breakup events (around 3,6% – none of them were equipped with Li-Ion batteries) the uncontrolled nature of such events and their dramatic potential consequences make necessary a proper treatment, in the form of countermeasures that are fully justified taking into account the limited impact in mass and cost on the PCDU. This paper deals with the different strategies followed in the Airbus DS LEO PCDUs regarding the implementation of the passivation function in several LEO missions with different architectures (DET and MPPT solar array power conditioning). In the selection of the solution implemented in the frame of every mission, a key driver is the degree of advance in the test performed over flight representative battery modules regarding their safe behavior when deeply depleted after a long period in orbit with the passivation applied over the spacecraft

    EpidemIBD: rationale and design of a large-scale epidemiological study of inflammatory bowel disease in Spain

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